For this option, create and submit an annotated bibliography of research supporting your action plan. This is a helpful activity because it will assist you in finding relevant sources of information for use in your final course portfolio project.
- Click here (Links to an external site.) for information about creating annotated bibliographies. Your annotated bibliography must be in the correct format shown in this link for full credit.
- You will include 10 references, of which at least seven will be from scholarly sources (books or peer-reviewed journals) and the rest from newspapers, magazines, government, or trade press or trade organizations.
- Along with each reference in your bibliography, provide an annotation that explains why you chose the reference, how you found it, and how it assisted with your analysis.
The bibliography should be 2-3 pages in length, not counting the title page which you must include. Remember to format your paper according to APA Guidelines.
Explanation & Answer
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Annotated Bibliography
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An annotated bibliography is a researcher working list of references. A researcher mainly
uses books, articles, and online articles to complete their essays or research projects. While
writing an annotated bibliography, the writer first outlines their citation that is books, articles,
and online articles and then writes a small paragraph on why they think the source is the most
appropriate to be used in the research project or essay they are writing.
Annotated Bibliography
Hoque, N. (2013). The impact of future demographic change on overweight and obesity,
and the economic cost associated with this phenomenon, in Georgia (USA), 2000–
2040. Canadian Studies in Population, 40(3-4), 117-133.
Hoque, Nazrul, a senior manager and researcher talks more about the impact of future
population changes on overweight and obesity, and the medical cost related to overweight
and obesity in Georgia (p.117-133). The researcher postulates an increase in obesity cases
in adults and its associated medical cost.
Maalouf, J. (2011). Nutrition Environment and Practices in Twenty-Four Child-Care
Centers in Georgia.
The author, a researcher from Georgia State University, uses data from the child care
centers in Southwest Georgia to find the relationship that exists between child care
centers with obesity in children 3-5 years of age. The author argues that there is a