PSY420 Nevada State History Major Theories & Contribution to Psychology Paper

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There are many learning theories that we have looked at during this course and many that we didn't have time to explore. They span multiple disciplines and include many major theorists in Psychology. For this assignment, choose one theory to explore more in-depth. Using library sources (textbooks, research articles, etc. - no blogs or wikipedia), write a minimum of a 3-page APA formatted research paper that explains the history, major theorists and their contributions, and the implications of this theory. In other words, the Who, What, and Why of the theory. Also include an explanation of the contributions this theory has made to the field of Psychology.

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Explanation & Answer

HI again, I have just completed the paper. Please find attached. It has been nice working with u.

Research Methods in Psychology
Thesis statement: Clinical psychology is commonly referred to as the branch of psychology
that concerns itself mainly with assessing and treating of abnormal behaviours in human
beings, mental abnormally and psychiatric issues.
1. History, major theories and their contribution to psychology
2. The implication of clinical psychology theory
3. Contributions of this theory to the field of psychology


Research Methods in Psychology
Institution Affiliation




History, Major Theories and Their Contribution to Psychology
Bowdle (2019), tells us that clinical psychology is commonly referred to as the branch of
psychology that concerns itself mainly with assessing and treating of abnormal behaviors in
human beings, mental abnormally, and psychiatric issues. The field of clinical psychology
encompasses the science that deals with human psychology and combines it with the treatment of
profound human problems.
This theory comes from way back by drawing from the work of early influencers like the
examples of Sigmund Freud. Bowdle (2019), asserts that Sigmund Freud was the first scientist to
give focus on the idea that mental disorders were something that could be healed just by talking
to the victim or patient. His talk therapy development was what was...

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