The case study should written up as a Word document and be no more than 4 pages double-spaced no including references (MLA or APA). On the word document you should have: a title, your name, the case study, and work cited (APA or MLA)
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Environmental Issues: Hurricane Harvey
Student’s Name
Environmental Issues Hurricane Harvey
The discussion on climate change has gained significant attention in the twenty-first
century. Scholars in geography and social sciences all seek to understand the causes,
implications, and possible measures contemporary society could take to prevent changes in the
environment, which most people attribute to climate change. However, the subject on climate
change forms a significant cause of controversy, and unless people actually receive information
pointing to the implications of the change on the human welfare, then the controversy will
remain unresolved, with everyone addressing the topic from a perspective most convenient to his
welfare. Consequently, the research herein hopes to use developments in studies on precipitation
in the Gulf coast, with a specific focus on environmental events, hurricanes, which are a common
occurrence in the region. An evaluation of the different aspects of the precipitation and the
change experienced could be significant to addressing the controversy on climate change.
Hurricane Harvey
Using the ultimate financial expenses incurred following the disaster, the cost of
Hurricane Harvey to the American economy in the country’s recorded history is second only to
Hurricane Katrina of 2005. The government incurred significant costs in pro...