Termination Plan

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Review Ch. 11 on Termination from Essential Skills in Family Therapy.

This chapter (Ch.11) can be found in your ebook from MFTO 601, Essential Skills in Family Therapy, Second Edition by JoEllen Patterson. To access your ebook go to https://shelf.brytewave.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Identify issues with your client population as you prepare to complete your Internship.

Write a 1-2 page reflection in which you explain how you will address termination with your clients. ( I AM FINE WITH 1 PAGE BUT IT YOU WANT TO DO TWO THATS FINE)

Paper should be in APA format.

Click the Submit Assignment link in the upper-right corner to upload your assignment.

My client population was mostly Caucasian women.

I have a few black women.

I only had one child

and one male the males did not stay long.

I have been letting them know my internship is almost up and that I will give them options of a great provider within the office but most have been discharging out due to meeting their goals.

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