Need help with organic chemistry questions

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Explanation & Answer

Hello, thanks for letting me help you with this

2-Butene formula: H3C-CH=CH-CH3. It can be both cis or trans. As the question do not specify, I'll treat it as a racemate (mixture of both).

It is a symmetric molecule so when it reacts with HBr there will not be distinguishable Markovnikov addition

products. It will yield racemic 2-bromobutane as single product. 2-bromobutane is a chiral molecule. However, HBr addition is not anti- or syn-addition specific (it is mixed) and so no specific form (R or S) would be favored.

a) So, it is not regioselective.

b) It is not stereoselective.

c) It is not stereospecific.

Hope this is clear. If not, please drop me a line and I'll get back to you. If you appreciated my work, please upvote me. If not, please tell me why. Good luck with your studies!

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