Chicanos Research Notes History Assignment

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Choose two (2) sets of topics below for each assignment- you may do the remaining ones for extra credit:

a) 9/11, Homeland Security and the Patriot Act

b) Immigration, Deportations, and the Prison-Industrial Complex

c) Israel and Occupied Palestine, the United States and Occupied Aztlan

d) Brutality, Impunity, and the Militarization of Police

e) The Declaration of Independence, the constitution of the united States of America

f) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, and international law.

USE CREDIBLE SOURCES. For each topic you must try to find at least two (2) sources from the resources available through our library, i.e. EBSCOHost, CQ Researcher, Opposing Viewpoints, National Newspapers, etc.

This research assignment is designed to link contemporary domestic issues with international ones, by the thread of human rights and state abuse of power.


No Credit: Assignment missing or fails to adequately fulfill the basic requirements of the assignment

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Explanation & Answer

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15 April 2019
1) Police Brutality Impunity & Militarization Of Police
Police fierceness happens when a cop mishandles their position to assault a person
without a substantial reason. Police force fierceness is a common issue that is facing
citizens across the globe, especially the United States. This form of institutional violence
is unacceptable since the victims are often attacked due to their race, rather than for a
crime. By raising awareness of the issue, higher authorities can become responsive to
situations with police brutality, and work towards remediating them using greater
regulation and the enactment of laws. Nevertheless, in recent years, the Black Lives
Matter movement has come under scrutiny for its violent approaches against judicial
institutions. (Carto, 2016)
A well-known situation of police brutality is the death of Michael Brown, who
was shot six times (including twice in the head and four times in his right arm) by Officer
Darren Wilson. The police officer had confronted Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson,
on the streets. Although the facts remain unclear due to alternating storylines, the trial
revealed that Wilson fired his weapon out the window of the vehicle after Brown
"allegedly pushed" Wilson back into the car, and the two teenagers took off running
down the street. After the first shot, the ...

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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