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1. Write the thesis statement of your research paper. Be sure to write it in one or two complete sentences. Answer: The New Deal provided relief to struggling Americans and tried to recover the collapsed American economy. Even though it was unable to end the depression, the New Deal expanded the role of government and left people expecting more from the government for the years that followed. (70 points) 2. Write a formal outline for your research paper. Include topics, subtopics, and details so that the reader gains a clear idea of the contents of your paper. Use your organized note cards as a basis for your outline. Remember to begin with a title and to follow all the formatting rules. You may refer to the Making Formal Outlines page to help with the format. Answer: I. Introduction A. Causes and effects of the Great Depression 1. The stoke market crushed and left many people in debts. 2. Crop prices dropped as farmers produced too much crops and this led them in to debt 3. High rate of unemployment left people hungry and living on the streets. B. Thesis statement : The New Deal provided relief to struggling Americans and tried to recover the collapsed American economy. Even though it was unable to end the depression, the New Deal expanded the role of government and left people expecting more from the government for the years that followed. II. Body A. President Roosevelt introduces the New deal 1. Speeches by the president that gave hope to the public 2. The “Brain trusts” and how the new deal came 3. reform, recovery and relief programs B. The New Deal Programs 1. CCC - The Civilian Conservation Corps 2. Social Security 3. TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority 4. AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Act 5. NRA- National recovery administration 6. FDIC – Federal deposition insurance deposition 7. WAP – Works Project Administration 8. FSA – Farm security administration C. Congress's reaction to Roosevelt's new programs II. Conclusion: Explain the effects that the new deal had on the Great depression and on the people. Explain how it changed the government and how it helped recover the American economy . 3. List three or more sources that you are using for your research paper. At least one should be a print source. You may refer to the Citations Guidelines page for help with the correct format to use when citing sources. Answer:  "SSA, the Social Security Administration and Rural America." SSA, the Social Security Administration and Rural America. The Ganzel Group Communications, Inc., n.d. Web. 03 May 2015. .  "Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal - American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources - Library of Congress." Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal - American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources - Library of Congress. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 03 May 2015. .  "Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal." The American Odyssey, A History of the United States. Ed. Morton Keller, Mary Beth Klee, Joshua Zeitz, and John Holdren. Ohio: K12, 2009. 686-706. Print. Those sound like excellent sources, and you used the correct format – just remember to remove hyperlinks. In addition, you’ve shown both online and print sources. Great work!
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