Comparison between the empire building of Romans and Han China and Similarities of Romans and Han China Empires

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Comparison between the empire building of Romans and Han China and Similarities of Romans and Han China Empires

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Explanation & Answer

This the final answer dude

Comparison between the empire building of Romans and Han China
Thesis: The Roman Empire used to control the West Mediterranean. The Romans were more
advanced in sciences and technology and managed to organize a high economic margin in the
Mediterranean. The Romans had powerful engineering skills than that of Han Empire. They
invented the legalized code which was used in formation of the base of western part. The
Romans Left high technology, build institutions, and infrastructures which will influence in a
couple of centuries.
✓ Similarities of Romans and Han China Empires
✓ The difference of the two Empires
✓ Work Cited

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Comparison between the empire building of Romans and Han China
The Roman Empire used to control the West Mediterranean. The Romans were more ad...

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