Indian Culture and Ritual Hinduism Good Karma Presentation

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Minority Experience 1 Minority Experience Student’s Name Institution’s Name Minority Experience 2 Introduction The minority experience is an encounter whereby, one has gone through a totally different experience from what they have been used to and almost feel like you are the odd one out from every other person around there. Such experiences make you feel like a minor among every other person around. My minority experience. My friends and I had just left for India for a school project that involved getting to know about the Indian culture and their way of life. To me, this was one major culture shock since where I come from, I have not been familiar with such a culture. So, on this day, we walked into an Indian cuisine restaurant and put in mind that we didn’t even understand the language. So, we had to communicate to the waiter in the best possible way using the most common English words that he could understand. So at some point I could nod my head up down to show that I am in agreement with what he was explaining, and my friends would look at me laughing only to realize that he never understood what I meant since Indians shake their head side to side to show that they agree, like saying yes to something. So, after a very long conversation of explaining what we wanted to eat, we got our food and began eating. Little did we know that the food there is extremely spicy, spicier than we thought and so we were all burning, and our stomachs were exploding cause of the delicious but too spicy food. It was really embarrassing since everyone else but us in the restaurant was enjoying their meal, and so with all the disruption coming from our table, the management requested us to either tone down our drama or leave the restaurant. We then decided to just leave, ended up paying for food that we did not finish eating and for a Minority Experience 3 very miserable time at the restaurant. It then suddenly dawned on me that the school research that had brought us here, was getting so practical and there was no way any of us would ever forget such an experience. Conclusion Although we had a tough time trying to cope up with the culture there, the experience turned out to be quite interesting that we had thought it would be. So most probably, I would visit the place again, just to get to know much more about their diverse cultures and probably try their too spicy food again, but this time purpose to finish it and not cause any more drama. I also got to learn that we live in a very diverse world, and it is very important to learn about different cultures to avoid such culture shocks, that can also get embarrassing.
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please find the answer in the attachment below

Indian Culture & Ritual
Name of student
Institutional Affiliation

• One of the most unique cultures in the world
is the Hindu cultures

• Hinduism is mire than a region, it a culture

that governs the way of life and shapes up
people behaviors

• The major belief in Hindu religion is love and
respect for others

• They have unique rituals of almost doing
anything starting with wedding, birth,
pregnancy, death, and food

• However, one of the rituals that I got to
experience its diversity in their food culture

• Hindu culture believe that food is God and God is

Food Culture

food, it is a gift from Brahman and it should be
treated with respect
Food is important from the time a baby starts to
eat up to his or her death
Food plays a vital role in tradition, rituals, and
The 1st food of a child is Annaprasana and is
celebrated as Samskara
The gross physical body is referred to as the food
body or annamayakosh
Food is not t...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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