Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks Research Paper

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Disaster preparedness planning for a cyber attack whose responsibility is it. Research paper


including tentative references. It mustinclude the following subsections/subtitles in the following order:

1. Title Page

Course number, your name, professor's name, and a tentative title).

2. Problem Statement(include ProblemBackground)

(2 paragraphs; you should utilize – cite and/or reference ‐‐ at least two per‐

reviewed resources to illuminate the problem).

Your Research Question can serve verbatim as the Title of your paper.

3. Research Question(must end with “?”)

Investigating the past and/or present

It should point to a problem/process/phenomenon that has not been covered in the literature, or you believe has been covered or answered incorrectly, insufficiently or inadequately.

Distil key variables/factors: which one is possible cause and which one is possible effect/consequence?

4. Thesis or Proposition

Your preliminary/presumed answer to your Research Question)

“factors A, B and C affect/cause or correlate with Y”

5. TentativeLiterature/Resources List

At least 10 peer‐reviewed resources in addition to other resources)

 Final Project must be at least 15 APA-formatted and referenced pages including title page and references.

 In the Final Project, all listed sub-headings/sub-sections from the Final Project Content and Format must be included.

 In some subsections/subheadings from this course template under Research Design section you should state briefly in a paragraph or two, a method/technique you would use to conduct your own "field" research on the subject (survey, interview/s, statistical analysis, content analysis, etc.). You will have no time conduct actual field research.

 In the Literature Review section, you should APA-review at least 10 peer-reviewed authors who wrote on the chosen subject in addition to primary sources (laws, regulations, convention, treaties and media sources). Wikipedia should not be used as a reference.
 In the Analysis section, you should critically assess authors' premises, logic of inquiry and claims. You should inject your own thoughts on these authors' analyses and the topic itself by the end of the Literature Review and in the Analysis section. The Analysis section should conclude with a statement on your own previously stated Hypothesis that should answer the question if your Thesis valid or not.

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Running head: DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING Disaster Preparedness Planning Student’s Name Institution 1 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING 2 Disaster Preparedness Planning Problem Statement Based on the contemporary society’s rate of development, the increased demand and supply of economic investment in disaster-prone areas has been a cause for concern, particularly in disaster preparedness, mitigation, and recovery measures. In most cases, the government takes a leading role in the compensation and provision of recovery resources to the victims of disaster. Recent cases of disasters, such as Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and Michel in 2018, present an example in which the government took a central role in providing relief to the victims of the disaster following incidence. Most recently, the victims of the California Fires received significant support from the state and federal governments in restoring normalcy to their lives. Ultimately, the government may have played such a significant role, but it would be important to consider that some of the entities affected lie within the private sector. Nonetheless, although the private sector also contributes to the recovery process, it does so out of charity and not obligation as is the case with the government. Cyber security concerns are an example of an area that is primarily in the private sector domain, but disaster preparedness in line with cyber security concerns often lie with the government. The research herein hopes to develop an ideal answer to the question based on analysis of the different parties most affected by the disasters commonly experienced in society. Research Question Whose responsibility, the government or individual entities and companies, is it to ensure adequate disaster preparedness? Thesis DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING 3 The government has a more significant role in contributing to disaster preparedness owing to its responsibility in ensuring the welfare of the victims affected by a particular disaster. Rather than end up with too high costs that would otherwise be avoided through proper preparation in anticipation of different forms of disaster, the government ought to take a lead role and call out for support from the private sector in disaster preparedness efforts. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING 4 References Achora, S., & Kamanyire, J. K. (2016). Disaster Preparedness: Need for inclusion in undergraduate nursing education. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 16(1), e15. Adams, R. M., Prelip, M. L., Glik, D. C., Donatello, I., & Eisenman, D. P. (2018). Facilitating partnerships with community-and faith-based organizations for disaster preparedness and response: results of a national survey of public health departments. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 12(1), 57-66. Ashida, S., Zhu, X., Robinson, E. L., & Schroer, A. (2018). Disaster preparedness networks in rural Midwest communities: Organizational roles, collaborations, and support for older residents. Journal of gerontological social work, 61(7), 735-750. Barnes, M. D., Hanson, C. L., Novilla, L. M., Meacham, A. T., McIntyre, E., & Erickson, B. C. (2008). Analysis of media agenda setting during and after Hurricane Katrina: Implications for emergency preparedness, disaster response, and disaster policy. American journal of public health, 98(4), 604-610. Blessman, J., Skupski, J., Jamil, M., Jamil, H., Bassett, D., Wabeke, R., & Arnetz, B. (2007). Barriers to at-home-preparedness in public health employees: implications for disaster preparedness training. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 49(3), 318326. Fox, M. H., White, G. W., Rooney, C., & Rowland, J. L. (2007). Disaster preparedness and response for persons with mobility impairments: Results from the University of Kansas Nobody Left Behind Study. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 17(4), 196-205. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING 5 Guion, D. T., Scammon, D. L., & Borders, A. L. (2007). Weathering the storm: A social marketing perspective on disaster preparedness and response with lessons from Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26(1), 20-32. Liu, W., Lai, C. H., & Xu, W. W. (2018). Tweeting about emergency: A semantic network analysis of government organizations’ social media messaging during Hurricane Harvey. Public Relations Review, 44(5), 807-819. Shaw, R. (2018). Role of private sectors in disaster risk reduction: Potential and challenges. Journal of Disaster Research, 13(7), 1207-1212. Thomas, K. A., Elliott, J. R., & Chavez, S. (2018). Community Perceptions of Industrial Risks Before and After a Toxic Flood: The Case of Houston and Hurricane Harvey. Sociological Spectrum, 38(6), 1-16.
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Running Head: Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks

Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks
Student Name
Institution name
Professor Name


Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks


Problem Statement
Looking at the ongoing of what is the contemporary setting of the society and the
development of the human phenomenon of life, humanity has become exposed to many dangers
ranging from both natural disasters to the very human-related factors. Following this fact, many
governments have raised focus on this concern especially when it dawns to disaster preparedness
and the various recovery measures necessary for regaining the aspects of life destroyed during a
disaster strike. On major cases of disaster strikes, various governments are usually on the
frontline in recovering their citizens, their lost property due to a disaster followed by insurance
companies who only cover for the amount insured. For instance, taking the example of Hurricane
Katrina in 2005, the government of the United States of America ensured that the affected people
were successfully compensated for their losses, as well as, receiving relief aid during those hard
times (Pilkington 2009).
Although the government has been seen as a key player in disaster preparedness
measures, it is quite imperative to understand the lives of people, especially from a private
perspective are the ones mainly affected by such disastrous events. The private sector is also
involved in relief aid and the recovery process although this happen in the form of charities and
well wishing. Even with charities and their roles in the recovery process, the government holds
the mandate for such awareness and recovery after a disaster strike. Despite having natural
disasters, man – led disasters also pose a significant threat to the lives of the compact majority. A
good example and the underlying topic of this paper is the threat of cybersecurity as it stands
among the major man – drive threats that leave the contemporary society exposed to danger. For
cyber security, the private sector is the most affected segment of the modern society. This is
because the modern man has built their lives around a globe interconnected with the internet of

Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks


things, such as smart homes, apps and software which may be the link between a cybercriminal
and their prey’s data as well as, defining their lives and the statuses they live under. Altogether,
the government has the sole mandate on disaster preparedness focusing on the man-defined
cyberattacks (Giddens 1991).
Research questions
Between the government and individual units, who should hold the larger mandate to
guarantee satisfactory catastrophe preparedness for cyberattacks from a contemporary
The government holds more of the responsibility in the contribution of measures
designate for disaster preparedness. The government should also consider compensating the
victims of major natural as well as man – engineered disasters. In doing so, the government
would avert the many suffering and high costs that occur when a major disaster has not been
prepared for. As such, the government ought to be the main pioneer of disaster preparedness and
should embark on the private sector providing auxiliary aid for the cause of healing from a
disaster strike, both from natural phenomena as well as from human – caused disasters such as
Disaster preparedness and corrective measures as analyzed from the Past
Cyberattacks Analysis
The term cyberattack refers to any sort of unauthorized or offensive infringement of the
information system, computer networks, infrastructure and individual computer devices without

Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks


the relevant consent. As such, a cyberattack may take the form of illegal access to information,
tampering with information without the relevant consent or even malicious destruction of
computer software and hardware. The following are types of cyberattacks.
Denial of service and distributed denial of service
This form of cyberattack disables a computer system from working according to the
purpose set for its functioning. As such, the system refrains from accurately functioning to
requests made by the legal user. As such, hackers do not directly benefit from such hacking, they
only delight from the notion that they have maliciously harmed another entity. For hacking
involving a business entity, such forms of cyber attacks only benefit the competitors of the
business whose computes system and computer network have been hacked and maliciously
destroyed (Melnick 2018).
TCP SYN flood cyberattack
During such an attack, the hacker takes advantage of using the buffer space when
conducting TCP session exploitation handshake where the attacker’s hacking devices overflows
the attacked computer process queue system with connection appeals. As such, the computer
system freezes as it waits for responses already registered from the aggressor’s computer.
Altogether, the computer system crushes due to the filled up with the requests made by the
attacker (Melnick 2018).
To safeguard a computer system from TCP SYN flood attacks, the servers of the victim
computer systems ought to be safeguarded by the use of firewalls which filters the incoming

Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks


SYN packets. Also, it would be wise to increment the size of the created connection line and at
the same time decreasing the timeout available to all open connections (Melnick 2018).
Ping of Death cyberattack
With this type of cyberattack, the attacker uses Internet Protocol packets in pinging the
target computer using an IP which is over 65,535 bytes. Considering that the maximum bytes
required for a proper functioning of a computer system is 65,535 bytes, acquiring a higher
number leads to the crash of the computer since the hacked system attempts to reassembled the
requested packets. To prevent a computer system from such attacks, it is imperative to safeguard
the computer using a firewall for any fragmented IP packets ensuring that only the required IP
packets are requested avoiding excess IP packet fragments (Melnick 2018).
Man in the Middle cyberattacks
For this type of cyberattack, a hacker strategically intersects the communication between
a system server and the client. Some very common forms of (MitM) attacks include but not
limited to; IP Spoofing, Replay, session hijacking, among many other examples which are
rectifiable (Yang et al., 2012).
SQL Injection
From this perspective, a cybercriminal commandeers their victim’s database hat are
linked to a structured query language (SQL). A website which collects the information of its
users is a good example of an open season for SQL injection since these platforms are usually
linked to a specific database where the user data gets stored (Fruhlinger 2018).
Crypto jacking

Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks


Crypto jacking is a complex technique where another person’s computer system gets
utilized by an attacker in mining cryptocurrency for the attacker by installation of malware from
the computer system being used for crypto mining to do the required calculations or even run
some specific JavaScript codes which then executes within the computer system of the victim
(Fruhlinger 2018).
Phishing involves the actions of a cybercriminals design emails that mislead their targets
in taking harmful actions. This may include the download of malicious software which disguises
as significant documents. Also, phishing can involve a trick to the victim computer user to tap
into a designed link only to be prompted on their sensitive information including; bank, social or
employment details (Fruhlinger 2018).
Malware is an acronym denoting malicious software. This maliciously designated
software is developed and designated to cause harm to a single unit of a computer network,
server or system and may spread to other computers after sharing storage devices without first
scanning them for viruses. What happens here is that, the attacker uses these malwares to render
the victim computer system, network or server and therefore proceed to access these items from
a remote perspective (Fruhlinger 2018).
Recent examples of cyber attacks
Looking back at the last decade counting from now, the concept of cyber attacks has been
the core underlining trend of the last decade. Cyberattacks have been committed stretching from,

Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks


the Facebook saga following the presidential campaigns of Donald Trump, virtual heists to
monetary institutions to open nation – state attacks. This thus pictures the past decade as an era
having a rough cyber security. Such cases are viewed below from the diverse attacks (Sood &
Enbody 2013).
WannaCry erupted in May 2017 as a ransomware which took over the already hacked
computer system by encrypting more disabling features on the computer system. When the entire
system gets controlled, the malicious content then demands ransom from the victim in the form
of bitcoins for their computer systems to get decrypted (Fruhlinger 2018).
This form of cybercrime took root in 2016.it is a form of ransom malware that got spread
through phishing spamming. This malware ensured that users could not access their files at will.
As such, the victim users get ransoms demanded from them by the attackers for their computers
to function properly again. This malware is believed to be made by Russians to attack
Ethereum is not considered a top – notch cybercrime but when considering the financial
damage caused by this malware, it then qualifies for a close focus. Ethel takes the form of
bitcoins. In July2018, an approximate 7.4 million USD got stolen from Ether followed by a
similar heist of 32 million USD which raised concerns over the entire blockchain currency trend.

Disaster Preparedness for Cyber Attacks


In 2017, a colossal credit agency announced that it had noticed that cyber offenders were
illegally utilizing the vulnerability of a web application from the United States in gaining the
access to classified files for more than 150 million users. This caused a great deal of turmoil for
the people especially considering the fact that Equifax was selling its services by allowing people
to confirm whether their data had been compromised (Fruhlinger 2018).
This cyberattack occurred in the year 2018 where the GitHub hosting service got hit
tremendously with a 1.35 Tera Byte of data traffic in a second which compromised the system
temporarily. Though the effects were felt in a matter of around half a minute, it arose various
concerns following the ease of access of hackers on a computer network and systems of major IT
– based companies in the world.
Yahoo (revised)
This cyberattack was directed at hacking the email system of Yahoo in the year 2013
affecting more than 3 billion Yahoo email addresses. During these trends, many of the email
passwords got hacked including the backup emails of users. As such, the hackers gained the
abilities to ga...

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