Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Land and residential property markets in a booming economy:
New evidence from Beijing
Siqi Zheng a , Matthew E. Kahn b,∗
a Institute of Real Estate Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
b UCLA, Institute of the Environment, La Kretz Hall, Suite 300, Box 951496, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
Received 19 November 2006; revised 27 April 2007
Available online 15 August 2007
Beijing’s housing market has boomed over the last fifteen years. The city’s population grew by 40.6% and per capita income
(in constant RMB) by 273.9% from 1991 to 2005. Using two geocoded data sets, we present new evidence on the real estate price
gradient, land price gradient, population densities, and building densities in Beijing’s recent free housing market. The classic urban
monocentric model’s predictions are largely upheld in Beijing. We also document the importance of local public goods, such as
access to public transit infrastructure, core high schools, clean air, and major universities, most of which have exogenous locations,
as important determinants of real estate prices.
© 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
JEL classification: R14; R31
Keywords: Housing market; Land market; Local public goods; Quality of life
1. Introduction
Beijing’s housing market has boomed over the last
fifteen years. Between 1991 and 2005, the city’s population grew by 40.6% to 14 million, and annual disposable
income per capita (in constant RMB) grew by 273.9%
to RMB 17.7 thousand ($2,200 in US dollars).1 To meet
growing housing demand in Beijing, real estate developers have purchased the right to build on numerous
land parcels from the government, first through negotiation and later through competitive auctions. In 2005,
the quantity of newly completed residential construc* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S.Q. Zheng), (M.E. Kahn).
1 National Statistic Bureau of China (1991–2005).
0094-1190/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
tion reached 28.4 million square meters, accounting for
13.1% of the existing housing stock.
The explosive growth of new construction is remaking the face of the city. Active urban development
started when China reinstated urban land and real estate markets in the late 1980s. Before that, the urban
area in Beijing and other Chinese cities was typically
very compact, featuring a mixed pattern of residential
and non-residential land uses. Urban land was allocated
to work units through a central planning system. Housing units were built near the workplace and assigned by
work units to their employees, who paid very low, subsidized rent. After the reforms of the land and housing
markets, vast amounts of developable land have been
supplied and regulated by the government through longterm leases. At the same time, most of the work-unit
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
housing has been privatized. Old homes in Beijing’s
central urban area have been demolished to make way
for new transport infrastructure, commercial developments, and high-end housing projects. Over time, the
Central Business District (CBD) has greatly expanded.
Massive investment in urban transport infrastructure has
increased suburban residential land use and has contributed to pushing industrial activity toward outlying
urban locations. New mass housing projects have been
built around the fast expanding urban fringes. These
new residential buildings, similar to condominiums in
the United States, are built by real estate developers and
sold to residents.
This paper employs two unique data sets to test the
classic urban monocentric model in a rare setting where
explosive new development is remaking the face of a
city. The first data set, which we refer to as the “land
parcel data set,” includes information on all land parcels
that were leased to developers by the Beijing Land Authority through open auction from 2004 until July 2006.
This data set contains information on each land parcel’s
total price, location, size, and permitted floor-to-area ratio. The second data set, which we refer to as the “housing project data set,” is a transaction database covering
all new housing projects sold in Beijing in 2004 and
2005 that were built and sold by real estate developers.
This geocoded data set is drawn from Beijing’s Housing Transaction Registration System, which keeps the
records of all new housing transaction contracts.
We use these data to provide new estimates of Beijing’s land and home price hedonic gradients as a function of distance to the Central Business District. In addition, we examine how the floor-to-area ratio (FAR)
and population density vary as a function of distance to
CBD. We find that the monocentric model’s predictions
are largely upheld in Beijing.
Beijing is not a featureless plane. Communities differ with respect to access to the CBD, air quality, park
access, crime, local school quality, and access to public
transportation. Building on the US quality-of-life literature (see the survey by Gyourko et al., 1999), we use
the housing transaction database and employ hedonic
techniques to measure the capitalization of local public
goods. Recent home buyers reveal their marginal willingness to pay for local public goods through their location on the hedonic price surface (Bajari and Benkard,
2005; Bajari and Kahn, 2005). We find that public goods
are significantly capitalized into housing prices, indicating that Beijing residents value local quality of life.
Although we find small capitalization effects for crime,
we estimate larger effects for clean air and proximity to
2. A brief introduction to Beijing’s urban form and
our data sets
2.1. A portrait of Beijing’s urban form
Figure 1 shows the Beijing Metropolitan Area and
also displays the spatial distribution of all 920 new
housing projects in our data set. Beijing is spreading
out in every direction. TianAnMen Square and the surrounding traditional hub of commercial, cultural, and
administrative activities can be regarded as the city center. Another area, east and close to TianAnMen Square,
called “JianGuoMenWai,” is the so-called CBD, with a
cluster of high-rise office buildings and many international companies’ headquarters. Throughout this paper
we define TianAnMen Square (TAM) to be the City
Center. The current four ring roads circling TianAnMen
were built successively from inside to outside. They are
an important part of Beijing’s transportation system.
Unlike many cities in the United States, where employment has been suburbanizing (see Glaeser and
Kahn, 2001), Beijing is still quite monocentric, and its
CBD continues to contain a large share of the metropolitan area’s total employment, largely because of the
centrality of various urban amenities, and also because
of the concentration of government activities in Beijing, the capital of China. Over 70% of the metropolitan
area’s total jobs and 65.2% of the total metropolitan
area’s population are concentrated within 10 kilometers
of TAM.2 To calculate the population density gradient
for the Beijing Metropolitan Area, we use data from
Beijing’s 2000 Census. This census provides information on population, land area, and distance to the City
Center for 92 Beijing communities.3 The average density is 18,088 persons per square kilometer (73 persons
per acre). For the 92 communities, we run a conventional equation to estimate the population density gradient:
Log(POPi ) = 10.484 − 0.119∗ DIST i ,
(89.07∗∗∗ )(−8.28∗∗∗ )
R = 0.426
2 In the year 2000, only 33% of New York City residents lived
within ten kilometers of its Central Business District. This fact is generated for the set of census tracts that are within 25 miles of the CBD
and are located in the New York City metropolitan area.
3 Community (“SheQu”) is the basic geographical unit in China’s
population census. Such “communities” are much larger than US census tracts. The average land area of a SheQu is 7 square kilometers
(1730 acres), and its average population is 67,089. We measure the
distance from the community’s center to CBD as DIST i in Eq. (1).
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Fig. 1. The location of 920 new housing projects in Beijing.
where POPi is the population density in community i
expressed as the number of people per square kilometer, and DIST i is that community’s distance to the City
Center in kilometers. T-statistics are reported in parentheses. The population density gradient is −0.119 and is
statistically significant. This means that a community’s
population density decreases by 12% for each kilometer
of distance from the City Center. This gradient is more
than twice as large in absolute value as the US year 2000
population gradient coefficient of −0.048 per kilometer
of distance from the CBD.4
Within Beijing, high-income residents locate near
the city center (Zheng et al., 2006a). This urban form
seems more similar to European cities than to American
cities, with the exception of a few older US cities such
as Boston, New York City, and San Francisco (Brueckner et al., 1999; Glaeser et al., in press; Glaeser et al.,
2001). The relative centralization of the high-income
residents in Beijing is due to the concentration of highpaying jobs and cultural and consumer amenities near
the CBD.
4 This US estimate is based on year 2000 Census tract data; see
Baum-Snow and Kahn (2005). The regression coefficient mentioned
in the text is based on a census tract level regression that includes
metropolitan area fixed effects.
2.2. Descriptive analysis of housing project data set
The 968 projects in our housing project data set are
all the projects that were supplied on the new Beijing
housing market between 2004 and 2005. Within each
project, there are several residential buildings. Each
building has many housing units, similar to a condominium building in the United States. The average
project in our sample has 791 housing units. A common
phenomenon in China’s housing market, called “presale,” is that developers start to sell the units before
the buildings are completed, or even before construction is started. For developers, the presale is a critical
financing tool. Although developers can borrow from
commercial banks, the capital market remains underdeveloped. Therefore 88% of the projects in our sample
are presale projects. Below, when we discuss the timing
of sales, these dates refer to when a developer started to
sell housing units in the projects on the market, rather
than construction dates for housing projects.
We are confident that our data set, with its complete
coverage of new housing towers, is representative of the
housing units purchased by recent Beijing home buyers. The housing resale market is very thin. Previous
public housing was privatized before 1998 and sold to
incumbent tenants, who had been permanent employees in those state-owned enterprises, at very low subsidized prices. Therefore the owners of the privatized
public housing units are always Beijing’s original and
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
elder residents, and their children. The owners of these
housing units are not able to sell their units freely to
other buyers because of flaws in the property rights law
that limit buying and selling this type of housing stock
(Bertaud et al., 2006). In addition, the immature brokerage industry also limits the development of the housing
resale market. The transaction volume of resale housing units accounts for only 20% of the total housing
transactions in 2005. Beijing workers who did not have
access to an apartment from the previous public housing
regime or did not inherit an apartment from their parents
have few housing options other than purchasing a new
housing unit in one of the projects in our data base.
We exclude projects that had entered the market before 2004 and also the economy-housing projects whose
prices were set by government. After data cleaning, we
have included 900 projects in our analysis.5 Figure 1
shows that our 920 new housing projects are spatially
distributed quite evenly across the whole urban area.
Table 1 provides the descriptive statistics of this data
set. The mean sale price is about RMB 7340 per square
meter (USD 85.46 per square foot), with an average unit
size of 130 square meters. An average housing project
has 791 housing units and is 10.64 kilometers from
TianAnMen square.
2.3. Descriptive analysis of land parcel data set
A necessary first step for building a new housing
project is to acquire the use right of a land parcel from
the Beijing Land Authority. All urban land is owned by
the state in China. Starting in 1988, the Chinese government began to offer long-term leases of land parcels.6
Any party who wants to acquire the land-use right in
the pursuit of profit must pay a lease fee as a lump sum
at the beginning of the lease period.
Before 2004, the conventional way to lease out land
was through negotiation. After 2004, the Chinese Central Government required that all land leases must be
privatized though an open auction process. This switch
is mainly due to the concern that possible corruption
during the negotiations might result in less revenue for
the state. The “Land Reservation Center” (LRC), a department of the Beijing Land Authority, was established
to implement land auctions. After acquiring land parcels
5 We exclude some outliers that may be due to recording errors, such
as those projects whose average unit sizes are larger than 400 square
meters or project sizes are bigger than 5000 housing units.
6 The lease terms are 70 years for residential use, 40 years for commercial use, 50 years for industrial and institutional use, and 50 years
for mixed use.
from rural villages as well as original urban occupants,
and removing the previous occupants, the LRC engages
in such urban land improvements as providing basic
road access and connecting the parcel to electricity and
water. The LRC then puts the land parcels on the market for an open and competitive auction. The developer
who bids the highest acquires the parcel, and local government receives the revenue.
In our land parcel data set, we have all the 145
open-auction land parcels from the start of this auction
arrangement in 2004 until June 20, 2006. In Fig. 2, we
graph their spatial distribution. These parcels are not
limited to residential use. Table 2 presents descriptive
statistics of the variables in the land data set. The average parcel size is 55,940 square meters (13.8 acres).
2.4. Descriptive analysis of local public goods
Given that a large fraction of Beijing workers,
roughly 52%, commute to their CBD jobs using public transit, access to public transit is an important urban
amenity.7 In Fig. 3 we provide an overview of Beijing’s
transportation infrastructure. More than 30 major bus
stops are displayed in the figure.8 Each of these is an
important transportation hub. Today, Beijing has four
subway lines. Line 1 and Line 2 are old lines built in
the 1970s in the central area, with 39 stops. Line 13 and
Line Batong are quite new lines, built in the new suburban areas after the year 2000. Using GIS software,
we have calculated the distance of each new housing
project from these four subways and major bus stops.
We also examined several other local public goods,
including access to core high schools,9 proximity to major universities, safe streets, and environmental amenities. Almost all high schools had been established before the Economic Reform took place in the 1980s.
There is no residential property tax in China. These
schools have been continuously funded by the local government, whose education budget comes partly from the
Central Government and partly from local general tax
7 A survey was conducted by Wenzhong Zhang at Institute of Geo-
graphical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy
of Science, in Beijing, during August and September 2005. The sample size is 4326 respondents. See details in Zheng et al. (2006b).
8 Local community bus stops are not considered in this study.
9 In Chinese cities, high schools are grouped into two categories:
common high schools and core high schools. The list of core high
schools was determined before the free market reforms and has not
been changed since then. Roughly 15% of Beijing’s high schools are
core high schools. They receive more funding from local governments
and are allowed to set more stringent entry requirements to recruit
excellent students.
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of housing project data set (N = 900)
(Std. dev.)
The average price per sq. meter of floor area of the sold housing units in the project (RMB/sq. meter).
The average size of housing units in the project (sq. meters).
The number of housing units in the project, indicating the size of the project.
Binary: project being developed by a state-owned real estate developer.
The distance between TianAnMen Square and the project (kilometers).
The distance from the project to the closest subway A (Line 1 and Line 2) stop (kilometers).
The distance from the project to the closest subway B (Line 13 and Line Batong) stop (kilometers).
The distance from the project to the closest main bus stop (other than a subway stop) (kilometers).
The distance from the project to the closest park (kilometers).
The distance from the project to the closest core high school (kilometers).
The distance from the project to the closest major university (kilometers).
The entry score of the closest university in the 2005 National University Entrance Examination.
Binary: project within 3-kilometer distance from a university.
Binary: project in a high-crime-rate area.
An indicator of air quality, noting the concentration of PM10 in air
(see text for detailed explanation). (µg/m3 ).
Binary: located in the first quadrant (Northeast).
TianAnMen as the origin point.
Binary: located in the second quadrant (Northwest).
TianAnMen as the origin point.
Binary: located in the third quadrant (Southwest).
TianAnMen as the origin point.
Binary: located in the fourth quadrant (Southeast).
TianAnMen as the origin point.
Binary: project entering market in the first quarter in 2004.
Binary: project entering market in the second quarter in 2004.
Binary: project entering market in the third quarter in 2004.
Binary: project entering market in the fourth quarter in 2004.
Binary: project entering market in the first quarter in 2005.
Binary: project entering market in the second quarter in 2005.
Binary: project entering market in the third quarter in 2005.
Binary: project entering market in the fourth quarter in 2005.
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of land parcels in Beijing.
Table 2
Descriptive statistics of land parcel data set (N = 145)
Mean (Std. dev.)
The price per square meter of the auctioned land parcel (RMB/sq. meter).
The size of the land parcel (thousand sq. meters).
The permitted FAR on the land parcel (the ratio of building space to lot area).
The distance between TianAnMen Square and the land parcel (kilometers).
Binary: land parcel for residential use.
Binary: located in the first quadrant (Northeast).
TianAnMen as the origin point.
Binary: located in the second quadrant (Northwest).
TianAnMen as the origin point.
Binary: located in the third quadrant (Southwest).
TianAnMen as the origin point.
Binary: located in the fourth quadrant (Southeast).
TianAnMen as the origin point.
Binary: land parcel auctioned in year 2004.
Binary: land parcel auctioned in year 2005.
Binary: land parcel auctioned in year 2006.
revenue. Core high schools receive more funding and
attract excellent students. Because of historical factors,
we view the location of core high schools as exogenously determined. From the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education (BMCE), we have acquired the list
of Beijing’s 40 core high schools and their locations, as
All land
land parcels
shown in Fig. 4.10 Proximity to core high schools is val10 Each high school contains a junior section (three grades, for students ages 13 to 15) and a senior section (three grades, for students
ages 16 to 18). The junior section belongs to the compulsory education period, but the senior section does not. Beijing has school zones
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Fig. 3. Major transportation infrastructure in Beijing.
ued for two reasons. First, according to China’s compulsory education policy, households living in the school
zone of a core high school are eligible to have their
children attend the junior section in that school. Second, parents will have a shorter commute to their child’s
school if the child attends a local school. Because each
high school contains junior and senior sections, we cannot explicitly distinguish the two forces. We calculate
each project’s distance to its closest core high school.
Figure 4 also reports the spatial distribution of 14
high-crime-rate areas, which were reported by the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau in 2005. We can
see that most of these crime areas are located at the city
fringe, where new and low-skilled migrants from rural
area always live.
Environmental amenities are another important set
of local public goods. Beijing is known for having
very high ambient particulate levels.11 Within Beijing,
there is significant spatial variation in particulate levfor compulsory education (primary school plus the junior section in
high school), similar to the school districts in the United States. Each
school zone contains several high schools. Most of them are common
high schools, and one or two are core high schools. Primary schools
and the junior sections in high schools recruit all the eligible students
in the corresponding school zones. This regulation does not apply to
the senior sections in high schools.
11 Data from the Chinese government website
cn/english/air-list.php3 from April 1, 2006, until June 25, 2006, reveal that Beijing has much higher particulate levels than Shanghai
(another mega-city in China). The data show that over these 84 days
els, with the southern part of the city featuring much
higher pollution levels. The major causes of these emissions are transportation, power creation, and heating
(Ho and Jorgenson, 2003).12 We use data from eleven
air-quality monitors located in the Beijing metropolitan area. The Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (BMEPB) reports daily air pollution indices
(API) by monitoring station. We translate this index
into more standard units of µg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter) of particulate matter (PM10).13 We assign to
in Beijing, 89% of Beijing’s PM10 readings and 64% of Shanghai’s
PM10 readings were over 100 micrograms per cubic meter.
12 Particulate exposure significantly raises mortality rates (Chay and
Greenstone, 2003) and is negatively correlated with US home prices
(Chay and Greenstone, 2005).
13 The index value is based on the ambient pollutant that exceeds
the daily standard by the greatest amount. This is usually particulate
matter (PM10), but on some days it can be sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxide. Although we can infer PM10 levels for more than 95% of
the days of the year from the each day’s API level, there are some
days when we do not have this information. To obtain a reliable measurement of the PM10 level, we picked the first day and the 15th
day of each month in 2004 and 2005 (24 days altogether) and examined whether all the indexes of the eleven monitors over these 24
days referred to PM10. If the daily index was not based on PM10,
we replaced that day by the day after, and followed this procedure iteratively. This method yields a pure PM10-index day. Public health
research has emphasized that people are especially susceptible to high
pollution days. To measure severely high pollution levels, we averaged the PM10 values from the top 3 days of the total of 24 days for
each monitor. We then assigned the PM10 value of the closest monitor
to each housing project.
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Fig. 4. Crime and school quality in Beijing.
Fig. 5. Environmental amenities in Beijing.
each housing project the air pollution level of the closest
monitoring station within the city.
In addition to examining air quality, we also have
data on the spatial location of Beijing’s 64 large parks.
Previous research using data from Seoul, South Korea, has documented the effects of green space on real
estate prices (see Lee and Linneman, 1998). Figure 5
maps their locations. As with the other spatial ameni-
ties, we calculate each new housing project’s distance
to the closest park.
We also study whether proximity to a major university is reflected in housing prices. We have geocoded
all of the 33 major universities in Beijing. Most of
them are located in Haidian District. This district has
been a center of research activities since the former
central-planning era (Fig. 6). Housing prices are likely
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Fig. 6. Major universities in Beijing.
to be higher in university towns for several reasons.
In such communities, beneficial peer effects and networking opportunities may be available, as university
graduates remain in the nearby community. Residents
of well-educated communities enjoy high levels of consumer amenities, such as fancy stores, restaurants, coffee shops, and pubs. In Chinese cities, residents living
close to universities can easily gain access to large open
spaces, exercise facilities, libraries, and the Internet at
low cost.
3. Testing the monocentric models in Beijing
3.1. Land parcel and housing project price gradients
We begin our empirical analysis by estimating hedonic pricing regressions. The results are reported in
Table 3. For land parcels, the unit of analysis is a parcel j at location q in year t. For the housing projects,
the unit of analysis is a project j at location q in year t.
In columns (1) and (2), the dependent variable is the log
of the price per square meter of land. In column (3), the
dependent variable is the log of the average price per
square meter of floor area of the sold housing units in
the project. Equation (2) presents the estimation equation:
Log(Pricej qt ) = B ∗ Distance to City Centerj qt
+ controls + Uj qt .
In all three of the regressions, we include controls
for the region of Beijing in which a land parcel (or
a housing project) is located and for when the parcel
was auctioned (or the date when the project started to
sell). We partition the whole metropolitan area into four
quadrants using TianAnMen Square as the origin point
(see Tables 1 and 2 for detailed definition). The omitted category is a land parcel (or a housing project) sold
in 2004 (or the first quarter in 2004) in the Northeast
region. In column (1), we include all 145 land parcels.
Because all these parcels were vacant and were undeveloped green fields at the time of auction, land quality
is constant across space, and therefore any difference
in pricing represents location-specific effects. We estimate a land gradient coefficient of −0.048. An extra
kilometer of distance away from the CBD reduces the
land price per square meter by 4.8%. In column (2), we
limit the sample to include only residential parcels. In
this case, our estimate of the land price gradient with respect to distance to the City Center shrinks to −0.043.
This differential is intuitive because of agglomeration
economies in the commercial sector (see Rosenthal and
Strange, 2004)—land closer to the City Center is more
valuable for non-residential users. The results in column (1) of Table 3 also reveal the continuing large
price appreciation over time in the Beijing land market. Between 2004 and 2006, land prices had increased
by 76%. Controlling for distance from the City Center,
we find that there are large differences in land prices by
quadrant. The South is considered to be a less desirable
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Table 3
Land parcel and housing project price gradients
(in kilometers)
(Quadrant II)
(Quadrant III)
(Quadrant IV)
Land price
Dependent variable = Log(L_PRICE)
Housing price
Dependent variable = Log(P_PRICE)
All land parcels
No. of obs.
The omitted category is quadrant I (Northwest) in the group of quadrant dummies, year 2004 in the group of year dummies, and first quarter in
2004 in the group of quarter dummies. See Table 2 for variable definitions.
** Significance at the 5% level.
*** Idem, 1%.
area to live in, which may be because the South has traditionally been a leading manufacturing area. We find
that relative to the Northeast, the average land parcel
auctioned off in the Southeast is 41% cheaper. Given our
interest in exploring the explanatory power of the monocentric model for Beijing, it is interesting to note that
our parsimonious model presented in column (1) can
explain 65% of the variation in the dependent variable.
In column (3) of Table 3, we examine the residential project price gradient. We estimate −0.020 as the
residential price gradient, indicating that an extra kilometer of distance away from the CBD reduces housing
price per square meter by 2%. The R 2 for this housing price gradient equation is only 0.175. Comparing
columns (2) and (3), we find the land price discount in
the 3rd and 4th quadrants (the southern part of Beijing)
is much larger than the housing price discount.
3.2. Land parcel zoning and dwelling sizes
We now examine how the size of new buildings and
apartment units varies across Beijing. In columns (1)
to (3) of Table 4, we examine the distance gradient of
the land parcel’s zoned density (denoted by the permitted floor-to-area ratio (FAR) on that parcel). The FAR
is predetermined by the Land Authority. The Land Authority mainly considers the land’s location value and
consults Beijing’s Master Plan. There is some opportunity for developers who have strong negotiation power
with government agencies to build taller building than
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Table 4
Land parcel and housing project density gradients
(in kilometers)
(Quadrant II)
(Quadrant III)
(Quadrant IV)
Land parcel’s zoned density
Dependent variable = L_FAR
Dwelling size
Dependent variable =
All land parcels
No. of obs.
The omitted category is quadrant I (Northwest) in the group of quadrant dummies, year 2004 in the group of year dummies, and first quarter in
2004 in the group of quarter dummies. See Tables 1 and 2 for variable definitions.
** Significance at the 5% level.
*** Idem, 1%.
their permitted FAR, but the difference in most cases
is minor. For all land parcels, the results in column (1)
show that the FAR declines with distance from the City
Center. Taller buildings are built closer to the City Center. Column (2) shows that the FAR gradient for 56
commercial land parcels is also significantly negative.
Perhaps surprisingly, the result in column (3) shows that
the residential FAR does not decline with distance from
the City Center.
To further investigate how apartment sizes vary
across space, in column (4) we report regression results
where the dependent variable is the log of the average
dwelling’s size in a residential project. We again find
that dwelling size does not change significantly from
the city center to the suburbs. The population density in
Beijing, however, sharply declines with respect to distance from the city center (see Eq. (1)). This apparent
inconsistency is presumably due to the fact that the land
parcel’s zoned density and dwelling size regressions
apply only to new development, whereas population
density reflects past development as well.
Urban planning principles specified by Beijing local
government may help to explain our findings of a flat
new construction density, which appears to be a significant deviation from the standard predictions from the
monocentric model. TianAnMen Square is a political
landmark in China, and the Forbidden City behind it
is the most important historical heritage. To keep these
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
landmarks prominent, Beijing’s urban planning commission set rigid restrictions on the height of buildings
near TianAnMen Square in the downtown center. The
urban planners also follow another planning principle:
as distance to the TianAnMen Square and the Forbidden City increases, buildings’ heights should also go up
to create a skyline for Beijing. Planning edicts that encourage increasing building height with distance from
the CBD, combined with market forces leading to building heights declining with respect to distance from the
CBD, may yield a flat density gradient.
To summarize our results in this section: land prices
and real estate prices decline with respect to distance
from the Center City. The commercial land pricing gradient declines more steeply with distance from the CBD
than does the residential land pricing gradient. Unlike
in major US cities, the land parcel’s zoned density and
dwelling size of newly constructed residential projects
do not decline with distance from the CBD.
4. Local public goods capitalization
Using our housing project data set, we now seek to
examine the determinants of the pricing of new residential buildings as a function of physical attributes and
access to various local public goods. A major research
agenda has encouraged measurement of real estate capitalization for non-market local public goods using hedonic methods in the United States and around the world
(Rosen, 2002; Berger et al., 2003).
We build on this literature by measuring local public
goods capitalization in Beijing. Homeowners in Chinese
cities do not pay residential property tax. Transportation infrastructure and urban amenities, such as parks
and schools, are financed either by the Central Government or the Beijing Municipal Government. Therefore
local amenity capitalization effects should be more visible than in cities with property taxes (see Gyourko et
al., 1999), because the developers or buyers implicitly
purchase those public goods by buying land parcels or
housing units.
We use standard hedonic methods to estimate capitalization effects for a broad set of local public goods.
Using ordinary least squares, we estimate Eq. (3). In this
equation the dependent variable is the log of the price
per square meter of housing in project j located in community q at time t:
Log(Pricej qt ) = B1 ∗ X1j + B2 ∗ X2q + Uj qt .
In Eq. (3), X1j represents the physical attributes of
the average unit within a new project. We have data
on project size (how many units) and average unit size
(in square meters). We include a dummy variable called
“SOE” that equals one if the project is built by a stateowned development enterprise.14 In Eq. (3), the X2q
vector represents location q’s spatial attributes.
An advantage of studying capitalization effects in
Beijing is that the location of many local public goods
(such as core high schools, parks, universities, and also
local pollution to some extent) is exogenously determined in Chinese cities, because of the former planning economy and path dependency. These public goods
were built long ago in the central-planning economy by
the Central Government or cities’ local governments,
who had decided the location of such facilities without considering market forces at all. Schools, parks, and
universities seldom change their locations after they are
built.15 Therefore, although the residents are mobile and
can choose to live in housing projects with varying access to these amenities, the locations of the local public
goods have been largely unchanged. We recognize that
there are other amenities, such as fancy restaurants, that
will cluster near where high-income, educated people
gather (Waldfogel, 2006).
We report our capitalization estimates in Table 5.16
At first glance it might appear that we can control for
few physical housing attributes (the X1j ). In our defense, we note that all of these housing units are condominiums that are quite similar in building structure,
internal space, and decoration, and the dependent variable is price per square meter of housing unit space.17 In
addition, it is important to note that we have implicitly
14 State-owned development enterprises are projects in which the
state is the largest shareholder. State-owned developers had originally
been construction firms during the 1980s. After the land market reforms, some of these state-owned construction firms transformed into
real estate developers seeking market opportunities. Such state-owned
developers have several unique features. They produce many units of
housing, their high-level managers are still appointed by governments,
and they have an inflexible manager wage system that is regulated by
15 Although some polluting firms have been relocated, their new addresses are always in the same district as old ones in the city, so the
list of bad air quality sub-areas in the Beijing Metropolitan Area has
not changed much.
16 We have also estimated Eq. (3) using a variety of different functional forms, such as a log-level hedonic regression with respect to distance from the CBD. We have also experimented with using dummy
variables, such as whether a housing project is within two kilometers
of a park. In Table 5, we report several of the amenity capitalization estimates using the log of distance to specific attributes. This
approach reduces potential concern over measurement error with respect to measuring the distance between housing towers and specific
geographical attributes.
17 Our data set does not include single-family houses or townhouses.
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Table 5
Hedonic capitalization estimates of local public goods. Dependent variable: Log(P_PRICE)
(in kilometers)
(in square meters)
(in 000 units)
−2.09E − 6***
(in kilometers)
(in kilometers)
(in kilometers)
(in kilometers)
(µg/m3 )
(in kilometers)
Log (D_UNIV)
Quarter dummies
No. of obs.
This table reports six OLS estimates of Eq. (3) in the text. In columns (3), (4), (5), and (6), the standard errors are clustered by the eleven air quality
monitors (see Fig. 5). See Table 1 for variable definitions.
controlled for the unit’s age, because all of our observations represent new housing construction.18
An interesting project-specific variable we observe is
a dummy variable (called SOE) that indicates whether
the project is built by a state-owned development enter18 There still may be some building-quality attributes that buyers
recognize but that we do not observe in our data set. We know that the
income/distance gradient is negatively sloped (Zheng et al., 2006a).
It is possible that housing price rises as distance to the CBD declines
partly because the closer buildings feature nicer units. This would lead
us to overestimate the true price gradient with respect to distance to
CBD. Nevertheless, we believe that this is a minor effect, because we
also observe a statistically significant and negatively sloped price gradient for vacant and green-field land parcels.
prise. Table 1 shows that 23% of the housing projects in
our data set are built by SOEs. SOEs are owned by the
state. The wages of the marketing personnel and managers in SOEs are not well linked with the revenue from
the project, so SOE managers may have little incentive
to charge a high project price. The results in Table 5
support this claim. Holding other variables constant, the
price of projects built by SOEs are 10% cheaper than
privately developed projects.19
19 In ongoing research, we are studying how Beijing developers compete and the role of developer reputation for building high-quality
structures and the resulting price markups.
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
In column (1) we estimate the residential distance
to City Center gradient controlling for no other local
public goods. We find a distance gradient of -0.019.
In column (2), we estimate the same specification but
augmented with a number of measures of local public
Recent studies have documented the capitalization
effects of proximity to public transit in cities such as
Chicago and London (see Bowes and Ihlanfeldt, 2001;
McMillen and McDonald, 2004; Gibbons and Machin,
2005). Transit differs in quality across Beijing; we
therefore divide public transit into bus, city subway,
and suburb subway. City subway (Subway A) consists
of Line 1 and Line 2, and suburb subway (Subway B)
comprises Line 13 and Line Batong. We find very different capitalization effects for these two types of subways. The distance elasticity for Subway A indicates
that a 10% increase in distance to it reduces home prices
by 1.6%. The estimate for Subway B is much smaller
(0.4%). This differential suggests that transportation infrastructure alone, without the corresponding decentralization of jobs and other urban amenities, is not valued
by new home buyers. Proximity to major bus stations
has a slight effect on increasing home prices. Controlling for these variables shrinks the distance gradient
down to −0.011.
In column (3), we further augment the specification
to include environmental variables, namely proximity to
major parks and local particulate matter levels. Given
that Beijing has 11 active monitoring stations, we cluster the standard errors grouped by the nearest monitoring station. All else equal, a 10 microgram per cubic
meter increase in PM10 reduces home prices by 4.1%.
This coefficient estimate is highly significant and is surprisingly close to an estimate reported by Chay and
Greenstone (2005) using US county data. We also find
evidence that proximity to parks increases real estate
values. This distance elasticity equals −0.10.
In column (4), we estimate Eq. (3) including measures of local crime and access to core high schools.
To our surprise, the crime indicator variable is statistically insignificant. Figure 4 shows that most of these
crime areas are located at the city fringe, where urban
expansion encroaches into rural areas. At such locations, informal residences are provided by farmers to
house new and low-skilled migrants. Such mixed communities contribute to the high crime rate there. The
insignificant sign of the crime variable may indicate that
the strong flow of migrants and huge demand for living
in such communities reduces the negative capitalization
effect of crime. As expected, proximity to good schools
does raise real estate prices, but the elasticity is small
In column (5), we examine how distance to the closest level-one university affects housing prices. This variable has a negative statistically significant coefficient.
A 10% reduction in distance to the nearest major university increases home prices by 1%. As we discussed
above, a proximity to a university bundles many desirable attributes together. These include access to open
space, peers, libraries, the Internet, and high-end shopping. In an attempt to further disentangle these various
attributes, we introduce a measure of the quality of the
closest university to each housing project. This variable
is called UNIV_SCORE. It represents each university’s
2005 average entry score on the National University Entrance Examination. The entry score can be regarded as
a proxy for student excellence. Top-scoring universities
attract the leading professors and research teams. We
also create a dummy variable, UNIV_3KM, indicating
whether the project is within 3 kilometers of a university. In column (6), we include UNIV_SCORE and
UNIV_3KM in our hedonic equation. These two variables are both significant at the 1% significance level.
All else equal, increasing a university’s entrance exam
score by one standard deviation raises local home prices
by 5%. This finding is consistent with the US literature’s
findings on human capital capitalization (Rauch, 1993;
Bajari and Kahn, 2005).
The bottom row of Table 5 reports each regression’s
R 2 . Controlling for proximity to local public goods
sharply increases the regression’s explanatory power.
5. Conclusion
Over the last fifteen years, Beijing has made a dramatic transition from a major city in a communist nation
to a booming city in a transition economy. As the market
economy has taken root, Beijing’s urban form has also
evolved. This study builds on previous studies that have
examined urban form in transition nations (see Bertaud
and Renaud, 1997 and Dale-Johnson et al., 2005). Two
unique micro-data sets allow us to examine the pricing
and densities gradients of newly leased land parcels and
newly constructed housing projects throughout Beijing.
Our results indicate that the monocentric model can
explain much about Beijing’s current urban form. Population density declines with distance from the City
Center, as do land prices and real estate prices. One surprising discovery is that residential building heights and
housing unit sizes do not decline with distance from the
City Center. This finding may be due to binding urban
planning policies that do not reflect market forces.
S.Q. Zheng, M.E. Kahn / Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008) 743–757
Similar to others who have studied US local public
goods capitalization, we find evidence that proximity to
fast public transit, clean air, high-quality schools, major universities, and environmental amenities are capitalized into real estate prices. These capitalization estimates are useful for informing an ongoing debate in
Beijing concerning whether new migrants to Beijing actually value local quality of life or are drawn to Beijing
solely in pursuit of income maximization.
We would like to thank Jan Brueckner, a reviewer,
and Hongyu Liu, Alain Bertaud, and Yuming Fu for
their useful comments. We also thank Yijun Wang for
his excellent research assistance. Any remaining errors are ours. S.Q. Zheng thanks the National Natural Science Foundation of China for research support
(No. 70603017).
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