due by 5PM on Monday April 8th
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Define the terminology of Domestic Terrorism and International Terrorism. Similarities vs. Differences
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Victimization Film Summary
Domestic and International Terrorism
Domestic terrorism pertains to acts of violence that are aimed at destroying the physical
infrastructure or harming and killing the population of a given nation. Citizens of the same country
might perpetrate the act although it is not always the case. International terrorism, on the other
hand, is the acts of terrorism which are committed outside a particular country, but which are
crimes where committed and would also be regarded to be criminal if committed within the
primary state. The intended targets of domestic terrorism are normally the citizens or infrastructure
of the country where it occurs. The intended target of international terrorism is the citizens or
infrastructure which belongs to another nation other than where the crime is committed. There is
no specific way of avoiding to become a target of terrorism as the acts are often random and not
easily noticeable by the general public before they occur. In any act of terrorism, the victims are
those who are the primary targets of the perpetrators. An instance would be citizens of a given
country in a foreign embassy. Indirect victims are those who were not the primary targets of the
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perpetrators. An instance would be people who are not citizens of the target country but happened
to visit the foreign embassy.
Mug Shots: Timothy Mcveigh
In relation to PTSD, it is a psychological, medical condition which is normally experienced
by individuals who have witnessed various heinous acts which lead to harm and death of other
human beings. The syndrome is normally experienced by veterans, owing to the experiences which
they have h...