Impact of Fake News and Media Literacy Discussion

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Developing media literacy is the primary objective of this course. Media literacy promotes an informed understanding of the popular culture so that we may become more “engaged citizens and discerning consumers” . I require you to create a presentation.

Each chapter in the textbook provides examples about why examining the media critically is important for the individual as well as democracy. Issues such as media ownership, the impact of social media, the crisis in journalism, media violence, privacy, and stereotypes are but a few examples to consider. The textbook examines many other relevant issues. (My topic is about Fake news)". And It should address the following questions:

● What is media literacy?

● Why is it important?

● What issue should the media give more attention to, or, how have the media misrepresented or underrepresented a specific issue or event?

● What evidence supports your claims?

● How can we encourage the development of media literacy?

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go. In case of any further inputs, please let me know.All the best!I appreciate working with you!

Media Literacy

Media Literacy Concept
• Came to the world around the early 20th century with the arrival of radio as well as
the film

• Media literacy education: It’s a process that induces media literacy capability
• The fusion of ICT and IT has changed the involvement and application of media
from print to virtual forms

• The advent of the internet, as well as connectivity, has made it easy to overcome
geographical and physical barriers

• Currently, media scarcity has transitioned into media abundance

Media Literacy Purpose
• Raising awareness levels of various guises used by media to transmit

• Helping people recognize how media can filter their convictions and

• Providing people with the ability to critically analyze and solve problems
creatively, making them informed consumers of media information

• Providing access to media and communication with ease and heightened

Media Literacy Concept Cont’d

Media Literacy Definition
• According to Tornero and Varis (2010) media literacy can be described as the
ability to access, examine and assess the power of sounds, messages, and
images with which people are faced on a daily basis and which influence the
contemporary culture.

• Media literacy includes the capacity of a person to communicate effectively
using media

• It concerns all forms of media including radio, television. Film as well as
recorded music

Media Literacy Importance
Helps adults and youths:

Understand the way media messages influence society and culture

Develop critical skills of thinking
Recognize targe...

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