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Business Finance


Read any 10 readings provided in the website provided below and write the critical refection on each. Then Write one paragraph per reading. Should be 1-1.25 pages per 2 readings.

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Login then check the course code SOSC 1340 on your left then click then scroll down you will find the readings. Choose any 10 among the readings.

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Critical Reflections
Institutional Affiliation


Critical Reflections

1) The Promise
In the current world, it is evident that men have developed a feeling that their lives are their
job, family or neighborhood bound a series of traps as what they do. There exist impersonal
changes in society. For instance, the industrialization of a society makes a peasant a worker
while a wealthy merchant is made a businessman. The specific shaping of history outpaces the
ability to orient themselves, especially with cherished values. Social immigration is also meant to
bring out the larger historical scene in the welter of their daily experience. Grasping history and
biography effectively has been made possible by sociological imagination within the society.
2) The Types Of Authority And Imperative Co-Ordination
To begin with, there is the basis of legitimacy. Imperative co-ordination, in this case, is
defined as the probability of certain specific commands from a certain source will be obeyed by
the respective groups. The motives in these commands vary over a wide range from case to case.
The administrative staff is bound to obedience to their superiors. The second type of authority is
the legal authority with bureaucratic administrative staff. In this case, any legal norm is
established by agreement or by imposition. The persons within the authority stand in certain
social relationships to carry out forms of social actions.
3) Societies And Econ...

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