Legalizing Prostitution in United States Human Sex Trafficking Presentation

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Thesis statement. Your main point. Should be a strong persuasive argument about your topic. IMAGE – great opportunity for a “hook” – use pathos here! Image citation First name Last name Class name and number Month day, year Supporting Argument #1: key reason why the audience should agree with you. • Keep any evidence or added detail brief. You can offer more detail in your notes as you give your presentation. • “Don’t forget to cite” (Chiles). • PERSUASIVE IMAGE, POLITICAL CARTOON OR GRAPH/CHART Don’t forget to cite the image! Supporting Argument #2: next reason why the audience should agree with you. Simple slides are better than too busy! IMAGE. Make sure each slide has some sort of visual element, even if it’s just a picture that evokes an emotion. Remember! Images must be from credible sources. Don’t forget image citation Supporting Argument #3: next reason why the audience should agree with you. • IMAGE. If the meaning of the image isn’t clear, be sure to explain to your reader (if you have time). Don’t forget image citation • Be sure you are remembering to use ethos, pathos and logos in your presentation. Images can employ these persuasive tactics, too! • Ethos: credibility • Pathos: emotion (fear, anger, sadness, humor) evoked from images, political cartoons. • Logos: charts, graphs. CONCLUSION • Leave the reader with a final thought or question to consider, or propose an action they may take to alleviate the problem. BE SURE YOUR FINAL SLIDE INCLUDES A COMPELLING IMAGE. Works Cited • Don’t forget to cite your sources using correct MLA format. • Use to help build MLA correct citations. • You must also cite image sources! • Make sure all your sources (including image sources) are credible. Put together a 3-5 minute presentation using Powerpoint (5-7 slides). Your goal is to persuade your classmates to adopt your point of view on the issue you focused on for your Rogerian essay. - Since your audience is likely comprised of a mixture of opinions and prior knowledge about your topic, your presentation does not need to be Rogerian. - Your presentation should begin with a strong thesis statement, and at least 2 strong supporting arguments that bolster the thesis. (The thesis should be direct and persuasive -- no Rogerian-style necessary.) - Ethos, pathos and logos MUST be used in your presentation. - Each slide should have only bullet points, but you will refer to your notes to fill in the details for your audience. - Use MLA format (in-text and works cited!) for any quotes/paraphrases (either those in the Powerpoint OR in your notes). - Remember, this is a presentation! The visual element is very important. Use images, graphs, charts, or political cartoons to enhance your argument. (See "Finding Images for Your Presentation".) Be sure you cite these, as well. - Make sure you time yourself. You will not be permitted to go over the 5 minute mark.
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Hello, I'm done, I followed the attached PowerPoint sample in completing your presentation.


➢ The presentation presents a topic of legalizing prostitution in the

➢ Prostitution is considered illegal in all the fifty states of the United

➢ Its legalized in some counties such as the Nevada state where the
local government has allowed it some brothels that are regulated.
➢ As the debate of legalizing prostitution becomes one of the
sensitive issues in the United States public, it is expected to receive
a lot of criticism and opposition from the wider section of the
citizens (Bindel, 2017 )

➢ Legalization will help in preventing other crimes which are
associated with prostitution.
➢ One of the most known crime is human sex trafficking.

➢ Regulations and laws will be put in place to ensure that
individuals do not benefit from this unscrupulous business.
➢ Since individuals practicing prostitution will ...

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