The Handmaid's Tale Theme Of Passivity English Literature Essay Help

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“Ordinary,” said Aunt Lydia, “is what you are used to. This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary.” Discuss the author’s treatment of the dangers of passivity in The Handmaid’s Tale. Page Length: 3-4 double-spaced typed pages in MLA 8e format.

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The Handmaid’s Tale Theme of Passivity.
Passivity is when someone absorbs all that is imposed on them with absolutely no form
of resistance. This is what was happening in Gilead the people were accepting all the atrocities
that were being forced on them without protesting instead of taking the evils imposed on them as
a norm. There are some fascinating focuses with regards to the story which decidedly expand this
subject. The first would need to be the point at which the nation began to experience its change.
Offred lets us know that there was not even any form of demonstration in the streets instead
people just stayed at home till night time sitting in front of the TV, searching for some direction
(Atwood, 1985, p. 174). What is by all accounts depicted here is an outrageous aggravation of
people vote based system turned out badly. Mostly, this the detached idea of the general
population not being able to get together, structure a horde and mob against the mistreating
powers that are becoming. This powerlessness to oppose may have added to the rise of
hierocracy in Gilead.
Another point in which the theme of passivity presents itself is ...

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