Smart Goal/ fill the word document

User Generated




Please review the following cases scenario and twrite Smart Goal to Paula , John and the family use the sheet that I am going to attach( word doc) one for each the total will have 3 word documents

John and Paula, juniors in high school, had been dating a short time when Paula found out she was pregnant. She did not tell her parents until she was in her fourth month and they were furious as was John who felt betrayed and also guilty. He wanted Paula to get an abortion, but because of her religion her family would not let her. You as the CHW did not get her referral until she was six months pregnant. You set up a home visit and find out she had only seen her doctor once and had not had any prenatal care. Shewa still going to school and was trying to hide the pregnancy. Her relationship with John was only one of talking about what do after the baby was born as no decision had been made but now Paula was considering keeping the baby and breastfeeding.

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SMART Goals Form Program or Client Name Date: Overall Client Goal: Specific Goal (S) Activity (S) Data Source (M) Target (MAR) Timeframe (T) Notes/Materials/Referrals S Specific goals are well defined and clear on what needs to be accomplished. What outcomes do you need to see in order to consider the goal accomplished? M. Measurable goals enable you to evaluate whether or not the goal was achieved or not. How will you decide whether the goal is completed or not? D Attainable goals are realistic about what is possible given the availability of resources, knowledge, and time. How likely is it that you can accomplish this goal? R Relevant goals are important to you and will make a material impact on achieving your larger objectives. Does it make a difference to your overall objectives if this goal is met? T Time-Based goals lock goals into a specific timeframe and specify when they will be completed by. When do you need the goal completed by? N Notejoy
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Explanation & Answer


SMART Goals Form
Program or Client Name


Overall Client Goal: accept Paula’s pregnancy and plan how to look after the kid

Specific Goal (S)
Accepting the
pregnancy and be
ready to be a father
at a young age

Activity (S)
Data Source (M)
Target (MAR)
Attending a
be ready to accept Look after Paula
counselling group to the kid which will and the kid
help him out accepts happen in 3 months’
the outcomes of his time
relationship with
Accompany Paula to Giving her company Being responsible Ensuring the health
the doctor for the during her visits to for his actions for condition of Paula
next three months the doctor.
the remaining three and the kid are ok.
months and after
Paula gives birth.

Timeframe (T)
3 months

Focus on the family website

Remaining three

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