NSG451 Phoenix Identifying Waste In The Medical Workplace Presentation

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University of Phoenix


Assignment Content

  1. Think about the clinical environment where you work or one in which you previously worked.
    Identify opportunities for waste reduction. Consider the following:
    • Setting: administrative, operational, clinical
    • Efficiency
    • Value to patient

    Suggest process changes to improve the situation.
    Write a 175-word communication to frontline staff and nurse leaders explaining your findings.
    Develop a 7- to 10-slide presentation for your department.
    Submit your presentation and communication.

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Explanation & Answer




Waste Management
Students’ Name
Institutional Affiliation



To: Frontline staff and nurse leaders
From: Health Strategic Manager
Date: 10/May/2019
Subject: Waste reduction
Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to our attention that with the survey we conducted last
month, a reduction in inappropriate waste handling and disregard of waste deposits to the right
places is emerging. Currently, medical apparatus are mishandled and kept all over the facilities
posing potential threats to you and your staffs and patients. We have therefore developed several
guidelines that will be availed to all departments. We expect full cooperation and behavior
adjustment to suit the recommendation and guidelines established. You as leaders should be the
pillar to ensure that your staff learn and adhere to the stated instructions. W...

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