leadership theories paper

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Business Finance


Leadership Theories

A leader must understand how leadership theories can be used to influence and reward individuals and teams, and develop interpersonal skills that build trust.

In your paper, address the following:

Part One

In this unit's studies, you were directed to select and research three leadership theories. If you have not already done so, return to the Independent Research section of this unit's studies and complete the research. Summarize the three leadership theories that you have selected. For each of the three theories, identify the theorists, provide a context, and provide an overall synopsis.

Select three leadership theories from the following list and conduct research on them. You will use your research to complete the Leadership Theories assignment in this unit.

  • Great Man Theory.
  • Trait Theory.
  • Role Theory.
  • The Managerial Grid.
  • Lewin's Leadership Style.
  • Likert's Leadership Style.
  • Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership.
  • Vroom and Yetton's Normative Model.
  • House's Path-Goal Theory.
  • Fiedler's Least-Preferred Coworker Theory.
  • Cognitive Resource Theory.
  • Strategic Contingencies Theory.
  • Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory.
  • Bass' Transformational Leadership Theory.
  • Burn's Transformational Leadership Theory.

Part Two

Analyze each theory in relation to working with individuals and teams:

  • How can a leader use the theory to influence and reward individuals and teams? Provide examples of how a leader might use the theory as a strategy for leading in a work environment or in a community.
  • How can a leader use the theory to develop interpersonal skills for building trust? Provide examples of how a leader might use the theory as a strategy for leading in a work environment or in a community.

Complete and submit your assignment as an attachment. You are also required to submit your assignment to Turnitin (Unit 2 Leadership Theories).

Your paper should be 3–4 pages in length and include a minimum of two sources other than your textbook.

You may choose to use the APA: The Easy Way guide by Houghton and Houghton to review the basics of the APA writing style. Focus on the correct formatting of a running head, page numbers, cover page, table of contents, headings, font style, font size, paraphrasing, citations, and a reference page.

Format your paper according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.

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