FSW245 Parenting & Significance of Parents in Child Development Paper Paper

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Health Medical



Everything is on the picture that i uploaded.

Do a brochure.

I need this by monday's morning before 9am


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Parenting Project FSW245 For this projecy, as an individual or with a partner, you will be creating a document focusing on parenting and the significance of parents in child development

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Due on Parenting Project FSW 245 be to For this project, as an individual or with a partner, you will be creating a document focusing on parenting and the significance of parents in child development. The resulting informative work project should be created to help educate the public about the importance of parenting. Each project will support one main topic of parenting. Formatting options include, but are not limited to: OSRAMOTNOJ Pamphlets/brochure Infographic (piktochart.com is an option) a lo mobs 2 sided “mailer" 8 42"X512" IsoqoANO 3 Mula / As you create your submission, keep these suggestions as reference: information presented to address the public? Does the project suggest ways to access additional information beyond what is presented? Does the project stay “on- helps to showcase or highlight important content? Does the organization help with topic" with the issue/age/focus of choice? Is the project organized in a way that the project's clarity? Is the project visually interesting and for eye catching? Is the information presented in a way that would draw the public into the project to learn more?
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hey buddy, the assignment is ready, thanks for the patience

Def. Parenting is the process of promoting
a child in various ways from the infancy
stage to adulthood stage. The type of
parental support ranges from emotional,
physical, psychological, socially and

Roles of Parents in
Childhood Development
Parents play a very significant role in
childhood development. Through their
parenting role, the future character of the
child can be greatly determined by the
intervention of the parent.

It is a critical role in child development;
parents can achieve this by setting their
children free to interact with oth...

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