Smartphone Security App Data Information Methodology Assignment

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Table of Contents

Objective of the Project

Actual timeline of the project

Body – with sections for methodology, results, analysis (majority of report)

Bibliography (of sources used in the body of the text)

List of associated documents (provided with the report to document the work that you performed)

Documentation of work done by yourself and others

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[DATE] [DOCUMENT TITLE] [DOCUMENT SUBTITLE] SAUD ALNAWMASI [COMPANY NAME] [Company address] Introduction: Mobile devices are not just cellphones, it means more than that including iPads, iPods, and ereaders and such on. These devices used for navigating, social networking, shopping, banking and business purposes. These devices are the gateways for hackers to steal information. Mobile application security is the degree of assurance that cell phone applications have from malware and the exercises of wafers and different offenders. The term can likewise allude to different advancements and creation rehearses that limit the danger of adventures to cell phones through their applications. In the event that cell phones and tablets not enough ensured, they are to a great degree helpless against being misused. Mobile phones are getting smarter and popular more than before, however, the risk of getting hacked by a mobile is more familiar nowadays. What makes the mobile application secure and what not, how to secure our data on our phone. How can hackers hack to our phone and what their ways? Are the mobile applications being secure and how we can prove that? In my research papers I will answer these questions. Methodology: Is the mobile application secure? what make mobile application secure? How to secure the data on the phone?
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Vulnerabilities and Enhancement of Smartphone Security App

[Company address]

Objective of the Project .................................................................................................................. 2
Actual Time of the Project .............................................................................................................. 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 3
Results ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Analysis........................................................................................................................................... 4
Mobile Application ..................................................................................................................... 4
Vulnerabilities of the mobile app ................................................................................................ 5
Methods of Improving Mobile App Security.............................................................................. 6
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 7
References ....................................................................................................................................... 8
List of Associated Documents ...................................................................................................... 10
Scope Statement ........................................................................................................................ 10
Lessons Learnt .......................................................................................................................... 10
Documentation of Work ............................................................................................................... 11
Project Closure Document ........................................................................................................ 11

Objective of the Project
✓ To learn more about the mobile application and the way it protects data from cyber-attack.
✓ To analyze the vulnerabilities the mobile app has and how they can be addressed.
✓ To determine the methods that can be used in improving the security of the mobile app.

Actual Time of the Project
The project will take one month. During this period, cyber-attack on the specific phones will be
done to est...

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