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ENG 201

CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College


I’m sorry I did not get from my professor that she asked for a Research paper. If you can make your previous paper(Poetry paper) to a research paper, I will appreciate it. Please use 2 source and it’s a 2 page research paper. I included the papers with the question, so that you can understand what went wrong. Thanks

The Book of Genesis According to St. Miguelito

Before the beginning
God created God
In the beginning
God created the ghettos & slums
and God saw this was good.
So God said,
"Let there be more ghettos & slums"
and there were more ghettos & slums.
But God saw this was plain
to decorate it
God created leadbase paint and then
God commanded the rivers of garbage & filth
to flow gracefully through the ghettos.
On the third day
because on the second day God was out of town
On the third day
God's nose was running
& his jones was coming down and God
in his all knowing wisdom
knew he was sick
he needed a fix
so God
created the backyards of the ghettos
& the alleys of the slums
in heroin & cocaine
with his divine wisdom & grace
God created hepatitis
who begat lockjaw
who begat malaria
who begat degradation
who begat
and God knew this was good
in fact God knew things couldn't git better
but he decided to try anyway
On the fourth day
God was riding around Harlem in a gypsy cab
when he created the people
and he created these beings in ethnic proportion
but he saw the people lonely & hungry
and from his eminent rectum
he created a companion for these people
and he called this companion
who begat racism
who begat exploitation
who begat male chauvinism
who begat machismo
who begat imperialism
who begat colonialism
who begat wall street
who begat foreign wars
and God knew
and God saw
and God felt this was extra good
and God said
On the fifth day
the people kneeled
the people prayed
the people begged
and this manifested itself in a petition
a letter to the editor
to know why? WHY? WHY? qué pasa babyyyyy?????
and God said,
"My fellow subjects
let me make one thing perfectly clear
by saying this about that:
NO . . .. . .. . ..COMMENT!"
but on the sixth day God spoke to the people
he said . . . "PEOPLE!!!
the ghettos & the slums
& all the other great things I've created
will have dominion over thee
and then
he commanded the ghettos & slums
and all the other great things he created
to multiply
and they multiplied
On the seventh day God was tired
so he called in sick
collected his overtime pay
a paid vacation included
But before God got on that t. w. a.
for the sunny beaches of Puerto Rico
He noticed his main man Satan
planting the learning trees of consciousness
around his ghetto edens
so God called a news conference
on a state of the heavens address
on a coast to coast national t. v. hook up
and God told the people
to be
and the people were cool
and the people kept cool
and the people are cool
and the people stay cool
and God said
Vaya . .…

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Surname 1 B Name- Md Jahidul Islam Professor- April Andres Course - English 201(Yellow) 9 Date- 03/13/19 Thesis Wrone The Book of Genesis The Book of Genesis According to St. Miguelito is a sarcastic poem detailing the poverty, inequality, and drug addiction existing in the ghettos and slums of the United States cities. In this poem, the author blames God for creating all these and seeing them as good. At the beginning of the poem, however, the author makes a critical statement that “before the beginning, God created God” (lines 1-2). Here, he makes a crucial background of his ‘God' whom the author should assume to be the second in the creation. Here, he presents the identity of this second God debatable and thus allows the audience to debate the real meaning of this God who creates evil. The poem details the evil in society, especially oppression and poverty facing the lower-class what people in the world and thus condemns the systems of governance which create and sustain this Where doe it condem? inequality. Poem? An overview of the poem allows one to appreciate the resentment that the author has towards God. First, he presents a very sketchy plan of how God worked throughout the seven That's days and by doing so points out the irresponsibility and self-centeredness of this creator. For an instance, he claims that after the first day, God created again in the third day “because on the opinion second day God was out of town” (line 16). This sketchy plan of creation is sarcastic, and it mot a contradicts the order of creation as detailed in the Bible whereby the story of creation was one of Last fact orderliness and careful planning to come up with something beautiful. Additionally, the author name highlights all the negative things accompanying poverty and the lower-income citizens living in Last Name Lastiname the slums. This includes drugs, illnesses, racism, capitalism, and degradation among others. Therefore, by presenting God as sketchy in his creation plan and creating only negative things, the author shows his resentment of God and his order, Not an author Other than his resentment of God, the author mostly focuses on the evil afflicting the a poet. people in the ghettos and how it has pinned them down as their God watches and works to ensure that the situation continues. The author claims that “God commanded the rivers of garbage & filthto flow gracefully through the ghettos” (lines 13-14). Overall, the poem decries the problems of the people in the ghettos and the slums and how God has created those problems. The poem focuses on evil and poverty and how they thrive in the ghettos and slums and furthermore works to present the people who are suffering from the same as helpless. This is especially seen in the last stanza where God tells them to be cool and they remain cool. The people come across as helpless since they have been placed in this situation by God. once again this is The main question that pops up in this poem is who God is and all indicators point towards the government or people in power. By explaining that God started by creating God, the you author shows that there are two Gods; the original one who was before the beginning and a inopinion. second one who was created by the first. One can hypothesize that Miguel does not blame God in the conventional sense for the problems of the ghetto. Instead, he blames those people in power for the oppression, poverty, inequality, and the status quo. It is evident that the evil God is less than mortal because he has a running nose and even goes on vacation to Puerto Rico after collecting his overtime pay. Unlike the Biblical God, this God is mortal and hence must be a human being. Here, he highlights the corruption and self-centeredness of politicians who neglect the slums and even pass policies which make them worse. Surname 4 Work Cited Pinero, Miguel. “The Book of Genesis According to St. Miguelito."All Poetry. Retrieved from https://allpoetry.com/The-Book-of-Genesis-According-to-St.-Miguelito. Accessed 20 Mar. 2019. Turo Sauces اسرارا مل رہا This was Analytical pape. la research paper. 4 Assor La ins Sorry Revorite Surname 3 Miguel condemns the government and people in power for neglecting the plight of the poor by highlighting the problems which they face and how class and social inequality have worked to exacerbate them. The poem assumes a close allusion to the story of creation in the Bible but takes a sarcastic turn. Instead of God being immortal, orderly, and caring, he is mortal, reckless, and disregarding. This God is a creation of the immortal God in the Bible and hence is a human being. The poem works to awaken awareness on the helplessness of the low-income earners and people living in the slums, clearly focusing on the negligence of the government towards them. Last in inome not ist ? What y yoem 0 hi
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Religion and Social Problems
Religion has often been used to criticize some world situations. But as Marx says in a
contribution to the critique of Hegel's philosophy of right, man makes religion and religion does
not make man (Marx, 71-85); which infers that it is man who influences the world situations.
This is further promoted by Pinero in his poem The Book of Genesis according to St Miguelito,
where he transposes the image of God into a normal man. While religion considers God, an all
perfect being with no errors and mistakes, Pinero looks the other side and paints God in a semiperfect image. Is religion to be blamed for the current social injustices? This paper seeks to
establish a solution to this question.
Marx in his book notes that religion is an express...

Awesome! Made my life easier.


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