Personality Theory Handout
Purpose of the assignment:
This assignment is to give students an opportunity to synthesize an understanding of
personality theories by developing one of their own. You may choose a specific topic that
your theory explains or you may develop your theory so that it provides you understanding of
your past self, your current self, and helps you anticipate your future self.
What are good theory papers like? They have these characteristics
1. Are clear
2. Make few assumptions---of course, the assumptions must be identified
3. Describe relationship to other published, i.e., known, personality
4. Generate testable hypotheses
5. Relate to existing scientific literature
Modified from
Tangen, K. (2010, July 11). Tangen’s Theory of Personality. Retrieved from https://
Suggested Organization:
Part 1 Foundational theories and assumptions
You need an introductory paragraph that can introduce these items OR be a part of
this section. You need sources to support which theories serve as a foundation for your
Part 2 Description of the theory
Make sure you explain the actual theory. Here you can include what testable
hypotheses the theory produces. You will also need literature to support the overall theory
Part 3
How does the theory explain a TOPIC or explain your past self, your current self,
your future self
This section answers how useful your theory is in terms of its ability to explain. Of
course, you will use sources to support yourself here. DON’T forget that your paper needs a
Steps to completing the literature review project:
1. Look for some literature!!! On Wednesday, January 30th, be prepared to talk about
two different research articles that you think may help you write your paper. Make
sure you answer why these two will help you.
2. Define your paper, aka, what is your thesis, topic, and/or approach? For Friday,
February 1st, come to class prepared to present your paper thesis. To complete this
assignment, bring to class a word-processed single paragraph about your topic. Some
things to address include: why is it of importance to you; what do you know about it
already; and/or what questions regarding personality do you seek to answer. Keep in
mind this could be a great draft of your introductory paragraph for your final paper.
3. What are the two different existing theories which inform your own theory? For
Friday, February 15th, bring to class a word-processed single paragraph about two
theories, minimum, that inform your theory. Be prepared to share these with
classmates and ask/answer questions about how your theories will be incorporated
into your paper.
4. Read, read, read, and take notes on a minimum of 10 scholarly journal sources (you
may use other sources such as web pages, dictionaries, books, etc but none of these
will count for the minimum noted). An APA correct reference list of at least 10
scholarly journal sources is due as upload to moodle by Friday, March 1st at 11:30
pm. Submission of a complete draft reference list may earn you up to a 5 point
addition for your final paper grade.
5. On Monday, March 18th be prepared to address in class how your thesis may have
changed and how your introduction and your conclusion paragraphs are going.
6. Summarize, evaluate, and write up your sources into a unified paper that is 15 pages,
minimum, not counting the required title page and reference list. Submit a draft of
your paper via moodle by Wednesday, March 27th at 11:30 pm. A complete draft by
this time may earn you up to 10 points to be added to your final paper grade.
7. Correct your draft!!! Make sure your final paper has complete APA format specifics
a. Title page
b. Body with in-text citations that match reference list
c. Reference List
8. The final MS word format paper (minimum 15 pages not counting the title page and
reference list) and PDF uploads of all cited scholarly articles are due by 11:30 pm on
Friday April 26th, via moodle. Late submission penalty: if submitted within 24 hours
after the deadline, 5 points. After 24 hours late, will result in a total of a 10-point
deduction and NO late submissions allowed after 48 hours.
Introduction to Personality: Personality Theory Paper Grading Rubric
Final Paper Submission Checklist
_____APA format title page
_____Theory paper has 15 content pages plus a title page and reference list
_____APA style in-text citations
_____APA style reference list with minimum of 10 scholarly journal sources
Grading Rubric (NOTE: 10 points may be deducted from the final grade for lack of
submitting journal sources)
Does the paper address the topic in a clear, integrated fashion?
25 pts
Has a unified, strong awareness of task; thesis is clear and integrated throughout
the paper.
20 pts
Has a central topic with a thesis which is integrated in the paper.
15 pts
Has a main point with regard to one overall topic that is mostly evident in the
10 pts
Has a single topic identified but there is little integration throughout paper.
5 pts
Has minimal evidence of the overall topic and no central idea/thesis.
Is the paper appropriately organized? Headings and sub-headings may be
25 pts
Has a sophisticated arrangement of the content into clearly developed
paragraphs with strong transitions and internal coherence.
20 pts
Has clear arrangement of content into paragraphs that follow and support the
purpose; for most part transitions and internal coherence is sound.
15 pts
Has adequate arrangement of content into paragraphs following the main idea;
transitions and coherence are adequate.
10 pts
Has simple or confused arrangement of content; paragraphs do not establish a
logical organization; transitions are poor.
5 pts
Minimal organization of content into paragraphs without transitions.
Does the content present a synthesized theory?
25 pts
Has specific and/or illustrative content articulating assumptions of the theory as
drawn from relevant literature; paraphrasing, quoting and summarizing are
20 pts
skillful, seamlessly integrated into the paper, and cited completely and clearly; a
complex argument that provides for testable hypotheses is evident.
Contains well-developed content supported by appropriate, useful details
developing the thesis; paraphrasing, quoting and summarizing are skillful,
integrated into the paper, and properly cited.
15 pts
Has sufficiently developed content with adequate use of details related to the
main idea; paraphrasing, quoting and summarizing are obvious, appropriate and
cited; addressing assumptions and testable hypotheses is recognized but does
not necessarily support the overall theory.
10 pts
Contains limited content; not all details are related to main ideas; paraphrasing,
quoting and summarizing is appropriate but is disjointed and disconnected from
the text; citations are appropriate but may not be clear or complete; simplified
theory development; no development of assumptions or testable hypotheses.
5 pts
Few or no details specific to a main idea present; no explanation of details as
they' relate to topic; paraphrasing, quoting and summarizing are off task and not
integrated nor cited properly; no theory development.
How is the theory written? Is it compelling with an obvious audience?
10 pts
Written with wide-ranging sentence and paragraph structures and appropriate
verb usage; precise and appropriate choices in language; meticulous attention to
cohesiveness and organization.
8 pts
Contains diverse sentence and paragraph structures and verb usage; careful and
appropriate choices in language; careful attention to cohesiveness and
6 pts
Has adequate sentence and paragraph structures and verb usage; appropriate
choices in language; adequate attention to cohesiveness and organization.
4 pts
Writing displays limited sentence and paragraph structures and verb usage;
unfitting, disjointed and/or distracting choices in language; inadequate attention
to cohesiveness and organization.
2 pts
Little or no evidence of attention paid to sentence and paragraph structures and
verb usage; inadequate choices in language; no apparent attention to
cohesiveness and organization.
Is the paper written in conventional, formal writing with proper grammar,
spelling, capitalization, and punctuation?
10 pts
Recognizes mechanics as part of communication; none or only a few errors in
grammar, spelling or sentence usage.
8 pts
Contains few errors in grammar, spelling, and usage which part do not interfere
with communication
6 pts
Has repetitive errors in grammar, spelling, and usage that do not interfere with
overall communication of ideas.
4 pts
Has repetitive errors in grammar, spelling, and usage that somewhat interfere
with communication.
2 pts
Errors in grammar, spelling, and usage interfere with communication.
Are the in-text and reference list citations done correctly?
5 pts
Both the in-text and reference list citations are done correctly including 100%
accuracy between content and reference list. All formatting is correct including
title page, body of the paper, and reference list.
4 pts
APA formatting is basically correct with only minor format errors that do not
interfere with the reader’s ability to identify source material and follow
development of the ideas in the paper.
More significant, consistent format errors that do not interfere with the reader’s
ability to identify source material and follow development of the ideas in the
paper. Lacks title page.
Lack of agreement or content not cited correctly impacts the reader’s ability to
identify source material and follow development of the ideas in the paper.
1 pts
Overall lack of APA formatting.
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