Share your experience as a team member or leader

User Generated


Business Finance


Share your experience as a team member or leader.  Tell us about the context (work, sports, etc.) and what you learned (or are currently learning) from the experience.  Did your team accomplish their goal(s)? What is your favorite thing about being on a team?  Your least favorite?  Why?

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Explanation & Answer

Thank you for the opportunity to help you with your question!

As Team Leader I was on a project during my internship. It was great experience and exposure to be in a team, there are brilliant minds like you, different opinions, different perception on the same problem, different views and as a team leader it is very important to listen to your team. Give importance to their views also and most importantly choose the right solution from all the solutions put forward.

Initially it was difficult to understand my team members, but it is the first thing to establish right connection with the team mates before proceeding further, understand their strengths and weakness and accordingly assign the tasks. I achieved my goals and even more. It was a learning experience for me also.

Sometimes it was irritating when they do not agree with me, but then take a break and think in their point of view, it helps.

Please let me know if you need any clarification. I'm always happy to answer your questions.

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