Writing a paper as a consultant

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In this first assignment, research the impact of population growth on society. Write a whitepaper for the UN that consists of a minimum of four pages (not including the cover letter). Your assignment is to assess the impact of population growth, citing at least five credible sources in your research. As you compose the whitepaper, review the United Nations list of developing countries (available on the United Nations website).

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Assignment 1: Whitepaper on the Impact of Population There is no question that the world’s population will grow dramatically in the next decade. The members of the United Nations are working to understand the impact that population growth has in developing countries. For this assignment, imagine you have been hired by the UN to help assess the social impact of population growth. Your first project as a consultant with the UN is to develop a whitepaper on three issues related to the population growth faced by a developing country of your choosing. In this first assignment, research the impact of population growth on society. Write a whitepaper for the UN that consists of a minimum of four pages (not including the cover letter). Your assignment is to assess the impact of population growth, citing at least five credible sources in your research. As you compose the whitepaper, review the United Nations list of developing countries (available on the United Nations website). Select one country from the United Nations list of developing countries to use as an example throughout your assignment. The completed version of this assignment will include the following items: • Cover page: Include your name, course title, and the country you have selected from the UN list of developing countries, current date, and the name of your instructor. • Introduction: Introduce the topic of the whitepaper (half-page minimum). • One-page (minimum) answers (for a total of three pages) to each of the following questions: 1. What are greenhouse gases, and how do they contribute to global warming? 2. What economic, security, political, and other challenges do these emissions pose to the people of the developing world, and who are the biggest offenders? 3. Is there a way to control the growth of population on a global level? Note: Give examples in your responses to each of the above questions as it relates to the developing country you have chosen. • Conclusion: Provide a minimum of a one-half page conclusion. Cite at least five credible sources excluding Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias for your assessment. A brief list of suggested resources has been provided at the end of the course guide.
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Whitepaper on the Impact of Population



Population growth continues to be a major concern globally. As of 2019, the world has a
population of more than 7.71 billion people (UN DESA, 2017). An increase in population has
various impacts on society, some of which can threaten the survival of humankind on earth.
Some of these societal impacts are currently being experienced as a result of the drastic global
population growth. The drastic growth in the global population is expected to increase even
higher. According to a recent United Nations report, it is projected that the global population will
reach 8.6 billion by 2030, 9.8 billion by 2050 and 11.2 billion by 2100. With approximately 83
million individuals added to the globe’s population yearly, the rising trend in population size is
projected to remain (UN DESA, 2017). One of the developing countries with huge population
growth in Nigeria. Nigeria is a West-African country with a population of 186 million. Nigeria
has been categorized as one of the countries with the biggest population growth rate. It is
projected that by 2050, Nigeria will have a population of 411 million (UN DESA, 2017). This
drastic population growth will have great impacts not only on Nigeria but the world as a whole.
This paper examines greenhouse gases and how they contribute to global warming. This paper
further examines, economic, security, political and other challenges that these emissions pose to
the developing world, and who are the biggest offenders in this aspect. Finally, this paper
examines measures for controlling the growth of the population on a global level.
Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are
responsible for the greenhouse effect. The main greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of the earth
include carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases (US EPA,
2019). Carbon dioxide enters...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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