Popular Culture and Science

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There are a multitude of reasons why pseudoscience can occur in the culture. Please go to the following website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. from the magazine Popular Science. You will find a link to fourteen articles that were reported on. Your job is to pick two articles that are of interest to you and complete the following tasks.

1. Submit a summary of each article with 250 words at least.
2. Discuss why each topic within the article is considered to be pseudoscience.

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Explanation & Answer


Running header: PSEUDOSCIENCE


Popular Culture and Science
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Popular Culture and Science
Many people have been associated with the accumulation of practices that they
mistakenly grouped as being based on scientific dispositions when they are not.
Pseudoscience creates the limitation to a framework that lacks supporting evidence and can
barely be proved. The paper discusses two articles that incorporate the gesture of
pseudoscience and have created confusion over time.
How Science took over the Abortion Debate Analysis
The first article, ‘Fetal Pain is a Lie: How Phony Science Took over the Abortion
Debate,’ provides a comprehensive debate on whether the body perceives pain or not. The

article bases its conclusions on detailed research on fetal distress in a narrative way. The facts
about embryology need scientific backing that is tested. The i...

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