Right to Privacy on The Internet Argumentative Essay

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The paper is argumentative essay. You need to choose a side whether you are in favor of right to privacy on the internet .In simple words should everything be private on the internet or everything should be public.you should include a counter argument and attack it. I have attached two documents about the topic and different views to give and idea, the last slide have two links to articles I recommend you to read them.

the other file is the criteria that should be followed while writing the essay. Include and a counter argument and attack it. There is a link in how to paper should look .


let me know if you have any questions.

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A Sample Writing Template • Main thesis – The main point you want to make (M) – Supporting argument #1 - Argument that has M as its conclusion • Premises, Warrant • Additional arguments supporting the premises if needed • Anticipate arguments that might attack the premises or warrant, and defuse them – Supporting argument #2 - Argument that has M as its conclusion • Premises, Warrant • Additional arguments supporting the premises if needed • Anticipate arguments that might attack the premises or warrant, and defuse them –… • Conclusion – Summarize M in different words, and talk a bit about the possible implications of M if true. • Main thesis: Wendy’s has the best fries. – Supporting argument 1: It has the best taste. • Premise: They have the most fat and salt content, according to some blog B. • Warrant: Fat and salt content contribute to taste. • Possible counterargument: B is unreliable, but the author of the blog works for Wendy’s. • Conclusion: Therefore, Wendy’s has the best fries. Furthermore, I’m going to get some right now. Source: Annotation guide from https://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/data/argumentation-mining/argument-annotated-essays-version-2/ Detailed Rubric (part 1) Detailed Rubric (part 2)
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Explanation & Answer



A. Topic/focus of the essay
B. Thesis Statement


First paragraph description

A. Summary of first piece of supporting evidence/information
B. Summary of second piece of supporting evidence/information

Second paragraph description

A. Summary of first piece of supporting evidence/information
B. Summary of second piece of supporting evidence/information

Third paragraph description

A. Summary of first piece of supporting evidence/information
B. Summary of second piece of supporting evidence/information


A. Restatement of thesis
B. Concluding remarks


Privacy on the internet
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Institutional Affiliation



The term privacy refers to the capacity of a person or a group of people to
segregate either themselves, information about them and thus direct themselves selectively.
Individuals normally create boundaries together with their content because they perceive it as
private and should only be known by them. What is usually private to these individuals could be
their date of birth, health conditions, religion, gender, photographs and also the biometrics (Yang
& Zhao, 2017).
Privacy is essential in the following ways; it helps in limiting the government’s
power as well as the private sector organizations or companies. Whe...

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