risk assessment in the context of a nuclear power plant

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The aim of this assignment is for you to write a short report on risk assessment in the context of a nuclear power plant with a focus on probabilistic safety assessment.

Report objectives

Your report must address the following objectives:

  • Define risk and explain what is meant by ‘acceptable risk’.
  • Briefly explain the Probabilistic Risk (Safety) Assessment (PRA) approach
  • List and briefly describe the various techniques used in PRA.
  • Outline a PRA model
  • Define Core Damage Frequency (CDF) and Large Early Release Frequency (LERF).Report Content StructureYour report is expected to include:
  1. An introduction: where you provide an overview of the topic, why it is important and what your report aims to achieve.
  2. A body: where you address the objectives stated in the introduction. The body needs to present the ideas in an order that makes sense to the reader; this may not necessarily be the order in which the objectives are presented in the introductory section. To achieve this, you could present your ideas in one of the following ways:

o Chronological order: from older to more recent.
o Logical order: begins with facts (and maybe assumptions) and then builds a conclusion from


  1. A conclusion: where you briefly wrap up the main points in your report.
  2. References: All the information that you include from other source (websites, books, journalarticles) must be correctly cited and referenced.

Report Format

Your report must follow this sequence

  1. A cover page that includes: o Report title o Class
    o Department o You name and ID
  2. Contents page
  3. Report
  4. References

Your report should be between 1200 and 1500 words long, not including references.

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Explanation & Answer



Probabilistic risk assessment



Probabilistic risk assessment
A risk is the likelihood or possibility or probability of an event where one loses something
of value. These events can be as a result of a planned or unplanned action where an individual or
a group of individual takes up an activity that has different possibilities of gain or loss. This means
they place one or several things of value to them at a given rate of uncertainty; this is to suggest
they may lose or gain and this is what is termed risk-taking. There are risk management practices,
and every risk-taker has to consider these management practices as they end up advising the
individual on what probability they have on losing or gaining. In risk management there is what is
called acceptable risk and this term has evolved as a result of individuals or groups of individual
analyzing a particular risk and assigning to it the possibility or likelihood of loss or great benefit
by developing various ways they might mitigate the losses associated with the risk and increases
the chance of benefiting from the risk, when the event occurs. In the process of evaluating risks to
identify acceptable risks, the process involved is termed risk assessment and in full it entails
evaluating a risk to understand the potential hazards, analyze them so as to develop different
channels that will aid in eliminating the hazards or control the risk in situations that the risk cannot
be eliminated at all.
Nuclear power plants these, in other words, our power stations. These power plants are
unique in that they generate e...

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