Woman I Painting 1950-52 Paper

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The art work must be selected from the Museum of Morden Art Acquaint. And from the early 20th century, between 1945-1985. It could be paintings, sculpture, drawings, photographs or design objects.

4 pages (with 3 or 4 reference sources)

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April 15th Focus Piece - Museum Paper E- Due Date: April Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art or the Museum of Modern Art. Acquaint yourself with the galleries that contain art from the early 20th century, from 1945- 1986 This could involve looking at paintings, sculpture, drawings, photographs or design objects. Select a work of art that interests you for this project, which entails writing a short paper-4 pages, plus a short bibliography (with 3-4 reference sources). This paper should be printed and double-spaced. Discuss this work first from a formal perspective. This involves careful visual analysis of the object and its physical properties. Standing in front of the chosen artwork, study the artist's techniques and the process of making the object, as well as compositional strategies, surface qualities, style, and other visual assets. Make notes on the spot. Use your eyes! Work with the object! In addition, you should consider the subject matter and the content of the work you are writing about. Is it representational? Does it have a narrative, or narrative fragment? Is it abstract and without narrative dimension? Or, is the art somewhere in between? What kinds of information circulate in the work? Is the work breaking new ground, either formally or discursively? Somewhere in the text of your paper you should also say why you were attracted to the artwork you chose to write about. Next, you should do some research to learn about the artist. Be a detective! Browse through the Library for related materials or books on the artist you have selected. When was this work produced in the artist's career? How does this work relate to their overall body of work? All of your research should be footnoted and you should list the sources you use in the bibliography of the paper. DO NOT COPY FROM A TEXT OR SOURCE WITHOUT GIVING THE REFERENCE.
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Painting 1
The woman I is an oil on canvas painting by Willem de Kooning. The painting was done
between 1950 and 1952. A closer look at the painting reveals that the artist used gestural painting
technique. The gestural brush strokes on this painting visually depict how the artwork was
complex which justifies why it took two years for de Kooning to complete the painting.1 First,
the scale of the painting is big which makes it easy for people to relate to the artwork. The body
of the woman is outlined in black lines which comprise of a mixture of streaks and drips. There
are angular brush strokes of orange, blue and green that mix in different directions. The paint
residue on the upper side of the painting not only reveals how the artist was working but they
embody the struggles in normal life.2 The painting itself dominates the canvas.
The painting reveals how the artists used different viscosities of paint on different
sections. Historical facts indicate that de Kooning was a specialized technician in mixing and
creating the best paints of his time.3 He understood the quality and properties of different paints.
The aluminum band on that runs along the edge on the right side of the painting shows how the
artist understood and knew the qualities of the radiator paint to incorporate it in his work. The
aluminum paint gives the art a distinctive reflective surface. It is difficult to determine the exact
place where the aluminum band falls. The aluminum band appears to be closer to the viewers’
optical space than the figure of the woman in the painting.4 However, a closer look reveals that
the aluminum edge is linke...

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