Main Foreign Market Entry Strategies Paper

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Wild, J.J., Wild, K.L., & Han, J.S.Y. (2015) International Business: The Challenges of Globalization, 8th Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 978-0133866247)


just make sure to write a sentence or two for each bullet point.


Q1) The main foreign market entry strategies:

just make sure to write a

sentence or two for each bullet point.

* Exporting

* Licensing

* Franchising

* Strategic Alliances

* Joint Ventures

* Wholly Owned Subsidiary

Q2) The functions of International Human Resources Management (IHRM):

just make sure to write a sentence or two for each bullet point.

* Recruitment and selection

* Training and development

* Compensation and performance management

* Management of expatriates

Q3) Staffing Approaches?

just make sure to write a sentence or two for each bullet point.

* Ethnocentric

* Polycentric

* Geocentric

* Regiocentric

ََQ4) Repatriation steps ? in Bullet points - just make sure to write a sentence or two for each bullet point.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached please review. Kindly let me know if you have any question. Thank you

Q1) The main foreign market entry strategies:
* Exporting -- It helps an organization to sell its product or services in the foreign market,
which ultimately creates a positive reputation in the market. Products and services reach
customers who are in a foreign country.
* Licensing -- It involves giving a foreign company the right to manufacture, market and sell
the product or service and the licensee pay royalty fees to the licensor. In short, the licensor
company offers assets and other skills needed to manufacture the product or service and in return
royalty fees is paid by the licensee.
* Franchising --This strategy incorporates a foreign company given exclusive rights to use the
organization’s brand name, marketing, and distribution and in return franchise fees is paid.

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