The China Syndrome Movie Review Political Science Essay Help

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need help writing a 4-5 page essay for a political science class From one of the movies or documentaries on the list . directons and the list of movies are on the attached files . thankx for the help in advance .

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MOVIE REVIEW FOR POLITICAL SCIENCE /American Government OPTIONAL EXTRA-CREDIT ASSIGNMENT Directions: Choose any film to review and write a 3-5 page (max.), double-spaced typewritten essay (per film) discussing the political themes of the film. Compare & contrast these themes with what you have learned thus far in class. Do NOT discuss/include the actors, directors, and others involved with the film-making process. ONLY discuss the story and the themes of the film!! Do NOT uses outside sources!! Argo Lincoln The Conspirator Inside Job Frost/Nixon Syriana Munich Good Night and Good Luck Hotel Rwanda And the Band Played On Born on the Fourth of July JFK Malcolm X The Manchurian Candidate (either version) All the President's Men Wag The Dog Primary Colors Birth of a Nation (silent film) Ghosts of Mississippi Mississippi Burning A Soldier's Story To Kill A Mockingbird The Burning Season Missing (1982 film) All the Kings Men Antz Bob Roberts Bulworth The Candidate The China Syndrome The Missiles of October Nixon Reds V for Vendetta Rendition Charlie Wilson’s War Blood Diamond Thank You for Smoking Thirteen Days Traffic The Contender The Quiet American Milk American History X Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Dead Man Walking Gideon’s Trumpet Breach Fair Game An American President Ides of March Glory House of Cards A Bridge Too Far Trumbo The Big Short Wall Street The Wolf of Wall Street The Man in the High Castle The Promise The Young Karl Marx Zootopia Documentaries Letter to the President Poverty, Inc. 638 Ways to Kill Castro Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt The War Room Waco: The Rules of Engagement Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam Panama Deception Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Scandal 8: the Mormon Proposition Who Killed the Electric Car? Sicko Shut Up and Sing Run Granny Run Hacking Democracy Outfoxxed The Trials of Henry Kissinger Ralph Nader: An Unreasonable Man Howard Zinn: You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train The People Speak In Pot We Trust Sacco and Vanzetti A Crude Awakening The Road to Guantanamo Uncovered: the War on Iraq What Would Jesus Buy? The Peace! The Fog of War Fahrenheit 911 Bowling For Columbine Roger & Me Capitalism: A Love Story Cadillac Desert Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room Mighty Times: the Legacy of Rosa Parks Wal Mart: the high cost of low prices An Inconvenient Truth An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power The Corporation With God On Our Side Frost/Nixon: the Original Watergate Interview Jimmy Carter: Man from Plains John Lennon v. the United States The People v. Larry Flynt Outrage The Cove By the People: the Election of Barack Obama The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till The Corporation Food, Inc. Crude Poverty, Inc. Requiem for the American Dream Salam Neighbor 13th (Netflix only) Citizen Koch Get Me Roger Stone Electoral Dysfunction Black Panthers BlackKlansman (Spike Lee) Patriotic Act (Hasan Minhaj/Netflix) This class is for fundamentals of Political science/ American Government class. It teaches you the over all basic understanding of how the US and California system work . Directions: Choose any film to review and write a 3-5 page (max.), double-spaced typewritten essay (per film) discussing the political themes of the film. Compare & contrast these themes with what you have learned thus far in class. Do NOT discuss/include the actors, directors, and others involved with the filmmaking process. ONLY discuss the story and the themes of the film!! Do NOT uses outside sources!! Directions . please add the following : 1.Discussion of Content. Discusses and describes the content of the film in the First Person style of writing. Does not mention the director, producers, actors, or any aspect of the art of film making. Worth 6 points. 2.Student Reaction to the Film. Student must discuss their personal and academic response (s) from watching the film. Student describes what they learned from watching the film. 3.Length of Essay Must be at least 3 full pages, maximum of 5 pages.
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The China Syndrome
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Content of the Film

The China syndrome is a film produced in 1979 that describes nuclear power and its
safety. The film tries to capture a nuclear accident plotted to happen as a heroic attempt. The
movie is made of the show –biz kids who come up with their image thus enabling the film to
come up with a unique style. The heroic attempt is the plot of the film with the roles on the
context of the film being the main cast in the film. The film is based on an accidental occurrence
at the nuclear plants that occurs at a plant outside Chicago. The syndrome affects the personal
values bearing it as a thriller. It, therefore, the film attempts to impart the society a progressive
force which makes up the central message behind the film.
Review of the Film
The China Syndrome is a thriller movie that is considered as terrific as it attempts to raise
unsettling questions on the safety of nuclear power plants and what they are. It was at first
categorized as a political film considering that it focuses on nuclear power. It is a wrong
classification as the movie is well acted and crafted making it an entertaining film. However, it is
also classified as a terrific thriller as it features a lot of scary elements (Shaw, 2013). The actual
film is based on an accident that occurs at the nuclear plants which are regarded as “The China
The supervisor of the nuclear power plant is the main character of the film which works
in Southern Californi...

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