Overall Development of Child Observational Exercise 4 Project

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This assignment is just to observe what a 1-2 years child doing in 10 mins and record it down. Need to describe how they pick up a toy or what's the emotion on their face and what happened. It needs 10mins note for B(a code name that I gave one of those boys) and 10 mins for G(For girl). There is also some other questions and I've uploaded to the link below.

I've done 2 of those assignment, it's so hard for me to fake another one because it's boring...

They also have a playground which including a slide and some toys...11:50 is what they usually having lunch.

Pls help me and fake some random notes for me

Thanks a lot!

Here is the example and timeline.

11:30-11:40 for B

11:40-11:50 for G

Child observation 3

11:30 : B was running in the playground along with other kids, he quickly followed another child to a small room and talking with him.

11:31: B is still in the small room. Their teacher came in and gave them permission to play those push toy and the mini truck.

11:32: B quickly ran in front of the push toys and picked up one of those with his both hand.

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> Observational Exercise 4: Overall Development of Child Dazma , K. (1978), Child Study through observation and participation: A Workbook. Palo Alto, CA: R & E Research & Associates. I. Describe the child's physical characteristics. (Note such physical characteristics as skin, hair, nails, eyes and teeth using objective terminology). II. Motor Skills A. Large Muscle Activity: Record at least three of the following activities as you observed the child doing, noting failures, partial successes, and successes during each activity. * Walking, crawling, creeping, sitting down, climbing, balancing, swinging, jumping, B. Fine Motor Activity: Record three examples of the child's use of hands in the manipulation of small objects such as puzzles, small blocks, crayons, paint brushes, scissors, doll clothes, dishes, fastenings on clothing C. Does the child show a hand preference? Give examples. III. Sensory Perceptions: Give examples of three different kinds of children's sensory perceptions you observed among any of the children. (For example: shape, size, color, texture, time, weight, distance, temperature, number, sound, smell or taste). IV. Language Development: Write down five minutes worth of the child talking. If the child you selected to observe is not talkative, choose another child for this portion of the exercise. * Look over the “sample of speech” that you recorded and note the following: * total number of words * number of different vocabulary words * number of sentences * number of words in shortest sentences * number of words in longest sentences average number of words per sentence V. Personality Development Write down at least three examples you witnessed of the following * Sense of independence... "I can do it myself.” * Sense of initiative ... "Today I am going to finger paint.” * Feeling of accomplishment. "Look I painted the whole page blue." * Child understanding of his sex role ... "Boys aren't supposed to wear dresses." * Emotional expressions of distress, anger, fear, jealousy, envy, disappointment, anxiety, shame, delight, elation, affection, joy, hope
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Explanation & Answer


Observational Exercise 4: Overall Development of Child
Observation for B- 11:30-11:40
Observation for G- 11:40-11:50
At 11:30: B comes into the playground with his friends making noises and most of them
laughing, but I could recognize him easily because he had long, brown but well-combed hair and
his dark skin.
11:31- B joins his friends as they walk slowly towards a room painted white and B called it
‘White House’ where they often played. He struggles to sit on the seats in the place but manages
to balance himself, and he sits comfortably.
11:32- their teacher enters the room with a bunch of playing dolls, crayons, paint brushes, and
small boxes. B grabs the crayons and begins to draw different structures such as a ball ...

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