ECON101 Fast Food Retail Shops Essay

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write an essay containing at least 750 words, excluding headings and bibliography. The essay must use at least two sources of information that are included in a bibliography and each cited at least once in the essay using a popular citation method, such as MLA. One of the sources must be scholarly and the remaining two can be either scholarly or popular sources.

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The business I am thinking of starting is a retail business involving the sale of fast foods
such as French fries, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, as well as chicken products. Other products of
the business will include soft drinks, desserts, milkshakes, and wraps. Most of the products will
be prepared on site, while others like the soft drinks will be purchased from manufacturers then
re-sold. The raw products will be purchased directly from farmers or convenience stores. The
business will have an eating space whereby the customers can order their food and take them on
site. However, the business will also offer takeaway services whereby the customers can order
their food and have them packaged for them to be eaten at a different location of their choice.
With time, the business will expand to include delivery services where the customers can order
food online and have them delivered to their locations. The business will be strategically located
within downtown to ensure easy ...

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