Principles of Effective Leadership Five Practices Assignment

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I want to please to write three pages about these five practices. Where my strength of these and what are the weaknesses that is stopping me from being an effective leader (my weaknesses are heighted in the red. Address each model separately. Thank you Model the Way Strength - Close to be strength - - I can clearly articulate my values to constituents. My values are aligned with my organization. My values are aligned with my constituents. I have affirmed my constituent’s values with my own. I use my time effectively to reflect my value system. I am egalitarian and my words to constituents reflect it. I learn from my mistakes I know my weak spots and I work on them in a focused, continuous way. My customers are my constituents. I serve them every day. I frequently lend a hand to my constituents - contribute to the team. My values are aligned with my constituents. I consistently hold my constituents accountable to the agreed values. I am a consensus builder. - A personal strength is conflict resolution. I regularly solicit critical feedback from my constituents. Close to be a weakness Weaknesses My values are clear to others I consistently hold myself accountable to the agreed values. I am a good listener. My example is consistent with my values. I do what I say and say what I do. I follow-through on commitments. I demonstrate respect to others, always. - Inspire a shared vision. Strength - Close to be strength - - Close to be a weakness - Weaknesses - Challenge the process I listen deeply to what is important to others for their future and what gives their lives meaning and purpose. I consistently stress the positive possibilities the future holds. I have developed a clear vision (perhaps a vision statement) for the future. I know what it looks like, so it will be recognizable to me when I arrive I am intentional in practicing and communicating my vision. The vision for my life is aligned with my career. The vision I have for myself is aligned with my current work (school, work, personal relationship, etc.). I have a clear idea of 'what's next (in my life, work) and what's next after that. There is a greater purpose to my vision than simply work for a wage. I am positive in my behavior around and towards others - in what I say, and do. I frequently remind myself the vision (strategy, BHAG, etc.,) is not about the organization or me, but most importantly is about meeting team-member needs. I make sure my vision for the future includes defined places for others. I know what my life's 'passion' is and I am in its pursuit. I make clear what set's our direction apart of others, knowing the more unique it is the higher the probability team members will 'buyin.' My conviction, sincerity, passion is clearly recognized by all teammembers. I share my vision with co-workers & friends, and ask them for honest feedback regarding how clear and inspiring it is to them. I set time aside each day to more carefully observe what is happening around me. I am as good at listening as I am talking. I spend a little time each day brainstorming how the future could and should look. I effectively use enthusiasm and expressiveness to generate commitment in others. I am careful about the language I use to better create a feeling of community in my team. Strength - Close to be strength - Close to be a weakness - Weaknesses Enable Others to Act - I don't wait for specific instruction to fix something that clearly isn't working. I set the 'bar' high for myself, but also for others. I remain positive with myself and others in times of high-stress. I am philosphical about set-backs in life. I use them as tools for getting better personally and professionally. I encourage others to join in when initiating change. I value innovation and look for opportunities to exercise for myself and others. When faced with a big challenge, I break it down into smaller nearterm objectives to make it managable and avoid being overwhelmed. I accept that trying something new means failing is a possibility. I use failure as a personal learning opportunity and then get back to work. I accept that trying something new means failing is a possibility. I effectively use failure as a learning opportunity when leading others. I am persistent once a challenge is accepted, no matter the difficulties encountered. There is no 'quit' inside of me. I embrace change. My normal mindset is to look for new methods, ideas and solutions. I take the initiative to make needed changes whenever I find an opportunity. I look for challenges that are rewarding for myself and others. I effectively gain buy-in from others when introducing change. I welcome being challenged by others and receive criticism constructively. Strength - Close to be strength - Close to be a weakness - Weaknesses - I unerringly treat others with dignity and respect. I actively seek AND listen to diverse viewpoints I give others freedom of choice in deciding how to do their work. I foster cooperative (not competitive) relationships. I allow myself to be vulnerable with others in order to enjoy trusting relationships. I intentionally practice the skill of empathy: showing interest in others, being sensitive to other's problems, and convey compassion towards others. I provide people opportunities to make choices about how they do their work and serve others. I demonstrate confidence in the capabilities of constituents and colleagues. I don't have to be the center of attention - I enjoy seeing my teammates rise to the top. I listen to understand and not simply to reply. If 'knowledge is power,' I want all my team members to be as much or more 'powerful' than myself. I share information generously and normally. I take actions that make others feel powerful and in control of their circumstances. I seek out and insist upon face to face communication whenever it is feasible. I find balance between people's skills and the challenges associated with their work. I ask questions AND stop giving answers. I provide attentive and thorough feedback to others. I structure jobs so that people have opportunities to use their judgment, develop greater competence and confidence. Encourage the Heart Strength - Close to be strength - Close to be a weakness - Weaknesses - I firmly believe in the abilities of my team members to achieve the most challenging goals. I express thanks normally and frequently. I effectively nurture, support and encourage team-members to meet their full potential. I habitually offer positive reinforcement. I get to know team-members personally, developing relationships with them. I ensure my team celebrates its victories. I share stories as a way of communicating priorities and critical information. I routinely provide performance feedback so team-members know how they can improve. I am open to feedback from team-members, whether positive or negative. I effectively provide recognition to team-members for specific things they've done. Individuals are publically recognized by me for their team accomplishments. I clearly outline performance standards. Social gatherings are incorporated into team activities. Group achievements are publically recognized by me.
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Explanation & Answer



A. Topic/focus of the essay
B. Thesis Statement


First paragraph description

A. Summary of first piece of supporting evidence/information
B. Summary of second piece of supporting evidence/information

Second paragraph description

A. Summary of first piece of supporting evidence/information
B. Summary of second piece of supporting evidence/information

Third paragraph description

A. Summary of first piece of supporting evidence/information
B. Summary of second piece of supporting evidence/information


A. Restatement of thesis
B. Concluding remarks


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Leadership is an integral activity within an organization whether it is profit oriented or
not, many people involve themselves with organizations which they feel that has the best
leadership in place. Essentially, people like associating with people and things that are
successful, so firms that have exceptional experts who deliver and meet their goals on a timely
basis attract young talents. There are styles and skills that individuals must possess in order to be
under the class of effective leaders, every individual understands best what they ought to do for
them to be listed in the category of best leaders. In our case, we have considered a few of those
principles which act guidelines into becoming an effective leader (Seibert, 2017).
1. Model the way
This is whereby a leader acts in a particular manner that he or she wants those...

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