Kepler Mission Project Assignment

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Project Information Kepler Mission

Due: bibliography and poster


NASA and other organizations have a number of observatories, both space and ground-based. Over the course of the semester we have learned about many different astronomical concepts and used observations from these observatories to illustrate the concepts. Unfortunately there is not enough time during class to thoroughly discuss all of the interesting observatories and their discoveries. While completing this project, you will learn about your chosen observatory, discoveries made using this observatory, and effectively convey that information to me and your peers. This is also an opportunity to your knowledge gained during the semester.


Pick an observatory from the following list: Observatories
Included a bibliography. Cite your sources using any format you prefer (e.g. MLA, APA, etc)

Make a scientific poster (use the given template) describing your observatory in detail. Your poster must have the following sections:

General Information:
Include the following information:

  • Name of your observatory (2 pts)
  • Picture of your observatory (2 pts)
  • Description of observatory (What kind of telescope/observatory is this, how does it work, anything that makes it unique/interesting (5 pts)
  • What type of wavelengths of light does your observatory function in? (2 pts)
  • What kinds of objects/phenomena is this observatory used for? Why is it used for these types of objects/phenomena? (4 pts) Discoveries:
    • Summarize (in a few sentences/short paragraph) 3 major discoveries from your observatory (7 pts each).
    • Include images/graphs to illustrate each discovery you are discussing (2 pts each) You will be asked to present your poster in class and give a short (3-5 min) oral summary of your. I will ask you a question related to your observatory and part of your grade will reflect how prepared you are for this.
  • Summary of findings (5 pts)
  • Ability to answer related question (4 pts)






Research Tips

  • Most observatories have a mission-specific website. Use this as a starting point.
  • Most mission websites have press releases that highlight important discoveries. Use these!
  • has comprehensive information about many different astronomical objects and missions.
  • If you’re uncertain about the validity or trustworthiness of a website or other source, please ask me.
  • If you need help understanding aspects of the science, please talk to me.
  • When using Google try adding “press release” to your search; it will bring up official NASA press releases meant for the general public “Do”s and “Don’t”s
    • DO ask me for help if you don’t understand something
    • DO explain things using terms you understand
    • DO use your textbook (or other similar source)
    • DO use Wikipedia to get a general overview of your observatory and to find citable sources
    • DON’T explain things using jargon you don’t understand (I will be able to tell)
    • DON’T copy things verbatim from the internet or other sources; I will be checking these for plagiarism.
    • DON’T cite Wikipedia as a source
    • DON’T wait until the night before the due date to do this project

Grading Rubric:

(see point breakdown above for details)

Correct format of poster: 2 pts General Information: 16 pts Discoveries: 27 pts Presentation: 6 pts Bibliography and Citations: 4 pts Total: 55 pts

Recommended Sources for Research:

General sources: www.skyandtelescope.com (The European Space Agency)

Your textbook!

Mission-specific website

NOTE: WIKIPEDIA IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE SOURCE. You may use Wikipedia as a starting place and follow links cited within Wikipedia, but you may not use Wikipedia as a source.

Please submit separate documents for the poster and the bibliography.

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Title General Info • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ultricies ultrices nisi, • at bibendum ligula. Duis eu volutpat sem. Etiam sit amet sapien tempor, placerat sem eget, • rhoncus augue. Vivamus tincidunt maximus leo, • et rutrum ligula scelerisque ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed tincidunt porttitor neque, nec dapibus est. Quisque vitae velit elementum, varius quam et, lacinia est. Curabitur convallis augue eros, a pharetra nisl consectetur in. Another picture Discovery 1 tempor urna sit amet ipsum viverra blandit. Vivamus aliquet lorem risus, a eleifend lorem iaculis et. Sed vitae nisl orci. Nam at vulputate tortor, vel pellentesque leo. Praesent aliquet dui et molestie consequat. Another picture Discovery 2 Proin finibus enim vitae mi tincidunt ullamcorper. Aliquam et pharetra dui, in facilisis dui. Etiam sed massa metus. Nulla convallis augue eu ante efficitur iaculis. Aenean maximus magna diam, ac dictum augue maximus eu. Donec A picture Another picture Discovery 3 Curabitur porttitor, velit at mattis malesuada, sem augue semper velit, non suscipit sem quam non urna. Integer mollis auctor nibh, eu laoreet est volutpat vel. Phasellus dolor magna, feugiat in tincidunt et, commodo in arcu. VLT Observatory By: Leah Blacks Section 1 General Info - First saw light on May 25th,1998 - went into scientific operations on April 1st, 1999 - it is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consist of four unit telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter and four movable 1.8m Auxiliary Telescopes -All four telescopes work together to form a giant interferno meter , allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. - It covers a broad spectral region from deep ultraviolet to mid-infrared wavelengths. Discovery 1 Stars orbiting the milky way black hole. The VLT revealed the effects predicted by Einstein’s general relativity on the motion of a star passing through the extreme gravitational field near the black home in the centre of the milky way. The VLT was used to obtain the view of the Nebula LHA 120-N44 surrounding the star cluster NGC 1929. Powered by TCPDF ( Name of Telescopes Antu (the sum) Kueyen (moon) Melipal (Southern cross) Yepun (evening star) Discovery 2 Scientist used the VLT to spot the chemical composition of a planet some 130 light years from Earth. This planet is about 10 times the size of Jupiter, with a surface temperature of 1472 degrees Fahrenheit (800 degrees Celsius). This was the first time the spectrum was observed from direct observations of a planet. Previous methods entailed watching a planet disappear behind a star, then observing the differences in spectra to obtain the planet's chemical composition. The Omega Nebula It shows the dusty, rosy central parts of the famous star forming region in fine detail. Discovery 3 The VLT has obtained the first ever images of a planet outside of the solar system. (exoplanet). Yepun, the fourth 8.2 metre unit telescope launching a powerful yellow laser beam into the sky. They do this to correct the blurring in telescope images caused by turbulence in Earth’s atmosphere. Hubble Space Telescope By: I’Nel West General Information about the Hubble Space Telescope The name of my observatory is the Hubble Space Telescope. This is the first major optical telescope to be placed in space. It is named after astronomer, Dr. Edwin P. Hubble. It was first launched on April 24th,1990. It is the length of 13.3 meters (43.5 meters long) which is the length of a large school bus. It weighed 24,000 pounds at launch, but now it would weigh 27,000 pounds if returned to Earth. It is used for observing the most distant stars and galaxies as well as the planets in our solar system. This telescope can see astronomical objects with an angular size of 0.05 seconds. The Hubble Space telescope shows visible light between infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation. Discovery 1 One discovery made from the Hubble Space Telescope Is the famous image of the “Hubble Ultra Deep Field”. It shows the farthest galaxies ever seen from Earth. Powered by TCPDF ( Discovery 2 Hubble Space Telescope has also detected black holes and these black holes suck in everything around them (including light). The Hubble Space telescope is known for discovering dark energy and also gamma-ray bursts (powerful explosions of energy). Discovery 3 The Hubble Space Telescope also has studied the atmospheres of planets revolving around stars. Hubble observed when an asteroid plunged into Jupiter’s atmosphere. This left a temporary dark feature which was the size of the Pacific Ocean.
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Explanation & Answer


Kepler Space Telescope
General Information about the Kepler Space Telescope
The name of the observatory is called the Kepler Space Telescope. It
was named after an astronomer known as Johannes Kepler. The
principal investigator of the Kepler Space Telescope was known as
William J. Borucki. The telescope was launched on March 7, 2009 by
NASA. The aim of the telesco...

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