Please read the question and post stances with 2 resources for each question
The answer should be 2 paragraphs and 2 citation for each question. please exaplain the answer briefly
Is sharing security data the best way to deter cyber criminals?
Should hackers be hired by security firms after serving prison time for cracking? Be sure to justify your answer and consider liability.

Explanation & Answer

Surname 1
Name of Professor:
Cyber criminals or hackers are not lone wolves operating in secrecy and alone launching
tiny phishing schemes. They work together by forming well organized, sophisticated and wellfunded network making their operations strategically efficient. Therefore, I agree that to
effectively deter cybercrimes data sharing is critical. This would mean companies and other
business organisation's would need actionable intelligence and better ways of sharing it.
Platforms such as IBM X-Force Exchange are designed to initiate security intelligence sharing
across industries and companies.
The use of Cyberthreat intelligence (CTI) is another way of security data sharing that
helps enterprises from being attacked by hackers. For those involved in CTI, the results have
been tremendous, and it is their belief that it enables better protect companies from breaches.
Through cyber threat intelligence sharing, companies across industries can learn from each other.
This would help them set up defenses that would safeguard their respective corporations and
Surname 2
Yes, hackers should be hired after serving their prison time since hacking is more of ...