HRM326 Mega Consulting Training Needs Analysis

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Business Finance



Before training is determined or designed, a training needs analysis should be considered to develop a root cause and systemic understanding of the training elements such as what needs to be trained, who needs to be trained, where is the training location, and how the training will be measured. Unless a needs assessment is adequately performed it may be difficult to rationally justify providing training. A needs assessment will enable management to determine if training is the best solution for the performance problem or development need. A needs assessment can be a critical tool for any training department. The learner and the organizational needs will be considered during this process. The objectives will be relevant and the outcomes measurable.

this just goes along with the attached form that needs to be completed**************

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Training Needs Analysis Training Needs Analysis You called Mega Consulting to help you with some performance issues in your organization. Mega Consulting would like to have a meeting with you (the Training Manager) to discuss the situation. In order to provide some structure to the session, Mega asks that you complete the attached Needs Analysis form prior to the meeting. Your perspective on the performance issues, along with the data that you provide, will help Mega better understand priorities and the gaps in employee performance. Use your own organization or one familiar to you. Here are some examples of performance gaps to kick start your thinking. 1. Contact Center staff are giving out incorrect information on product return policies. 2. Store sales staff are not achieving sales goals. 3. The company is implementing a new system for processing orders. Pick one performance gap and your own organization and work through the analysis. 1 Training Needs Analysis Training Needs Analysis Complete the following in a total of 1,050-to 1,400 words. [That is about 100 words for each of the 12 questions.] 1. What is your performance gap? 2. What skills and knowledge are required to perform the work (related to the performance gap)? 3. What are the measures of successful performance of the work (related to the performance gap)? 4. Are people performing at the levels required? 5. Is there under-performance for specific groups of employees? (You are trying to narrow things down here, maybe not everyone needs to be re-trained.) 6. What are the causes of under-performance? (This is where you need to use your critical thinking skills around the root cause(s) of the performance gap.) 7. What training will help bridge the gap between the standards of performance needed and the actual performance? Are there other things that need to be done, besides training, to solve the problem? 8. Is there specific training that is needed in the training triad categories below? a. Technical training b. Business skills training c. Human skills training 9. What is the expected return on the investment (ROI)? 2 Training Needs Analysis 10. What does success look like? 11. Do you have a budget for the training development/course? 12. Any other relevant information? 3
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What is your performance gap?

As the administrator in my production organisation, we are encountering a few
difficulties. The store deals staffs in the association are not meeting their daily deals
objective. In my association, we have targets which each sales rep needs to meet. Every
individual is relied upon to sell no less than seventy-five per cent of the stock distributed day
by day. Throughout a previous couple of months, the deals have been low, and my
association can't meet the general targets. We have hence encountered some loses and dealing
with my association has turned out to be testing.

What skills and knowledge are required to perform the work?

All salespersons must know about the item they are managing. All specialists ought to
have the preparation and ability every item works and the significance of individuals who use
it. They ought to likewise know its incentive to the business. The business people ought to
likewise have exceptional relational abilities. They are speaking with various individuals
available and they ought to have the capacity to talk to them about time management
(Rotenberg, 2014). They should utilise their time. All salespersons should utilise the available
time to meet their objectives. Every one of the hours of the day ought to be used well. Post
sales relationship with the executives (Rotenberg, 2014). The business people ought to relate
well even after the deal is finished. This is to empower them to follow any issue which may
emerge after that. This will likewise make them return to purchase your items some other
time and beat the challenge in the market.

What are the measures of successful performance o...

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