Michelle Obama Campaign Using Propaganda Techniques Paper

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i want it as a word document use the same propaganda Technic. make it similar to the attachment but do not copy it use you one word and avoid plagiarism and make it about smoking campaign also i want 8-10 pages APA style use at lest 15 refrains.

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Running head: THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 1 The Michelle Obama Campaign using the Propaganda Techniques Public Opinion, Propaganda and Mass Media class Abstract Obesity is not only an American health crisis but a worldwide issue which needs proper health initiatives to help in curbing the obesity menace. The campaign was aimed at promoting healthier eating and physical activity among the American children. Most of the health experts and medical practitioners encourage physical exercises. Physical exercises advocate for reduced obesity rates in children and even in the cases of adults suffering from the obesity epidemic. For THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 2 the American people to choose the fresh and nutritious foods, these foods must be readily available. Accessing readily available fresh and nutritious meals reduces the chances of obesity and other health complications among the people. This paper examines the effectiveness of the campaign by employing the ten techniques of propaganda put forth by Jowett and O’Donnell (2017). The Let's Move campaign has successfully reached a broader and more substantial number of people in America. Different campaign and media strategy are also a contributory factor which made the journey a success. The use of alliances was a clear indication that Michelle Obama was a determined woman, who was willing to bet against all the odds to achieve positive outcomes. THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 3 Introduction The United States is among the worst hit countries with obesity cases. Children as young as ten years fall victims to the obesity menace. The former first lady Michelle Obama announced the ‘let’s move campaign.’ Between 1974 and 2008, the rates of children with obesity had increased from 5% to 17. (CDC, 2017). According to the statistics and data from the CDC, the national crisis of childhood obesity had tripled since the last thirty years. The Let’s Move Campaign by Michelle Obama involved the federal worked in conjunction with the local officials to provide nutrition support by encouraging the integration of physical exercises into the school programs and support extra curriculum activities like games and sports. Michelle Obama in a move which can be termed as the political strategy was determined to support the positive visions of her husband’s administration. This paper intends to use the propaganda techniques to analyze the effectiveness of Michelle Obama, Let’s Move campaign. Literature Review In the United States, obesity has become a dreaded health concern among many parents and the entire nation as well. According to the CDC, the data and statistical information showing that the obesity rates in children from 2-19 years are at 18.5% (Skinner et al., 2018). It is not uncommon to affirm that, obesity rates increase with age. As a child gets older, the obesity kicks in. As of recently, however, the obesity rates in more than 31 states in America have witnessed a substantial decline in the obesity rates. This is attributed to the fact that, the media, relevant stakeholders and the government is in support of nutrition programs for women, infants, and young persons as well. Many of the obese children have low self-esteem and low self-confidence because of their obesity. It’s a menace which affects the mental, physical and psychological status of the affected individuals. THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 4 It is considered accurate that being overweight undermines and restricts the physical activities of the children in America. Obesity is most often associated with severe health risk for instance chronic disease. It’s not a fun fact being obese, and this is because it constrains the capability of the body to fight off infection. Cardiovascular health problems, blood pressure elevated, asthma, and type 2 diabetes are just but a few of the chronic ailments associated with obesity (Skinner et al., 2018). The data from the Center for Disease Prevention Control reveals that almost 5.5% of girls and 7.3% of boys are incredibly obese and this is in the case of the research conducted among the children in the U.S (CDC, 2017). The figures which indicate the obesity rates are quite disheartening and this makes the government, caregivers, parents and even doctors responsible for establishing nutrition programs and support which would destabilize the obesity rates from increasing any further. Propaganda techniques and persuasive strategies are the most effective tools which can be used to fight off the obesity menace in America. Propaganda techniques, therefore, will come in handy in trying to explain whether the anti-obesity campaign by Michelle Obama was active or if it was not. There are essential propaganda techniques which include the bandwagon, loaded words, testimonial, name calling, everyday folks, snob appeal, misuse of statistics and transfer. Propaganda techniques are useful communication tools which try to convince people into believing what the propagandists claim (Morrow, 2018). Governments, media houses, politicians, organizations and even ordinary citizens at some point have used propaganda to pass across their claim or argument. The Ideology and Purpose of the Propaganda Campaign The aim of any campaign be it political, or social is to feed the audience with a comprehensive conceptual framework for dealing with political and social realities in any given THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 5 country to (Jowett & O’Donnell, 2015). The CDC affirms that the propaganda techniques they used aimed to reduce the number of obese cases and to reduce the deaths and diseases associated with a person being overweight. The propaganda campaign was also aimed at educating people about the many types of ailments that emerge as a result of obesity. The attack also targeted minority groups and the most vulnerable people from low-income families. As a result of the CDC campaigns, the numbers of deaths and diseases related to obesity have substantially been reduced. Michelle Obama has been using this approach to reach a broader audience. Despite her status quo, she was determined to reach as many people as she could, and she was so much up to the task that she would do anything to pass on her real message. The task force initiated by Michelle Obama majorly put their focus on the physical exercise, marketing, gardening, school feeding program, the media and the advertisement and any other thing which would be beneficial towards sensitizing people on the dangers of obesity (Morrow, 2018). The many ideologies that Michelle Obama used in her anti-obesity campaign are a justification that her campaign approaches are indeed valid. Michelle Obama in one of her meetings in regard to obesity was quoted encouraging the media and all food companies across American soil to process and advocate for healthy eating amongst the children. The healthy diet and keeping fit contribute towards a clean and obesity free nation. Food marketing plays a significant role in ensuring that the obesity campaign is successful. This is because it encourages clean and healthy eating which reduced the obesity rates among the American children. While an advertisement is being run on the television about healthy diet, a child may see and note the importance of the message being put across. This would make them, ask their parents to provide them with foods which are healthy and fit for the wellness of the body. Another advertisement may advertise foods which are not healthy, and the children may develop THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 6 the urge to get hold of those foods (Ludwig, 2018). Therefore, food marketing strategy contributes towards the risk of obesity. If the marketing strategy used is negative then, the chances of children eating unhealthy food are increased. Consequently, should the marketing strategy be positive then the children and the parents would be encouraged to observe clean and healthy eating? The former first lady emphasized that cultural change has been witnessed in school canteens which offer vegetables, broccoli and whole wheat pasta in children’s menu was an effective way which contributed towards eating healthy and reducing the likelihood of obesity cases. Since there has been a slight reduction in the obesity cases among the children especially in the U.S, Michelle Obama thinks that more still needs to be done to ensure that every parent observes clean eating among the children (Puhl, Peterson & Luedicke, 2013). Diabetes rates among the children struggling with obesity are evident high. Statistics show that one out of three children is on track regarding avoidance of diabetes. Therefore the remaining obesity children need to be brought on board to ensure that diseases like diabetes have no room in their lives. This can indeed be achieved if only every person decides to start eating healthy and keeping fit. Physical exercises and engaging in sports and game are among the most advised activities which improve the performance of the body. These activities make a person sweat, and the sweat is believed to get rid of the toxic substances in the body. While inaugurating the first meeting in the White House, Michelle Obama was heard saying that, everyone has to provide food responsibly to the children (Ludwig, 2018). In attendance were the prominent media personality, research institutions, government agencies and representatives from the food industry as well as parent groups. The children eat what is given to them. Therefore giving them healthy foods would make them adopt the strategy even when they are older and the trend would be passed on from generation to the next. Michelle Obama approach THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 7 of reaching the audience can be termed as being conceptual and holistic too. When choosing food for their families, the parents need support instead of undermining their effort. Michelle Obama is in total agreement with the sentiments of the above sentence because she was quoted saying that the goal of the anti-obesity approach was to ‘empower parents instead of undermining them.’ Food advertisements aimed at reaching children can either create the missed opportunities or can directly threaten their health. For this reason, the marketing strategy should be structured in a way that is effective and efficient I advocating against obesity cases in children and young adults. The former first lady was in her Let’s move campaign speech was heard praising the Walt Disney Company for its refusal to market and advertised junk foods on their channels, theme parks and also on their websites (Ferrara, 2013). This move by Walt Disney was positively received by people since it was a significant step it made towards ensuring that media houses are at the forefront of advocating for clean and healthy eating among children. The frozen food company Bird's Eye also caught the attention of Michelle Obama. The food company was showered with praises for its efforts in campaigning for healthy eating. The food company used characters from the iCarly television series to advertise healthy foods like vegetables. The advertisement must have caught the eyes of many young television observers, and this is because, the characters used are well known and loved by the children (Puhl, Peterson & Luedicke, 2013). Apart from the mentioned campaign strategies, there are multiple of another approach she used in her anti-obesity campaigns which shows the effectiveness of her campaign. The existing evidence reveals that the ideologies the former first lady has been using have proved appropriate for the obesity campaign. The Context in Which the Propaganda Occurs The propaganda techniques from the CDC emerged at the time when the obesity menace was at the forefront of the national crisis in America. The campaign came at a time when the THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 8 audiences were believed to be receptive. When it comes to propaganda, context is considered as an imperative factor which is useful in passing the intended message (Jowett & O’Donnell, 2015). Propaganda techniques hold the notion that if done in the right context; advertisements are most likely to be effective. Michelle Obama initiated the Let’s Move campaign in the wake of the obesity crisis. The campaign was received positively even by the critics because it was initialized at the time when, junk and unhealthy foods like pizzas, hamburgers, fries and sugary foods. These junk foods were almost served in all restaurants including the children menu. Therefore it is believed that this was a contributory factor which facilitated the movement to be more effective in the United States. Michelle Obama started the campaign when the obesity rates in America had tripled since the last three decades. The obesity percentages at the time had reached 17%. The 17% was the obesity rates among children only (Jahz, Butner & Pate, 2013). At the time her campaign was initiated, one out of every three children had overweight problems. In this light, she started her campaign to encourage clean and healthy eating amongst the children in the American population. Michelle Obama was and still is a famous person in the history of America. The influence she had and her popularity acted as an appropriate context within which she established her anti-obesity campaign. Michelle Obama and her entire household carried out an anti-obesity campaign in 2009, to encourage healthy eating especially in schools (Hafekost et al., 2013). The motto of the campaign was “If Obama's daughters eat healthy at school, why do not I?" poor diet was a factor which contributed to many children being overweight. Medical Committee for Responsible Medicine was the non-profit organization which sponsored the movement at the time. The posters used in the campaign, notwithstanding generated a lot of controversy since a black girl’s image was used. In the wake of child obesity, there was a need for a healthy campaign that would resonate with people and appeal to their senses into realizing the effects associated with THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 9 obesity. Although a reduction in the obesity cases had been observed, Michelle Obama the issue is still concerned about the preventable diseases related to child obesity. Identification of the propagandist Per the propaganda techniques, it is believed that for the propaganda to be effective, then it must involve a prominent person. In this context, the propagandist is the former first lady, Michelle Obama. At the time of the when the campaign was initialized, she was still the first lady of the United States of America. In the political history of America, first ladies have always tried to use their position to do something beneficial for the American people. For first ladies, this trend has been in action for the past four decades. For instance, Nancy Reagan initiated the ‘Say NO to drugs’ campaign (Georgiadis, 2013). At the time of the campaign and up to date, drug and substance abuse cases have been on the rise. Man young individuals indulge themselves in such actions, which eventually harm their lives of render them helpless in society. Therefore the ‘Say NO to drugs’ campaign was following the plights affecting the general U.S population. Laura Bush at the time of her husband’s reign supported the campaign which advocated for reading and writing in the first years of children’s development. The former first lady, Hillary Clinton is recognized for initiating the health reforms in America. Together with Senator Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch in 1997 received the go-ahead of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. The efforts were successful when the federal government facilitated medical coverage for all American children whose families were incapable of providing healthcare coverage (Butler-Wall, 2018). Among the most notable accomplished of Hillary Clinton as a first lady is the Adoption and the Safe Families Act, a campaign which she initiated and actively supported. Then, there is Michelle Obama and the anti-obesity campaign. THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 10 The attack is believed to appeal to the forms of persuasion which are the ethos, logos and the pathos. Her popularity and her soft-spoken nature facilitated the effectiveness of the campaign. The structure of the propaganda operation It is considered accurate that the Michelle Obama campaign was highly structured in its nature. It is highly structured in that; it consists of different categories of people involved in various activities which benefit the community. The former president Obama himself at the time of his presidency formed a special task force in 2010 (Hawkers, Jewel &Allen, 2013). The task force was focused on childhood obesity in America. The task force was mandated to develop and maintain institutional plans and strategies which would be taken up by the first lady to coordinate her efforts in fighting the obesity tragedy. The highly structured nature of Michelle’s campaign was designed in a way that it deals with all sorts of discrepancies and differences regarding the information being passed across. The head of the task force was Michelle Obama, and an action plan was formulated to eradicate the problem of childhood obesity. Michelle Obama in coordination with Kathleen Sibelius the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Regina Benjamin who by then held the position of the U.S Surgeon General announced an action plan which was focused towards ensuring proper and healthy eating habits. The healthy eating habits were possible through the availability of better and healthy nutrition programs. The three promoted the effectiveness of healthier decision so that the American people can lead a healthier life by use of effective nutrition programs. Michelle Obama, the first lady at the time emphasized on the need of observing healthy eating. Healthy eating leads to a healthy life which in turn reduces the chances of contracting diseases related to obesity. She often talked about the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetation. Cultivation of vegetables and fruits would to a great extent reduce the chances of high rates of obesity among the American children. To facilitate THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 11 the public knowledge about the movement, Michelle sparked a nationwide debate about healthy eating and the necessity of eating fruits and vegetables. The motivation behind Michelle Obama’s campaign was the need to sensitize the American people on the lack of eating healthy and incorporating physical exercises into their daily aspects of life. The Let’s Move campaign was aimed at improving the lives of the American people most especially the children. When children eat a healthy diet, the wellness of the future generation is safeguarded. The increasing rates of obesity are considered a nationwide health crisis which needs immediate intervention. This is because; the younger generation and the adults are all indiscriminately affected by the obesity tragedy. Most medical practitioners determine that, with the obesity rates being alarmingly high, the lives of the younger generations might be cut short. The doctors predict that the obesity menace could hamper the lives of the children. It is anticipated that the in the current age, parents may live much longer than their obese children (Esposito et al., 2013). Therefore Michelle Obama decided to try to consolidate the efforts of as many people as possible to try and overcome the obesity epidemic. In one of her many speeches, she was quoted saying ‘we don’t have time to waste, let’s move, let’s move.’ Her sentiments echoed the sentiments of parents and other stakeholders who were ready to deal fairly with the epidemic of obesity in children and even in adults. Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign was dedicated to reducing the chances of obesity in the American children. There are four pillars in her campaign which she integrated with her obesity initiatives. The four components are; healthy schools, access to affordable and healthy foods, influencing families to make healthy choices, and raising physical activity levels. The coordinated efforts which saw the Let’s Move campaign come into the light, attracted a 400 million dollars to fund a federal subsidiary initiatives known as the Health Food Financing Initiatives THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 12 (Ferrara, 2013). The funds would ensure that various projects are initiated in America. The plans would include the construction and the expansion of the already existing warehouses to increase the supply of fresh, healthy foods. Food deserts are those areas in America which lack proper nutrition support. The food desserts in most times are economically restrained areas which require enough food stores which supply fresh and healthy foods. Obesity and other diet-related ailments can be as a result of the lack of healthy food choice. These factors were factored in when the construction and the expansion of the food supply warehouses were being constructed. The Target Audience Michelle Obama’s campaign at the time of its inception was comprehensive regarding the conceptual framework. The target audience was broad, and it included parents, schools, food production firms, parents, the media, political organizations, food production firms and even the teachers. The Let’s Move campaign aimed at promoting the awareness of physical activity, parents’ empowerment through the use of relevant information and pieces of advice, the change of school meals and the ease of access of healthy foods among the American population. The most amazing and notable thing among the target audience was their eagerness to listen to the campaign strategies and adopt the approach as well. Obesity is an issue which affects almost everyone regardless of age, race, gender or religion (Freeland-Graves &Nitzke (2013). Media Utilization Techniques Television shows are among the media techniques used by Michelle Obama. For instance, the reality Television show called the Biggest Loser highlighted all the significant challenges related to obesity. She put forward a call for contestants to turn up in large numbers and take part in the contest. The rule of the competition was that the Biggest Loser would be the one rewarded. The person to shed off the most weight would be paid. The winner of the game was promised a THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 13 visit to the White House. The reality show which aired on a weekly basis focused its efforts in advocating for a healthy lifestyle. The show attracted a considerable number of followers of up to 5.7 million people each week (Butler-Wall, 2015). Michelle Obama is a jovial person who doesn’t mind getting a little sweaty as long as the proper message is passed across. There was a particular time when the first lady at that time emerged on a nightly talk show with Jimmy Fallon. The two could be seen singing and jumping around. Michelle Obama and Jimmy Fallon despite being prominent public figures did not mind what people would say about their exercising on a live TV show. What mattered to them was the need to sensitize the people on the importance of observing clean and healthy eating as well as the health benefits of embracing physical activities. Regardless of the age, various tailor-made physical training activities suit all people. Prominent people from multiple entertainment industries would occasionally be invited to the show, and they would publicly speak out about the need to embrace healthy lifestyles and physical exercises. The Biggest Loser gained popularity among the American people. It was aired on NBC every Tuesday night. Therefore it is correct to say that, Michelle Obama’s campaign made use of television shows in a bid to try and pass on the message to the target audience. The purpose of billboards, TV shows, radio and social media ads played a crucial role in ensuring that the obesity messages reach a more significant number of people. In the modern times, where everyone conducts everything online the incorporation of social media and internet platforms were helpful in her campaign (Esposito et al., 2013). Word of mouth also ensured that the messages spoken about obesity reached as many people as possible Special techniques to maximize effects The inclusion of real-life characters and the use of prominent personalities was an effective strategy that made sure that people took an interest in the campaign. Both persuasive appeals and THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 14 reality perspectives were among the designs of the Michelle Obama’s campaign. Initially, the first unique technique used was the experts backing. The experts backed up the drive to help maximize its effects on the target audience. From the Rule of thumb, it can be connoted that when the subject is not a person’s specialty, then the person should surround themselves with experts who are well versed in that field. Michelle Obama is one very wise lady who would not like to take any chances which would compromise the effectiveness of the campaign. She surrounds herself with experts from various departments be it the public health department, the sales and marketing departments, the hospitality industry among many other departments. Sam Kaas, the chef of the Obama family since way back when they lived in Chicago, was among the most senior executives on her team. She understood the need to have a healthy diet and therefore to have the expertise of a renowned food professional like Sam Kaas, was a bonus score in the obesity campaign. The works of Kaas are evident in the battle because he advocated for a healthy diet which includes the regular consumption of fruits and vegetables. The creation of alliances among major vital players was the second individual technique embraced by Michelle Obama in her Let’s Move campaign. Michelle considered the food industries as her allies. This didn’t stand well with her critics because since the campaign was innovative, it gained a bit of controversial attention when instead of sidelining food industries as public enemies concerning eating health, the productions were made allies. She refused to play the divisive strategy instead she believed in the goodness of creating alliances which would stand together against the nationwide crisis of obesity. Among the associated companies, was Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is considered to be the largest food supplier company in the United States (Georgiadis, 2013). Consolidated efforts were enhanced between her campaign and Wal-Mart to help in fighting the obesity menace. The company was advised to cut portions of the salt, and the sugars in the THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 15 foods supplied. Alliances were also fostered with bottled water companies to educate the American people on the importance of consuming water. Water is helpful in lowering the calories in the body, and it also helps in the digestion process. Drinking enough water suppresses the need of wanting to eat large portions of food. Most medical practitioners in a diet plan, affirm that drinking more massive amounts of water every day ensures that a person does not consume larger food potions. Drinking more water reduces the urge of consuming more significant portions of junk and unhealthy parts. The use of affirmative strategy was a maximizing effect which ensured that the messages and the tasks have done on the importance of healthy eating reach many people. The need to reinforce on positive news carries with it significant influence which can make people aware of the dangers of eating unhealthy and the impacts of avoidance of physical activities. Children programs which include, talk shows, dancing shows and even cooking shows speaks volume in reinforcing the positive messages. Through her engagement in physical activities, talk shows, and cooking shows, the former first lady has created an image which benefits the audience of the television shows. Audience Reaction to Various Techniques According to the data and the statistical information gathered throughout the campaign, the audience reaction has been considered to be favorable and positive receptive. There are always people who often derail and thwart the efforts of others. Therefore, in spite of the campaign gearing towards achieving healthy eating, there were different and varied reactions from different people (Skinner et al., 2018). There were cases where the audiences were offended and other matters the viewers were emotional. Most of the spectators, however, were receptive and welcoming. Some population of the African American people considered the campaign racially abusive and THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 16 discriminative when the images of Michelle’s daughters were released during the campaign period. Despite all this, the overall impact on the audience was majorly positive. For instance, a few years since the launch of the campaign, there have been positive reports from the health experts who observe that the campaign has contributed to the reduction rates in obesity cases. To date, school lunches are more healthy and nutritious, and food processing companies have been compelled to produces less saturated fats in foods. The rates of childhood obesity have drastically reduced, and the diet-related complications have been significantly reduced all thanks to the former first lady’s obesity campaign. Through the testimonials from the health experts, it is right to say that the old first lady’s campaign successfully used propaganda techniques to reach as many people as possible. Counterpropaganda, if present In Michelle Obama’s campaign so far, there have been no reported or observed counterpropaganda. Instead of causing a divisive campaign, the then the first lady made sure that; she created an alliance (Ludwig, 2018). The obesity campaign was also conducted in such a skillful and elaborative manner which undermined any chances of counter-propaganda. One of the most notable innovative which sparked controversial talks was the fact that instead of Michelle Obama declaring food companies a public enemy who thwarted the efforts of reducing the chances of obesity, she formed macro alliances with those companies. Her partnerships with them indeed bore fruits. Food supplier companies like Wal-Mart agreed to reduce the rate of sugars and salts in the processed foods. Manufacturers of bottled water were also embraced in the campaign. Their duty was to create public awareness on the necessity of drinking clean water often. The creation of alliances was a preventative strategy which ensured that no counter propagandas were established. Effects and Evaluation THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 17 Without a doubt, the results of the Let’s Move campaign by the former first lady are profoundly many. The coordinated efforts to make the food companies manufacture healthy foods have significantly borne fruits (Hawkers, Jewel &Allen, 2013). Companies were directed to produce healthy foods with clear and readable labels to enable people to skim the information have been achieved. The ban on the marketing of unhealthy food products for children has been observed to have borne fruits as well. Approximately a month after the launch of the obesity program, food and beverage companies like Pepsi strove towards the stoppage of selling soft drinks with sugars in schools as from 2012 henceforth. Food companies like Kraft Food Inc. resorted to producing food substances with reduced rates of sodium contents (Morrow, 2018). Michelle Obama’s obesity campaign without a doubt has yielded many fruits and will continue doing so as long as it masters the use of active propaganda techniques. Conclusion Propaganda techniques are effective persuasive strategies used by almost everyone. Different governments and individuals have continually used the propaganda techniques to influence the reactions of the targeted audiences. The campaign by Michelle Obama was a useful propaganda technique that was aimed at reducing the rates of obesity most especially in children. The effectiveness of the campaign was witnessed when it appealed to the emotions of the affected people. The successfulness of the Michelle strategy was achieved due to the fact she considered all the propaganda techniques. THE MICHELLE OBAMA CAMPAIGN 18 References Butler-Wall, K. (2015). Risky measures: Digital technologies and the governance of child obesity. WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly, 43(1), 228-245. CDC. (2017, April 23). CDC Organization Chart. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/orgchart.htm. Chao, C. C., Zhang, Y., & Li, J. (2018). The" First" First Lady of China and the" First Black" First Lady of America: The Role of Liyuan Peng and Michelle Obama in the Media's Portrayal. China Media Research, 14(1). Esposito, P. W., Caskey, P., Heaton, L. E., & Otsuka, N. (2013, April). Childhood obesity case statement. In Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism (Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 539-544). Elsevier. Ferrara, J. (2013). Games for persuasion: Argumentation, procedural, and the lie of gamification. Games and Culture, 8(4), 289-304. Freeland-Graves, J. H., & Nitzke, S. 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Smoking Campaign
Campaigns conducted are purposed to minimize the rate of smoking as it has many health
dangers to smokers
Thesis Statement: The drive of this paper is to use smoking techniques to analyze the
effectiveness of smoking campaigns.
Literature Review

Many US citizens have lost their lives prematurely as a result of smoking cigarettes as
compared to the sum of the United States citizens who have lost their lives in all the wars
that the state has ever fought. Smoking results in 90 percent of all lung cancer-related
deaths (Department of Health, 2017).

Some states in the US like California have launched the first widespread countrywide
efforts to implement robust anti-smoking interventions.

In 1990, the media launched a smoking campaign in California. Even though the youth
were the target audience for the campaign, many of the messages in the campaign were
purposed to change the norms that were influencing the use of tobacco in adults.

The Ideology and the Purpose of the Smoking Campaign

The results from the campaigns that have been made suggest that a campaign that is well
funded and implemented is associated with a decrease in the rates of smoking.

The Context in Which the Smoking Occurs

Some critical aspects of the social smoking context for all smokers vary according to the
gender, socio-economic and gender position.

Identification of the Smoker

Identifying who the smoker is has become challenging as smokers do not accept the fact
that they are smokers.

The Structure of the Smoking Operation

CDC campaigns share stories of real people living with the long-term effects of smoking
as part of their campaigns.

The Target Audience

Smoking campaigns target all the ages and all the genders. There are millions of smokers
in the world today (Pollay, 2019).

Some campaigns target pregnant women who smoke since smoking is harmful to the
unborn baby and the mother as well.

Media Utilization Techniques

Across the world today, the smoking industry has made great use of media in their
strategies of communication in their campaigns (Frennet, 2016).

Special Techniques to Maximize Effects

Many campaigns use real-life stories and characters together with famous and prominent
people to ensure that the target audiences are interested in the campaign.

Audience Reactions to Various Techniques

Smoking campaigns are expected to have beneficial and favorable outcomes. Mass media
campaigns that include televised self-help institutions are effective in changing the
behaviors that smokers have mostly when they are used together with social support
components (Choi & Stommel, 2017).

Effects and Evaluation


Undoubtedly, the results of the smoking campaigns are positive. Some of the effects of
the campaigns include reduced smoking by the youth, decreasing numbers of tobacco
users and increased rates of quitting (Huang et al., 2017).


Smoking campaigns are essential to control the rate of smoking among youths and adults.



Smoking Campaign
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation




Campaigns against smoking are essential as they inspire many nonsmokers to encourage
members in their families to quit smoking. Campaigns conducted are purposed to minimize the
rate of smoking as it has many health dangers to smokers. Many campaigns are undertaken to
reduce smoking, and they have been useful. Smoking is among the leading causes of death
among citizens of the United States among other nations throughout the world. Majority of the
campaigns against smoking use various specific techniques for various target audiences, to
ensure the effectiveness of the campaigns. Smokers are determined by factors like age, gender,
education and financial status among other things. Smoking is a choice, and through the use of
the campaigns, anyone willing to stop smoking can choose to quit and live a healthy life.



Today, smoking is much more different from the way that it used to be in the past. People
have begun to have the wrong perspective about smoking where many believe that smoking is
essential to their daily lives while other people recent smoking. According to the CDC report,
Smoking cigarettes in the United States is the number one avertable source of death. Nearly
every one in five deaths in the US is caused by smoking. As compared to illnesses and factors
like HIV, use of alcohol, a...

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