Plain Old Telephone Services Network Systems Telephony Reachability

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CHAPTER 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What Is a Computer Network? Network Fundamentals The Internet and the World Wide Web Network Applications: Discovery Network Applications: Communication Network Applications: Collaboration Network Applications: Education 1. Compare and contrast the major types of networks. 2. Describe the wireline communications media and transmission technologies. 3. Describe the most common methods for accessing the Internet. 4. Explain the impact that discovery network applications have had on business and everyday life. 5. Explain the impact that communication network applications have had on business and everyday life. 6. Explain the impact that collaboration network applications have had on business and everyday life. 7. Explain the impact that educational network applications have had on business and everyday life. Opening Case • What to Do About Landline Telephones? 1. Should the large carriers be able to eliminate their POTS networks? a) Debate this argument from the viewpoint of the large telecommunications carriers. b) Debate this argument from the viewpoint of rural customers. 2. Why are wireless networks unable to take over all of the functions of POTS networks at this time (September 2015)? About Business 4.1 • The Least Connected Country on Earth 1. Describe the impacts of a lack of telecommunications infrastructure on Eritrea. 2. Besides improving the economy, what other areas of Eritrean life would be impacted by a greatly improved telecommunications infrastructure? 3. Can the government of Eritrea allow an improved telecommunications infrastructure while maintaining strict control over communications and information? Why or why not? Support your answer. 4.1 • • • • • • What Is a Computer Network? Computer Network Bandwidth Broadband Local Area Networks Wide Area Networks Enterprise Networks Figure 4.1: Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN) Figure 4.2: Enterprise Network 4.2 Network Fundamentals • Communications Media and Channels • Network Protocols • Types of Network Processing Communications Media and Channels • Twisted-Pair Wire • Coaxial Cable • Fiber Optics Table 4.1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Wireline Communications Channels Communications Media: Twisted-Pair Wire Communications Media: Coaxial Cable Communications Media: Fiber Optics Network Protocols • Ethernet • Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol • Three Basic Functions of TCP • Packets & Packet Switching • Four Layers of the TCP/IP Reference Model Three Basic Functions of the TCP 1. Manages the movement of data packets between computers by establishing a connection between the computers 2. Sequences the transfer of packets 3. Acknowledges the packets that have been transmitted Four Layers of the TCP/IP Reference Model 1. Application Layer 2. Transport Layer 3. Internet Layer 4. Network Interface Layer Figure 4.6: The Four Layers of the TCP/IP Reference Model Figure 4.7: Packet Switching Types of Network Processing • Client/Server Computing • Peer-to-Peer Processing 4.3 • • • • The Internet and the World Wide Web Internet (“the Net”) Accessing the Internet The Future of the Internet The World Wide Web Accessing the Internet • Connecting via an Online Service • Connecting via Other Means – Satellite – Google Fiber • Addresses on the Internet Figure 4.9: Internet (backbone in white) Table 4.2: Internet Connection Methods Future of the Internet • High User Demand = Reduced Performance in the Near Future • The Internet is unreliable and not secure. • Internet2 The World Wide Web (WWW) • World Wide Web • Hypertext • URL 4.4 Network Applications: Discovery • Search Engines and Metasearch Engines • Publication of Material in Foreign Languages • Portals Publication of Materials in Foreign Languages Affinity Portals 4.5 • • • • Network Applications: Communication Electronic Mail Web-Based Call Centers Electronic Chat Rooms Voice Communication – Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) • Unified Communications • Telecommuting 4.6 • • • • • • Network Applications: Collaboration Workgroup Workflow Virtual Group (Team) Virtual Collaboration Crowdsourcing Electronic Teleconferencing and Video Conferencing Figure 4.11: Telepresence System About Business 4.2 • The Collaboration Environment at Raytheon 1. Describe the use of information technologies in Raytheon’s CAVEs. 2. What are potential disadvantages of using CAVEs in the product design process? 4.7 Network Applications: Educational • E-Learning • Distance Education – MOOC’s • Virtual Universities About Business 4.3 • Massive Open Online Courses in India 1. Discuss possible quality control issues with MOOCs in India. For each issue, explain how you would solve the problem. 2. Discuss the possible impacts of MOOCs on traditional higher education in India. 3. Would you be willing to enroll in a MOOC as a full-time student at your university? Why or why not? 4. Would you be willing to enroll in a MOOC after you graduate? Why or why not?
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Question 1
POTS stands for the Plain Old Telephone Services; these are the analogue landlines that were
used to transmit voice over the twisted copper wires. The large couriers should be able to
eliminate POTS because of the introduction of VoIP phones that instead of using their network,
they connect to the available existing networks thus cutting on extra costs. The VoIP phone also
has a significant advantage over the POTS they are more resilient in the sense that during a
power outage calls are easily forwarded to voice mail, unlike the POTS (Cole, 2015). The
analogue lines are of high maintenance; most o...

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