You may find my paper in the attached file.
I will provide you a an Executive Summary sample, and I would like you to follow the same format. The Summary should be one to two pages.
thank you

Explanation & Answer

Hi, kindly find attached
Running Head: SUMMARY
Executive summary
Student’s Name
Broadband or advanced telecommunication capability is more commonly known as highspeed internet become an essential aspect of today's society. Broadband access is a requirement in
almost all aspects of everyday life including work, medical treatment, educational, and countless
other uses. There are several different types of broadband technology including fiber optic
network, cable modem, wireless, satellite, and digital subscriber line (DSL). These technologies
can communicate and are compatible with developing a more extensive network; fiber-optic
network technology is the focus of this study. Additionally, broadband networks have different
segments known as the backbone, middle mile, and last mile (Network, 2014). The backbone
consists of extensive compacity infrastructure capable of transmitting large...