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The Differentiate between phishing, spear phishing, and whaling attacks
There is a major difference between phishing, spear phishing, and whaling attacks.
Phishing can be reflected as a practice aimed at tricking people into sharing security and
personal credential (Chaudhry, Chaudry, & Rittenhouse, 2016). Such details may include the
passwords, usernames, or the log-in platforms that they use. The phishing practice often
harbors a malicious objective. The attack always occurs on an online platform such as email
or through a website.
Spear phishing is different from the practice of phishing. Spear phishing is a
personalized stealing of personal information. The entity engaging in spear phishing targets
an individual and disguises itself as a trustworthy enterprise. It could disguise as a
supermarket, online store, or a hospital which one attends to regularly (Laszka, Lou, &
Vorbeychik, 2016). It thus might send an email that is personalized which has requests for
personal information such as passwords, usernames, or other personal credentials linked to
one’s online platform, credit card, or office (Chaudhry, Chaudry, & Rittenhouse, 2016). The
spear phishing has a malicious goal, but it only focuses on individuals rather than sending a
general email.
Whaling attacks are different from phishing and spear phishing. Whaling attacks are
attacks that aim at stealing personal and sensitive information of groups. It could target the
business’ Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Accountant, or the Human Resource manager.
Whaling attack aims to persuade the persons in positions of power in a company to reveal
sensitive information which is accessible to them due to their positions of power in the
company (Chaudhry, Chaudry, & Rittenhouse, 2016). Such information would be the bank
accounts of the employees, details of...