Importance of Strategic Business Planning and Differentiating

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Business Finance


This week, you take a look at the importance of strategic business planning and differentiating your business to meet the needs and wants of the defined target markets that are served. In building upon these important areas, you are going to learn a bit about Trader Joes® and will address questions related to a real-world case study on the Company.

Trader’s Joes symbolizes the entrepreneurial spirit in everything they do (just like their Founding Father, Joe Coulombe). They are intrepid in their approach to retailing and they are connoisseurs at explaining their distinctive product offerings to their customers with witty point-of-sale signage on the shelves that many of their own employees make (Llopis, 2011) So, first you will read the case study on page 114–115 of our ebook. Once you do this, address the following questions: (please note the questions here are slightly different than those in the ebook and you should only address the questions that follow here.)

  1. In what strategic ways could Joe Coulombe have changed his convenience stores to be able to survive and compete when 7-Eleven® entered the market?
  2. What other market segments could have been, or could be now, a good customer base for Trader Joe’s?
  3. As Trader Joe’s keeps expanding, can it continue to be perceived as a store aimed at a narrow market segment and particularly one that considers itself special?
  4. What can large supermarkets do to grab a piece of Trader Joe’s market?
  5. In extension of thinking of a business that you may open up, what 3 target markets do you think it makes sense to target and how do you think you can differentiate your business from your competitors in the minds of these target markets?

APA Requirements & Suggestions

  • APA format writing has very specific writing requirements that need to be met and are graded. A few of these major requirements include:
  • Microsoft Office programs only: Word, PowerPoint, or Excel (versions 2007 or higher)
  • A Title Page should be the first page of your Assignment
  • Each page should be double-spaced (no spaces between paragraphs)
  • You will indent each new paragraph
  • Font should be Times New Roman and 12 pt. font only
  • 1” margins all around for your page setup
  • APA formatted Reference Page is the last page of your Assignment
  • Your Reference Page should include at least two “qualified” research sources on it
  • You should include at least two Citations in your response section (each instance should be just a sentence or two or support your writing)
  • Bullet Points and Numbered Lists should not be used
  • Qualified Research Sources should only be used (i.e. no resources exemplified by Wikipedia and will be accepted) and typically these are found by using resources like the Library and Google Scholar

The paper should be a minimum of two pages long, double-spaced. The minimum length does not include the cover page and the reference page. All sources should be referenced as sources cited. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. Citations should use APA style.

Make sure your document includes:

  • Your Name
  • Date
  • Course Name and Section Number
  • Unit Number
  • Assignment Name
  • Page Numbers

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Strategic Business Planning and Differentiation
Course Title



Strategic Business Planning and Differentiation
Question 1
Joe Coulombe was aware that the survival of his stores was a stake after the 7-11
markets arrived in Los Angeles. Thus, he wanted to develop a different strategy regarding food
stores. As such, he utilized a considerable amount of time to travel and work out some ideas that
would enable him to come up with a new type of grocery retailer. Additionally, although he
explained that being perfect was not his primary objective, he developed an idea for Trader`s Joe
whose design was to serve the individuals that were overeducated but underpaid. The primary

Really useful study material!


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