Need below DQ answered in 250 words APA format with 3 scholarly sources less than 5 years old NO cover page needed ( Florida is my states)
An adolescent’s concerns about privacy can prevent them from seeking primary health care, especially for specific sensitive health care services such as STI screening and family planning issues. Those with privacy concerns are also less likely to talk openly with a health care clinician about important health issues, such as substance use, mental health, and risky sex. Recognizing that confidentiality is critical to high-quality care for adolescent women, professional health care organizations have adopted policy statements and practice guidelines that support the provision of confidential services.
Discuss these guidelines and the laws in your state that address adolescent confidential health care.

Explanation & Answer

In Florida, privacy concerns of adolescent`s health care are critical, and the state law and
health organizations have guidelines and policy statements to address the issue. The state's law
requires written consent from the patient for the release of any medical records (Benjamin et al.,
2018). Also, for minors below thirteen years, the law allows partial parent involvement in
making critical decisions. Such restriction safeguards the privacy interests of adolescents and
provides an opportunity to seek healt...