An Enemy of the People Enemy Construction and the Press Discussion Paper

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In this Discussion, we ask you to apply the concepts of the "Enemy Construction and the Press" to your reading of An Enemy of the People. Each of the options below asks you to think about how a given character deploys some of the "enemy construction" strategies discussed in the essay by Jones and Sun.

Task: Write a 400 word essay in which you answer ONE of the prompts below:

1. Analyze how Hovstad engages in "enemy construction" by describing the backers of the Baths (including the mayor) as " self-opinionated old fossils" inAct II of An Enemy of the People.

  • Your  essay should include a provable thesis that explains which of the elements of "enemy construction" discussed by Jones and Sun the play adopts in its depiction of Hovstad's motivation.  (one quote from article + 2 quotes from play for an A; 1 quote from article +1 quote from play for a B; 1 quote from play for a C).

2. Analyze how Peter Stockmann (the mayor) engages in "enemy construction" in Act III of An Enemy of the People though his critique of Dr. Stockmann's article to the editor of the People's Messenger (Hovstad) and the printer (Aslaken), who then replace it with his.

  • Your  essay should include a provable thesis that explains which of the elements of "enemy construction" discussed by Jones and Sun the play adopts in its depiction of Peter Stockmann's motivation for asking the editors to substitute his article for that of his brother.  (one quote from article + 2 quotes from play for an A; 1 quote from article +1 quote from play for a B; 1 quote from play for a C.)
  •  ***390-410 words. Strict about word limits

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How to Format Discussion Essays Scroll All the Way Down Essay 1. The thesis must be underlined and make an argument that can be refuted (meaning, don't point out obvious things; a reasonable person ought to be able to disagree with the argument given the same evidence). 1. Thesis must be specific and say what you claim, how it works, and why it's important. 2. It may be up to 2 sentences long, but not more. 2. Claims and Evidence: to prove your argument you must make claims that are then supported by evidence from the readings, viewings, or podcasts. 1. We need direct quotes from the articles (with page #s when available) 2. You may paraphrase closely from a video or podcast but give us a timestamp (ex: 7:06-7:45) table explaining requirements for each of the grade ranges as far as number of claims and type of evidence used Specs Grade # of Claims & Evidence A 3 claims supported by 3 pieces of evidence (with pg#s when available, or time-stamps) B 2 claims supported by 2 pieces of evidence (with pg#s when available, or time-stamps) C 1 claim supported by 1 piece of evidence (with pg# when available, or time-stamp) F no distinct claims, no direct quote or paraphrase, SU19 A100 Discussion Rubric SU19 A100 Discussion Rubric Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Underlined thesis/argument This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Makes Distinct Claims to support thesis/argument Ratings For an A range grade The underlined thesis answers the question clearly with respect to the assigned materials by explaining the significance of the analysis of these sources For an A range grade Makes 3 distinct claims that further the argument and demonstrate the ability to synthesize the assigned texts into a complex understanding. For a B range grade The underlined thesis answers the question only at a surface level, by summarizing the content of assigned material without adding anything new or explaining significance. For a B range grade Makes 2 clear claims that engage with assigned texts but at a surface level. For a C range grade The underlined thesis answers the question in general terms about his/her own beliefs or opinion; For a C range grade Makes 1 identifiable claim but does not refer to specifics about the assigned materials. For an F Does not answer the question directly. For an F range grade Essay is either offtopic or there are no distinct claims made. Only statements of belief or opinion with no connection to any of the assigned content. SU19 A100 Discussion Rubric Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Textual Evidence in Support of Claims This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Peer comments This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Word limits Ratings For an A range grade Provides 3 in-depth specific examples and explains how they prove his/her claims. DIRECT QUOTES only from written materials (cite page #s when available). May use close paraphrase for video or podcast with time-stamps) For a B range grade Provides 2 brief and specific examples as evidence. DIRECT QUOTES only from written materials (cite page #s when available). May use close paraphrase for video or podcast with time-stamps) For an A range grade Substantive comments on 2 peers' posts that include 3Cs + Q: Compliment, Comment, Connect, Question. Only get full points if essay is 400-420 words. Shorter essays with 2 peer comments will not receive extra points For a B range grade Substantive comments on 1 peer's post that include 3Cs + Q: Compliment, Comment, Connect, Question. Essay must be B length to earn this. A longer essay with only 1 peer post will only earn up to a B range grade. Shorter essays will not earn a B even if there's one peer post. For an A range 390-410 words. We are strict about word limits For a B range grade 290-310 words For a C range grade Cites 1 example as evidence. DIRECT QUOTES only from written materials (cite page #s when available). May use close paraphrase for video or podcast with time-stamps) For a C range grade For a C grade No comments required if essay is 250270 words. An essay that is A or B range length but has no peer comments may only earn up to a C range grade For a C range grade 240-260 words For an F range grade Gives no concrete examples For an F grade Essays shorter than the length of a C range essay and also include no comments will earn this. For an F Fewer than 240 words
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Enemy Construction
One aspect that has remained synonymous with both the old and new a game of politics is
the immense ability of politicians to paint revolutionist advocating for change as complete
enemies of the people. Unexpectedly, the method propelling such an image on a revolutionist is
quite standardized and various elements remain constant. In the book an enemy of the people by
Henrik Ibsen, Peter Stoc...

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