Home Dog Training Kit Feasibility Study Paper

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Business Finance


  • Assignment Overview: In this assignment, you will determine the feasibility of your idea.
  • Assignment Directions: Using your process you created for the Forum this week, determine the feasibility of your idea. Submit the following:
  1. Describe your process used to determine if feasible.
  2. State your idea.: Affordable at home dog training course/ kit. To include a study guide and 24 hour access app for all customers.
  3. Use your process to determine feasibility of your idea.
  4. State your final determination if it’s feasible.
  5. Provide details to explain why it is or is not feasible at this time.
  6. You MUST include primary and secondary research to support to determination. For example, you say there's need or desire for your product/service? How do you know? It is your opinion only when you do not have relative and reliable research to back up your claims.
  7. Minimum 2 pages.

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Testing the feasibility of any business idea helps an entrepreneur start the process of determining
weak or strong components of concepts and will aid in examining how one could make it
relevant in the market. This is made in attempts to evade tensions or frustrations from the
economy. My product is a home training kit for dogs.
In line with this, I will start with the following:
1. Product evaluation. In this one, It entails getting the in-depth understanding purpose of
the product is vital to assess the consumer's habit f...

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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