Literature Journal 3

User Generated





Reading Journal

Step 1 Read Love Medicine

Please read pages 212 - 258.

Step 2 Write Annotations

While reading the assigned pages, please write notes either in the book or in a reading journal. You will use these notes later in the course.

Step 3 Write your 1 page journal entry

Answer ONE of the following questions in your journal entry:

  • Pick one character and explain what their desire and focus is in the novel.
  • Pick a pair of characters and explain the nature and reason for their relationship.
  • Explain the role of the reservation in the novel.
  • Explain a stereotype in the book and what intention the author may have had in including it

Please use direct quotes to support your ideas and thoughts on the questions presented.

Step 4 Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed your assignment save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox.

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Explanation & Answer


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