This assignment is just to observe what a 1-2 years child doing in 10 mins and record it down. Need to describe how they pick up a toy or what's the emotion on their face and what happened. It needs 10mins note for B(a code name that I gave one of those boys) and 10 mins for G(For girl). There is also some other questions and I've uploaded to the link below.
I've done 2 of those assignment, it's so hard for me to fake another one because it's boring...
They also have a playground which including a slide and some toys...11:50 is what they usually having lunch.
Pls help me and fake some random notes for me
Thanks a lot!
Here is the example and timeline.
11:30-11:40 for B
11:40-11:50 for G
Child observation 3
11:30 : B was running in the playground along with other kids, he quickly followed another child to a small room and talking with him.
11:31: B is still in the small room. Their teacher came in and gave them permission to play those push toy and the mini truck.
11:32: B quickly ran in front of the push toys and picked up one of those with his both hand.
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Explanation & Answer
Observational Exercise 4: Overall Development of Child
Observation for B- 11:30-11:40
Observation for G- 11:40-11:50
At 11:30: B comes into the playground with his friends making noises and most of them
laughing, but I could recognize him easily because he had long, brown but well-combed hair and
his dark skin.
11:31- B joins his friends as they walk slowly towards a room painted white and B called it
‘White House’ where they often played. He struggles to sit on the seats in the place but manages
to balance himself, and he sits comfortably.
11:32- their teacher enters the room with a bunch of playing dolls, crayons, paint brushes, and
small boxes. B grabs the crayons and begins to draw different structures such as a ball ...