Chapter 2 Alcoholism Signs Risk Factors and Causes Term Paper

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Term Paper - Final Project on “Alcoholism”: We have already done the 1st assignment, which is choosing the topic, 10 items, and the first paragraph. Then the 2nd assignment, Feasibility Report. The third was Chapter 1. The 4th assignment was the Progress Report. Now, Chapter 2 is due, which is the completion of this final term paper. I have attached all previous assignments and some other citing sources. Chapter “2” (Professor Instructions): Complete a Literature Review as Chapter 2 of your term paper. This review becomes a major section in your term report. Introduction: First, you will add a brief introduction to the literature review: Since your literature review introduction will be the introduction to one part of a larger report, it is unnecessary to give the background information or state the problem here. In just a sentence or two, simply introduce the purpose and scope of the literature review, including the key issues the review will address. Body: Using relevant headings, the body should be composed of sections. Effectively take up each issue one at a time and discuss how the authors of the articles respond to that issue. Don’t forget to introduce and close each section with a sentence focused on the literature (topic sentence and concluding sentence.) Length of body: about 3 pages or more, single-spaced. (Length of each section will vary, but each typically contains several paragraphs.) Conclusion: Summarize what the literature says about your topic (length: about ¼ page). Total length of literature review: About 3 single-spaced pages or more (not counting the references page[s]). Document in relative style, with section headings for major sections as well as subtopics. When submitting your literature review, please include a copy of all articles you cited. On the articles, highlight material you paraphrased, quoted, or to which you referred in your literature review. Important Notes: Term Paper Final Project Layout: This technical report should include: ✓ Cover page/title page The cover page needs to be in MLA style, and the whole term-paper including the works cited/reference. ✓ Table of content page (All previous assignments must be included in order as the following:) ………………………………………. 1 1. The 1st assignment, choosing the topic, 10 items, and the first paragraph. …………………………………………………..... I 2. The 2nd assignment, Feasibility Report. ……………………II 3. Chapter 1- Introduction (General Overview on Topic). ….... 2 4. Appendix. ……………………………………………………? 5. The 3rd assignment, Progress Report. ………………………? 6. Chapter 2 – Introduction (Review of the Literature). ……….? 7. Conclusion. ………………………………………………….? 8. References. …………………………………………………..? 9. Appendix. ……………………(No page numbers only the topics of the appendix) The table of content should have and looks exactly like the following) The 1st assignment, choosing the topic, 10 items, and the first paragraph. The 2nd assignment, Feasibility Report. Chapter 1- Introduction (General Overview on Topic) Introduction (highlight your topic) Background (what is known about the topic) The purpose of the report (reason for report) Scope (what issues will/will not be covered) Significance (rationale for the study) Thesis and Objectives (expected outcome[s]) Procedure(s) to be used in investigating the topic) Appendix The 3rd assignment, Progress Report Chapter 2 – Introduction (Review of the Literature) a. Library Catalog b.Google Scholar c. RefSeek d.Internet Public Library e. ERIC (This Chapter makes a comprehensive search of the body of literature on the topic – comparison between the articles pros and cons included) Conclusion a. Reworded Thesis (Usually found near the beginning of the conclusion) b.Other Ideas to Conclude c. Clincher Ideas - Closer References Total of reference must be 15 or more for the whole term paper, (In this chapter 2, we MUST use and show five references out of the 15 from Library Catalog and the other references from a minimum of two other of the above sources) Appendix Since we Must use and show five references out of the 15 from Library Catalog and the other references, please include a copy of all 5 articles you cited. On the articles, highlight material you paraphrased, quoted, or to which you referred in your literature review. 1 A) 1. Signs 2. Prevalence 3. Effects 4. Causes 5. Possible risk factors 6. Diagnosis 7. Tests for alcoholism 8. Complications 9. Treatment 10. Stages of alcoholism B) 1. Risk factors 2. Effects 3. signs 4. Causes 5. Prevalence 6. complications 7. diagnosis 8. tests for alcoholism 9. Treatment 10. Stages of alcoholism Altawil 2 C) 1. Causes 2. Signs 3. Effects 4. Risk factors 5. Prevalence 6. Complications 7. Test 8. Diagnosis 9. Treatment 10. Stages First Paragraph Alcohol consumption has become a habit for many people in today’s social existence. Especially during certain occasions and events such as holidays or when they meet as friends. Usually, such people take alcohol as a form of relaxation of the mind but some people accepted alcohol too much that they have disregarded its social negative effects. To remedy on the alcoholism, it is crucial to first understand what motivates people to drink alcohol whether it is due to peer pressure, stress, conflicts or any other cause. Besides, understanding the signs of alcoholism is a crucial step in remedying for alcoholism disorder as different signs are associated with a particular level of alcoholism. Thirdly, in understanding and providing solutions to an alcoholic, it will be advisable to first assess the effects to determine the kind of therapy to use. Altawil 3 References Bernardy, N. C., & Friedman, M. J. (2015). Psychopharmacological strategies in the management of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): what have we learned?. Current Psychiatry Reports, 17(4), 20. Connor, J. P., Haber, P. S., & Hall, W. D. (2016). Alcohol use disorders. The Lancet, 387(10022), 988-998. Nordqvist, C., (2018). What is alcohol abuse disorder, and what is the treatment? MedicalNewsToday. Retrieved from Seaman, P., & Ikegwuonu, T. (2010). Drinking to Belong: Understanding Young Adults’ Alcohol Use Within Social Networks. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2009). Recommendations for reducing excessive alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms by limiting alcohol outlet density. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 37(6), 570. Table of Contents List of Appendices .........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Availability of information and Profitability .............................................................................. 2 The Time Frame .......................................................................................................................... 3 Budget ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Works Cited .................................................................................................................................... 5 i Introduction Recreation, though seldom considered as such, is an essential human need, a key to revitalization and rejuvenation of both mind and body. Recently, the trend has been an association of recreation with drugs such as alcohol hence the term “recreational drug”. Though alcohol consumption is considered by many as a recreational activity, it’s abuse is a well know global pandemic with mental health as well as general health issues (Matthews, 2016; WHO,2014) arising from its abuse. According to Jernigan and WHO (2001), alcohol consumption had an impact on health similar to malaria and measles, but greater than tobacco. Therefore, it becomes a necessity to understand the nature of this legal drug, because while its consumption is associated with profitability on one hand, overdependence and addiction result in hampered capacity for consumers (Matthews, 2016). Hence, a study that seeks to study and provide information on the factors leading to alcoholism, signs of alcoholism, and the effects of alcoholism is important so as to device the most suitable means of remedy. This report will assess the feasibility of such project based on: availability of information, suitability of the project for the amount of time available between now and MAY 1, 2018. Availability of information and Profitability Due to the nature of the study, literature review, information should be readily available from a substantial number of credible sources both online as well as in library documentation. However, the study can also take on questionnaire and data collection in order to provide a clear view of perceptions as well as effects and remedies considered most effective when dealing with alcoholism. These questionnaires can be administered as web-based surveys as per (McCabe et al.,2004). However, before live data collection can be considered, the study will make use of 2 preexisting data to carry out a meta-analysis as support for the findings of the literature review process. According to Xiaolu et al.(2017), exposure to structured brief intervention was key in addressing alcohol abuse among victims of the Wenchuan earthquake. These results present the fact that such a study that includes interventions to alcoholism and their effectiveness is not only relevant, but profitable in the right hands (Brown et al,. 2016). The profitability of an intervention study is expressed in terms of the man hours restored, the reduced costs of metal and physical health care, the improved productivity, as well as restoration of personal self-worth. The Time Frame With regard to this project, the six month time frame is more of a bottle neck with regard to scope and depth when viewed as a global phenomenon. However, due to the nature of school assignments, this time frame will work to ensure a cap on the scope in terms of demographics, and thus ensure a directed analysis. In order therefore to meet student as well as instructor requirements, this research will have to decide on the specific demographic use alcoholic tendencies will be studied, and have the same demographic as the scope for assessing motivations, signs, effects and effective remedies for alcoholism Budget Being a literature search based study, this study should only cost time. However, a $200 budget for incentives and material dissemination may come in handy. 3 Conclusion All things considered, this project is feasible as long as the demographic scope is determined and limited to a group that is manageable for effective and reliable study within six months. Also, because the project primarily involves literature and data search with no immediate requirement data collection by the researcher, the budget can be kept at a minimum. Therefore, with access to adequate online resources, which are readily available, this project can be actualized within the stipulated time frame. 4 Works Cited Brown, S., Henderson, E., & Sullivan, C. (2014). The feasibility and acceptability of the provision of alcohol screening and brief advice in pharmacies for women accessing emergency contraception: an evaluation study. BMC public health, 14(1), 1139. Jernigan, D. H., & World Health Organization. (2001). Global status report: alcohol and young people (No. WHO/MSD/MSB/01.1). Geneva: World Health Organization. Matthews, C. (2016). Retrieved from McCabe, S. E., Boyd, C. J., Young, A., & Crawford, S. (2004). Feasibility study for collecting alcohol and other drug use data among secondary school students: a web-based survey approach. Journal of drug education, 34(4), 373-383. Xiaolu, R., Wenwen, W., Ali, R., Xu, L., Hong, W., Min, Z., & Jiang, D. (2017). Feasibility of studying a brief intervention to help Chinese villagers with problem alcohol use after an earthquake. Alcohol and alcoholism, 52(4), 472-476. World Health Organization. Management of Substance Abuse Unit. (2014). Global status report on alcohol and health, 2014. World Health Organization. 5 Table of Contents List of Appendices ........................................................................................................................... i Background ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Procedure ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Outcome .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Works Cited .................................................................................................................................... 6 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 9 List of Appendices Appendix 1: Differences between Alcohol abuse and Addiction ................................................... 9 Appendix 2: Sings that describe alcoholism (Solutions Recovery, 2018) .................................... 10 Appendix 3: 11 Step plan for reducing Alcohol consumption. .................................................... 11 Appendix 4: Share of Global Population with Alcohol use disorder (Ritchie & Roser, 2018) .... 11 Appendix 5: Alcohol related deaths in 2016 (The Prevention Conversation, 2018) .................... 12 Appendix 6: Mental health disorders as a risk factor for alcohol dependency (Ritchie & Roser, 2018) ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Appendix 7: Types of remedies for Alcoholism ........................................................................... 13 i Background Alcoholism broadly refers to a disorder characterized by abuse and dependence on alcohol and results in mental and physical health issues. The excessive consumption of alcohol leads to addiction a person takes large amounts over a long period. Alcohol consumption has become a habit for many people in today's social existence (Bernardy & Friedman, 20). Especially during certain occasions and events such as holidays or when they meet as friends. Usually, such people take alcohol as a form of relaxation of the mind, but some people accepted alcohol too much that they have disregarded its adverse social effects (Connor, Haber, & Hall, 998). To remedy on the alcoholism, it is crucial first to understand what motivates people to drink alcohol whether it is due to peer pressure, stress, conflicts or any other cause. Besides, understanding the signs of alcoholism is a crucial step in remedying for alcoholism disorder as different symptoms are associated with a particular level of alcoholism (Nordqvist, 2018). Thirdly, in understanding and providing solutions to an alcoholic, it will be advisable first to assess the effects to determine the kind of therapy to use. Purpose The report will focus on analyzing several factors associated with a comprehensive understanding of alcoholism. The objective of the report is to understand and provide solutions to the signs and effects of alcoholism (Mehta, 27). Scope The Signs and effects of alcoholism are the essential parts of an informative report to create awareness. The primary warning sign is the increase in the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption (Liu et al, 23). The symptoms are categorized into two; short and long-term 2 depending on their level of effect on the user. Short term signs are a blood alcohol concentration of 0.03-0.12% that causes an increase in mood and euphoria. Increase in confidence, sociability, red appearance on the face and fine muscle contraction (Noël et al, 90). The rise in BAC causes impairments in speech, vomiting, stupor and blurred vision. The short term effects increase with the concentration of alcohol to generate long term signs. The long-time signs of alcoholism are heart diseases, violence, reduced personal life expectancy and damage to the central nervous system. Some of the physical symptoms are dementia, epilepsy, sexual dysfunction, and peptic ulcers (Wang et al, 20). The primary causes of alcoholism are categorized into four; social, psychological, biological and the environmental factors. Social factors affect personal views to drinking such as culture, religion, work and family which play a significant role in molding character. Some cultures allow alcohol consumption which increases the rate of alcoholism among its members (Blaine et al, 470). The type of friends one makes at college or when joining a new job increases the susceptibility of the person to alcoholism. Psychological factors refer to feelings that determine the behavioral trait of a person such as anxiety, stress and mental health conditions. Some people opt to suppress the feelings and relieve the symptoms by taking alcohol which leads to addiction and abuse (Vaidya et al, 23 Biological factors involve the physiology and genetic influence that increases the strong pulse to consume alcohol. The genetic effect is characterized by a chemical in the brain that leads to gene expression for susceptibility to alcohol. According to research around 51 genes located in different chromosome regions affect the urge of people to take alcohol (McPherson, Boyne, & Waseem, 20). 3 Procedure The method of research to be used for the report is literature review and analysis of preexisting data and information. The Prevalence of alcoholism according to research records an increasing rate in the world. The number of people taking alcohol in their lives is almost "everyone" considering a survey carried out to understand the prevalence of alcoholism in the United States in 2016. The report focuses on alcoholism for all age brackets, but the preview shows that most addicts are at the age of 15-30 (Crews, 60). The diagnosis of alcoholism is categorized into voluntary and involuntary depending on the process of realization. Voluntary determination occurs when the victim takes up the initiative to visit a physician for medical screening. Involuntary occurs when loved ones have to take the patient for physical and medical testing. In both cases, the doctor begins the diagnosis by physical examination before screening for health impacts caused by alcohol (Appleton, 60). Outcome The basic form of treatment is alcohol withdrawal characterized by abstinence from alcohol and leads to side effects that are medically treated. Rehabilitation aids in the treatment of alcoholism caused by social factors such as peer influence (Crews& Vetreno, 1555). During rehabilitation medical treatment are offered to detoxify the body system. Pharmaceutical treatment involves the use of pills that aid the victim to remain sober. Pills such as Naltrexone, Antabuse, and Campral are approved by the FDA to assist in the treatment of alcoholism (Task Force on Community Preventive Services, 570). The stages of alcoholism are categorized based on the signs and symptoms of the addict. Early addiction is the first stage and most challenging to detect characterized by tolerance build-up. The second stage is the middle stage where symptoms begin to express such as the enlarged pupil, loss of appetite among others. The last 4 stage termed as the end where the victim has lost control over the situation (Seaman, & Ikegwuonu, 32). 5 Works Cited Appleton, L. M. (2017). Rethinking medicalization: Alcoholism and anomalies. In Images of issues (pp. 59-80). Routledge. Bernardy, N. C., & Friedman, M. J. (2015). Psychopharmacological strategies in the management of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): what have we learned?. Current Psychiatry Reports, 17(4), 20. Blaine, S. K., Seo, D., & Sinha, R. (2017). Peripheral and prefrontal stress system markers and risk of relapse in alcoholism. Addiction biology, 22(2), 468-478. The Prevention Conversation. (2018). CNN:No amount of alcohol is good for your overall health, global study says. (2018). Retrieved 8 April 2019, from Connor, J. P., Haber, P. S., & Hall, W. D. (2016). Alcohol use disorders. The Lancet, 387(10022), 988-998. Crews, F. T., & Vetreno, R. P. (2016). Mechanisms of neuroimmune gene induction in alcoholism. Psychopharmacology, 233(9), 1543-1557. Crews, F. T., Lawrimore, C. J., Walter, T. J., & Coleman Jr, L. G. (2017). The role of neuroimmune signaling in alcoholism. Neuropharmacology, 122, 56-73. Kiefer, F., Kirsch, M., Bach, P., Hoffmann, S., Reinhard, I., Jorde, A., Vollstädt-Klein, S. (2015). Effects of D-cycloserine on extinction of mesolimbic cue reactivity in alcoholism: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Psychopharmacology, 232(13), 23532362. 6 Liu, I., Liao, S. F., Shih-Hsin, L., Gau, S. S. F., Lee, W. C., Merikangas, K. R., & Cheng, A. T. (2019). Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Alcoholism: A 16-Year Longitudinal Cohort Study. Shu-Fen and Shih-Hsin, Lawrence and Gau, Susan Shur-Fen and Lee, Wen-Chung and Merikangas, Kathleen Ries and Cheng, Andrew TA, Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Alcoholism: A. 23 McPherson, C., Boyne, H., & Waseem, R. (2017). Alcoholism & Drug Dependence;12-30 Mehta, A. J. (2016). Alcoholism and critical illness: A review. World journal of critical care medicine, 5(1), 27. Noël, X., Brevers, D., Hanak, C., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P., & Verbruggen, F. (2016). On the automaticity of response inhibition in individuals with alcoholism. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 51, 84-91. Nordqvist, C., (2018). What is alcohol abuse disorder, and what is the treatment? MedicalNewsToday. Retrieved from Ritchie, H., & Roser, M. (2018). Alcohol consumption. Published online at Retrieved from Seaman, P., & Ikegwuonu, T. (2010). Drinking to Belong: Understanding Young Adults’ Alcohol Use Within Social Networks. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 32-40 Solutions Recovery. (2018). 7 Steps to Helping Someone You Love Start Alcohol Addiction Treatment - Solutions Recovery. Solutions Recovery. Retrieved 8 April 2019, from 7 Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2009). Recommendations for reducing excessive alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms by limiting alcohol outlet density. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 37(6), 570. Vaidya, J. G., Elmore, A. L., Wallace, A., Langbehn, D. R., Kramer, J. R., Kuperma, S., & O’Leary, D. S. (2019). Association Between Age and Familial Risk for Alcoholism -on Functional Connectivity in Adolescence. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.23 Wang, S. H., Lv, Y. D., Sui, Y., Liu, S., Wang, S. J., & Zhang, Y. D. (2018). Alcoholism detection by data augmentation and convolutional neural network with stochastic pooling. Journal of medical systems, 42(1), 2. 8 Appendix Appendix 1: Differences between Alcohol abuse and Addiction 9 Appendix 2: Sings that describe alcoholism (Solutions Recovery, 2018) 10 Appendix 3: 11 Step plan for reducing Alcohol consumption. Appendix 4: Share of Global Population with Alcohol use disorder (Ritchie & Roser, 2018) 11 Appendix 5: Alcohol related deaths in 2016 (The Prevention Conversation, 2018) 12 Appendix 6: Mental health disorders as a risk factor for alcohol dependency (Ritchie & Roser, 2018) Appendix 7: Types of remedies for Alcoholism 13 MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. J. FROM: SUBJECT: Progress Report on “Alcoholism” DATE: The memo is a report on the progress of the study conducted by my group on alcoholism. It explains the milestone in regards to the completed, on-going and tasks anticipated to be completed by the end of the provided six months. The objective of the study is to offer an understanding of alcoholism and its solutions to the readers. Due to the limitation of time and the extensive knowledge available on alcoholism, the research is limited to one demographic group only, to provide a deep understanding causes, signs, effects and solutions to alcoholism related the group. Project Description The study will offer detailed information regarding the motivations of alcoholism among the selected group. It will as well explain the signs that differentiate alcoholism from alcohol addiction. The effects of alcoholism will be elaborated, and statistics of the people the condition has affected in the world provided too. Finally, the paper will offer viable solutions to the problem of alcoholism. Rationale for Proposing the Topic The topic was selected because close to every person in the world can fall into alcoholism, as alcohol is legal in every part of the world and is mainly used when relaxing. The fact that persons hardly realize when catching the condition is a reason to research and offer the society 1 knowledge regarding alcoholism, as many people are dying from it. Abusing alcohol mainly begins in teenage, and the group fails to understand the impact of its continued dependence until it is too late. Scope of Study The report that will be provided will cover the information below: Background information on alcoholism Purpose and scope of the study Procedure of the study Outcome: Causes of alcoholism : Signs of alcoholism : Reducing alcohol consumption : Effects of alcoholism and statistics :Remedies of alcoholism Conclusion of the study offering the general observation Work Completed The group has completed chapter one of the study, which is an introduction, including the background information, purpose, scope and procedure, as well as an elaboration of the expected outcome in the study. Secondly, we have completed the feasibility report. We intend to identify the precise demographic group we will focus on, which especially is the most affected by alcoholism. Present Work We are now distributing questionnaires online and taking data locally to obtain firsthand data to support our research. In addition, we are analyzing and documenting the information already 2 documented in books and relevant projects already completed. We look forward to having a few alcoholics volunteering their personal information and stories to be used as evidence in our study. Future Work We will analyze the information that we obtain from the field and organize the findings for optimal education of future readers of the report. In addition, we will match the findings with documented information available, to see if there are similarities or differences. Lastly, we will list all the references and furnish the report. Work Plan We have shared the assignments of collecting data and reading the available literature among the group members. Therefore, we plan to convene after every one week to assess at the progress together and share knowledge and findings. Resources The study will primarily utilize books on alcoholism. Online information will be utilized and observations from questionnaires that are distributed to the selected samples as well. TENTATIVE OUTLINE 1. Chapter one: Introduction A. Background information Purpose Scope Procedure B. Outcome 2. Chapter two: Findings 3 A. Motivations of alcoholism B. Signs of alcoholism C. Reducing alcoholism D. Effects of alcoholism and statistics E. Remedies of alcoholism 3. Chapter three: Conclusion and recommendations Conclusion The study is continuing smoothly without having any major problems or impeding so far. Also I’m preparing the project for the presentation. We are certain that we will complete it excellently within the provided time. 4
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Running head: ALCOHOLISM

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Table of Contents
Alcoholism .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Signs.......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Prevalence ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Effects ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Causes ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Possible risk factors .................................................................................................................................. 3
Diagnosis .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Tests for alcoholism .................................................................................................................................. 4
Complications ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Treatment .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Stages of alcoholism ....

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