ACC501 Writing a Business Report

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Writing a Report

Due: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 6Points: 100


To demonstrate your understanding of the content and to practice your research and your writing skills, you will be writing a report following APA – choosing from a list of 3 topics.


Using what you have learned in our class, you will be writing a report that is about one of the following topics:


As a staff member of Norton, Price, and Cummings, CPAs, you have been asked to prepare areport on “Materiality” that will be circulated to all staff as part of the firm’s continuingeducation program. It has been suggested that the report should cover the definition of materiality, why the concept is important to auditing, and how to measure it. You should also discuss any other aspects of materiality you find important.


Write a report analyzing the most recent financial aspects of a publicly traded company of your choice. Include an analysis of (1) liquidity, (2) profitability, (3) productivity, and (4) debt management. If your analysis uncovers any problems, include recommendations on how they may be overcome.

Assume you are preparing the report for Cindy Baer, the president of the company you areanalyzing. Ms. Baer is knowledgeable about business and her company’s industry, but does nothave a strong background in accounting.


You are on the financial staff of Governor James Cash, who is governor of a large state. He has been a prominent supporter of the flat tax idea for many years. Now, as governor, he is considering pushing for the adoption of a flat tax to replace the current progressive state income

tax. He has asked you to prepare a report for him covering the pros and cons of a flat tax and how, if he decides to pursue the idea, he should respond to critics. Write the report as requested.

Please be sure to include scholarly research and support for your findings as you address the questions outlined above in your paper. Also, please note, the textbook outlines specific requirements for reports. Be sure your submission incorporates these required elements. Thank you!

APA formatting is required for your submission. Be sure to review the use of APA formattingand scholarly source assistance located in the “Writing Tips” area of our class to assist you.

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Explanation & Answer

Hi, please see the attached paper. Have a look at it and in case of any edit, please let me know. Otherwise, it is my pleasure to have you as my buddy now and future. Until the next invite, Bye!



Writing a Business Report: Materiality
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Writing a Business Report: Materiality

Materiality occurs when misstatement of financial statements have a substantial effect on
the uses of financial statements. Materiality takes place when an omission or an er...

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