Causes and Symptoms of Different Types of Phobia Essay

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Please somebody help me to write an essay with five paragraphs, each paragraph with 15 sentences, the topic is about phobias. I have the outline essay in order to follow those steps. Using APA style in Microsoft word.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: PHOBIAS


*Title: Phobias
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Causes and Symptoms of Different Types of Phobia

Different people experience different types of unreasonable fear when they
encounter different objects or experience different situations. A phobia is a heightened form
of fear, which is typically induced when a person perceives a non-existent threat. According to
Goodwin (2013), it is an anxiety disorder that makes a person experience irrational fear about an
object, creature or place. Typically, they are considered to be mental disorders with the term
‘phobia’ being used to refer to specific triggers. The American Psychiatric Association (APA),
recognizes three types of phobia; specific phobia, social phobia, and agoraphobia. Specific
phobia is usually associated with an intense fear of particular triggers. Social phobia, on the other
hand, is the irrational fear of experiencing public humiliation. Agoraphobia is the fear of being in
situations that one cannot get out themselves out. Since specific phobias can be linked to
identifiable causes, they are categorized as simple phobias. Agoraphobia and social phobia are
considered to be complex phobias because their roots cannot be easily recognized. In most cases,
phobias are diagnosable only after an individual focus on organizing their lives to avoid the
trigger of their fear. They are caused by an infinite number of situations and objects. The most
common symptoms of phobia include uncontrollable anxiety, avoiding triggers, and inability to
function when exposed to a trigger. They can have a severe impact on an individual. Though
very common, phobias are treatable. If symptoms are recognized, it is essential to consult the
doctor for further evaluation and...

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