SGL and BLG Spin Lifetime Gate Control of the Spin Signal Assignment

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Part 1: Part 2 It is noticed that the SLG and BLG have similar spin lifetimes with BLG slightly longer. The spin lifetime of these graphene sheets are in the ~100 ps range, which is similar to the lifetimes observed by other groups1, 29 are much less than the theoretical predictions.30 With small spin-orbit coupling and low abundance of nuclear spin, one would expect a much larger spin lifetime. There are a number of possibilities to produce the short spin lifetime, such as impurity scattering from the substrate or surface impurities, ripple-induced gauge field, lattice defects, and spin depolarization due to edge scattering. It will be extremely important to identify the dominant spin scattering mechanism in order to achieve longer spin lifetimes. Part 3 Spin transport in graphene devices has been investigated in both local and non-local spin valve geometries. In the nonlocal measurement, spin transport and spin precession in single layer and bilayer graphene have both been achieved with transparent Co contacts. Gate controllable non-local spin signal was also demonstrated in this system. For the local graphite spin valve device, we report MR up to 12% for devices with tunneling contacts. We observe a correlation between the nonlinearity of the I-V curve and the presence of local MR and conclude that tunnel barriers can be employed to surmount the conductance mismatch problem in this system. These studies indicate that the improvement of tunnel barriers on graphene, especially to inhibit the formation of pinholes, is an important step to achieve more efficient spin injection into graphene. graphene, which is one of the most attractive materials in condensed matter physics since 2004, provided an ideal platform to realize and discuss spin injection and transport at room temperature. We present our study on spin injection into graphene and important findings of unique spin transport properties in graphene This review presents selected themes of semiconductor spintronics, introducing important concepts in spin transport, spin injection, Silsbee-Johnson spin-charge coupling, and spin-dependent tunneling, as well as spin relaxation and spin dynamics.
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